This actor needs more money

Chapter 569 Hua Dan fights and wins the Golden Eagle Goddess

The filming of "Rescue Mr. Wu" started in July, and Ding Xiu finished filming in mid-September.

Since late August, he, Liu Dehua, and Liu Ye have been filming separately, and they often don't see each other.

A week after Ding Xiu finished filming, the director called and he was called back again.

"Director Ding, what do you want from me? Is it a reshoot?"

The weather was a bit hot. Ding Xiu was wearing slippers and big pants. He had just come over after dinner at home.

Director Ding Sheng was a little embarrassed: "It's still a strangulation scene. The extras are not as good as you. I want you to come over and be a stand-in."

It was all finished, and he was called back. He was called back not to reshoot his own scenes, but to serve as a stand-in for others.

It was the first time for Ding Sheng to do such an immoral and smoking thing, so he was very embarrassed.

But he couldn't help it.

This scene is Andy Lau's final scene. The content is that at nine o'clock in the evening, the kidnappers did not wait for Zhang Hua's call. They planned to kill my husband to silence him.

The method used was strangulation.

In order to capture reality, Andy Lau had to be real.

There was no way, the director asked extra actors to be used, but without comparison there would be no harm. Compared with Ding Xiu's previous operation, the extra actors' technique was too rough.

Liu Dehua himself was not satisfied either.

It was Liu Dehua who suggested Ding Xiu come over to help.

But he didn't call himself, so the director had no choice but to do it himself. During the call, he specifically asked if Ding Xiu was in Peiping and if he was busy.

Knowing that he was not busy, he invited the person back again.

"This is not my role." Ding Xiu said with a gloomy expression.

This is the consequence of offending an actor. It is not easy to invite him back after filming is completed. The director's smile froze.

"Yes, yes, I know it's not your role, but I just want to ask you for help. If it's inconvenient..."

Before the director could finish speaking, Ding Xiu said firmly: "This is another price."

Good boy, you're kidding me, right? The director didn't know that Ding Xiu was joking, so he just acted as a stand-in and how much money could he make for just a few minutes of the scene.

"It's easy to tell. I'll set up a few tables tonight and have enough drinks."

Tonight is Liu Dehua's wedding banquet. He can eat for free. He invites Ding Xiu over and eats as much as he wants without paying for it.

Kill two birds with one stone!

"That's pretty much it." Ding Xiu nodded in agreement.

Then he asked the staff to give him props and costumes.

Since you don't have to show your face, you don't need to put on makeup. You just need to change your clothes. You don't even need to change your pants. Ding Xiu is still wearing slippers.

Arriving in front of Liu Dehua, Ding Xiu told him, "Brother Hua, if you feel uncomfortable later, just pat him with your hands."

Liu Dehua put down the water glass: "It's okay, I trust your craftsmanship."

He was really worried about leaving this matter to others. Although he kept saying that he wanted the extras to feel safe and bold, he was actually feeling scared.

The group performers are neither gentle nor heavy, and I dare not put too much pressure on them. If it is gentle, it will have no effect, but if it is heavy, I have to explain it here.

After thinking about it, it would be more reliable to call Ding Xiu over.

"Don't worry, it's all right." Ding Xiu patted Liu Dehua on the shoulder and said with a smile, "I am more professional than acting in the business of recruiting people."

How to strangle someone to death quickly depends on the height and weight of the target, how much force is applied, and from what angle. These are all particular.

He is an expert at this.

I have been working for decades, longer than my career as an actor.

Just pretend to strangle, this is not pinching with a hand.

That is to say, the director didn't give enough money, otherwise he could really strangle people into the crematorium.

"Brother Xiu, Brother Hua, are you ready?"

Ding Xiu made an OK gesture.

Liu Dehua sat on the edge of the bed. Ding Xiu picked up the wire, tested the strength and length, and then wrapped it around his hand.

While going around, he explained: "The wire cannot be too long, otherwise the victim can grab the murder weapon as soon as he reaches out."

"But it shouldn't be too short. If it's too short, it won't be able to exert its strength. When strangling, it must be accurately strangled on the trachea. Raise the knife and lower it with one breath. Don't hesitate. The strength will be lost as soon as the breath is released..."

Ding Xiu's words made the hairs on Liu Dehua's back stand up and his whole body felt chilly.

"Brother Xiu, what did you do before you entered the industry?"

"He's an ordinary high school student. Director, I'm ready."

"Get ready, start!"

When the director's voice fell, Ding Xiu's eyes narrowed, and he suddenly took action and put the tight wire around Liu Dehua's neck.

Pulling back, the person fell onto the bed.

The body was grabbed, leaning back, and then the force was stronger.

In less than ten seconds, Liu Dehua's energy and blood were sluggish, his face turned red, and he tried to hold on to the wire with both hands, but he couldn't catch anything at all.

Twenty seconds later, veins popped up on Liu Dehua's forehead.

The director didn't dare to delay at all, and kept asking the cameraman to capture: "The veins on the forehead, close-up, close-up soon, and the neck, there are veins on the neck, don't let it go."

"Look at your eyes, they are bloodshot... with trembling hands, take a shot."

Thirty seconds later, his pupils dilated, his mouth opened, and he began to show signs of fainting.

At this time, Liu Dehua's mind was blank.

He had forgotten what Ding Xiu said and clapped his hands when he couldn't bear it.

I just felt that my eyes were a little dark, and I could vaguely see Tai Nai.


The next second, fresh air poured into his mouth again, and his eyes gradually brightened. It turned out that Ding Xiu had let go.

There were many voices in my ears, including directors, assistants, and staff, all shouting loudly.

After more than ten seconds, he regained consciousness and waved his hand: "I, cough, cough, it's okay, it's okay."

After so many years of filming, I have encountered dangers, but this is the first time that I have been so close to death like this.

There was fear at first, but after a few seconds there was no fear, just a blank mind, as if the limbs had lost strength.

From behind, Ding Xiu's voice came: "Brother Hua, you have such great acting skills, I admire you!"

Liu Dehua forced a smile, his acting skills were poor, he really forgot, but of course it was impossible to say that in front of so many people.

"It's all for the character. Don't talk about it. Director, I want to see the replay."

Coming to the monitor, Liu Dehua watched the replay carefully. It only lasted for a few dozen seconds, which was not long. The expression on his face in the picture, from struggling at the beginning to accepting his fate at the end, was very real.

The blue veins on his forehead, the tears streaming down his face, and the fingers turning white from excessive exertion all tell the story of this murder scene.

No wonder Ding Xiu said that he acted well. Who wouldn’t call the police after watching this?

If this clip is released, he will be on the headlines tomorrow.

At this time, Liu Dehua touched his neck with fear: "Hiss!"

He felt the stinging pain on his neck and realized that he had been strangled.

Ding Xiu said: "Someone, please bring some ice cubes. It will be better if you apply ice."

"Did you hear that? Send ice cubes!" the director shouted to the assistant director.

Ding Xiu smiled and said to Liu Dehua: "It's okay. It will disappear in two days and there will be no sequelae."

Liu Dehua, who calmed down, was silent for a few seconds and asked: "In a situation like mine, will I die in a few seconds?"

Ding Xiu almost laughed out loud: "It's still very early. Under normal circumstances, if you want to strangle someone, it will take at least one minute."

"If the strength is weak, three to five minutes is normal."

"You've only had more than thirty seconds, and you haven't even made half the progress."

"Generally speaking, the first stage is sore throat and cracking, and then the arteries are blocked. In the second stage, the oxygen supply to the brain is cut off, and the brain begins to be deprived of oxygen, resulting in bulging veins and, in more severe cases, eye rolls."

"In the third stage, the heart will become abnormal. This is also the time when the instinctive will to survive is struggling most fiercely. Adrenaline will reduce the pain and use all the strength of the body to resist."

"The fourth stage is when the resistance fails, the whole body has no strength, and the patient becomes incontinent."

"You are only in the early stage of the second stage, and you are still half way from death. This is also the maximum safety bottom line I can achieve within the scope allowed for filming."

The first two stages are not very harmful to the human body, just rest for a few minutes. From the third stage, even if you survive, your body will be damaged to some extent.

In order to protect Liu Dehua's throat, Ding Xiu didn't even put a wire around his throat, otherwise his vocal cords would have been torn.

During the stranglehold process, he still took it step by step, gradually increasing his strength, instead of going all out at the beginning.

Otherwise, given his strength, Liu Dehua would not be able to survive for even one minute.

Ding Xiu's words made Liu Dehua and director Ding Sheng feel chills running down their backs, and they looked at him with something wrong.

What did this kid do before he debuted?

Why are you so familiar with murder techniques?

With his familiarity, neither of them would be surprised if news of his arrest spread one day.

"Rescue Mr. My Life" has been completed and post-production has begun. Zhao Liying's "A Thousand Bones" has also come to an end and its webcast has begun.

Qin Gang directly spent more than 10 million in "publicity fees."

With the help of Hunan Satellite TV and Tencent Video, Zhao Liying was instantly praised.

I have accepted several jewelry endorsements.

Hua Qiangu’s online platform plays continue to break records, one billion, two billion, three billion...

Isn’t it just brushing? Who can’t do it if they have money?

Experts know the secrets, while laymen watch the excitement. Ordinary fans don't know so many secrets. They only know that Zhao Liying is so popular this summer.

At about the same time, the voting for female students of Shonan Satellite TV’s Golden Eagle Award began.

There are more than fifty female artists selected.

Fans from all over the world voted on Weibo.

In less than a week, Zhao Liying, Yang Ying, and Liu Sisi stood out, and their votes were significantly higher than those of the others.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that, to no one’s surprise, this year’s Golden Eagle Goddess is one of these three people.

Qin Chao Entertainment was not idle here, and began to attract friends and form gangs to support Zhao Liying.

Under the leadership of Ding Xiu, its artists, including Huang Bo, Yang Mi, Gao Yuanyuan, Qin Lan, Tang Yan and others, posted on Weibo to canvass her votes.

Wang Baoqiang, Wu Jing, Tong Dawei, Fan Binbin and other people who are familiar with Ding Xiu also liked and forwarded it.

All of a sudden, Zhao Liying's votes exceeded those of Liu Sisi and Yang Ying.

The first person to be eliminated was Yang Ying. I don’t know why, but Hua Yi behind her was not strong enough. Most of the time, her husband Huang Xiaoming found someone to canvass him for votes.

The company seems to be dead, and no one cares about it.

How could Huang Xiaoming alone be able to defeat so many people on Ding Xiu's side? Defeat was doomed.

Liu Sisi's side has been strong for a few days.

The company behind her is Sugar Man. Hu Ge from the same company has put in a lot of effort, and the company is also contributing, but it is still no match for Qin Chao Entertainment.

This kind of public voting award, in addition to the actor's reputation, is more of a game between the capital companies behind it.

Sugar Man cannot beat Qin Chao Entertainment, neither its soft power nor hard power is good.

Hua Yi was able to compete with Qin Chao. They had money and people there, but they didn't know why they didn't take action, but just watched Yang Ying being surpassed.

Logically speaking, the relationship between the two families is not good. In this situation, it is definitely either you die or I live.

Ding Xiu inquired about it and found out the reason.

Yang Ying wants to run.

The contract has expired and I am about to change jobs.

Even if Hua Yi dislikes Qin Chao, he can't help an artist who is about to change jobs to deal with Ding Xiu.

Fighting requires money, buying trolls and marketing, all of which are free of charge, but finding people to canvass for votes also requires favors.

These are real investments.

Yang Ying is about to change jobs, and the Wang brothers are so stupid that they will give her the resources to promote her as the Golden Eagle Goddess of this year.

Injuring the enemy eight hundred and injuring oneself two thousand cannot be done.

Not to mention, they have long known that Hunan Satellite TV's butt is crooked. How many times has Ding Xiu appeared on Hunan Satellite TV from two years ago to now?

In addition, Hua Qiangu is broadcast on Shonan Satellite TV. If there is nothing fishy about it, who would believe it?

After one month and three rounds of voting, Zhao Liying successfully won the first place with a total of 21.8 million votes and became the Golden Eagle Goddess of this year.

After the matter was settled, Zhao Liying posted her thanks one by one on Weibo, thanking the artists who helped and thanking the fans.

She also specially thanked Yang Mi for the artists within the company.

Even though Yang Mi only posted two Weibo posts, they may not have been posted by her herself. They may have been posted by the company using her account.

But Zhao Liying still thanked her.

Because this time, Yang Mi did not stand up to vote.

If she comes out for election, there might be another bloody storm. First of all, there will be chaos within the company, and no one can support her.

Yang Mi herself has a lot of fans, especially since Gu Jian Qi Tan has just finished airing, her popularity is very high.

In the evening, Zhao Liying received a private message from Yang Mi in reply: "No need to thank me. If you want to thank me, just thank Brother Xiu."

If it weren't for Ding Xiu suppressing her, she would definitely choose the Golden Eagle Goddess this year.

Although Gu Jian Qi Tan is not as popular as Hua Qian Gu, she also has a small period movie.

Little Times 3 was released on National Day, with a box office of over RMB 60 million on the first day.

It has been released for more than 20 days and has a total box office of 530 million. In the remaining few days, it will not be a big problem to get another 18 million box office.

Just the rating is a bit low.

Four point five.

But the box office is real. With the addition of Little Times 1 and 2, this trilogy has already exceeded 1 billion.

The first and second parts of Little Times were both released last year, and it’s only been a year since the third part came out.

Including the second part of Ding Xiu's Xiuchundao, in less than two years, she has made 1.8 billion in box office as the heroine.

This data is eye-catching no matter where it is placed.

Who dares to disapprove of her?

If she really competes for the Golden Eagle Goddess, even if Xiangnan Satellite TV is partial, she will not have no chance of winning.

By then, Zhao Liying's biggest opponent will be her.

But Ding Xiu was standing in the middle, preventing her from choosing. Qin Gang's intention was the same as Ding Xiu's.

That's why she gave up...

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