This actor needs more money

Chapter 580: Meet Barron again, open fire

The most tiring person on the crew of Wolf Warrior 2 is Wu Jing. As the director and starring actor, he has to come back and watch the replay after every shot.

At the same time, he also had to take care of other co-ordination work of the crew. If Ding Xiu hadn't helped from time to time, he would have been really busy.

At three o'clock, the crew restarted work, and Wu Jing, who had eaten and drank enough, organized the team to start filming again.

Ding Xiu took out his walkie-talkie and said, "Captain Zhang, how is the situation outside?"

Two seconds later, Zhang Wei's voice came: "Nothing has been discovered so far. Everything is fine. Can the crew finish the work before dark? It is not recommended to camp here."

"Don't worry, no matter whether we can finish filming or not, we will finish the work before dark. You guys, please work hard and report anything in time."

Zhang Wei brought twenty-five people with him this time, five of whom stayed on the set to protect everyone, while taking turns to replace the people outside.

Twenty other people were scattered about a mile around the crew in a triangle.

Zhang Wei, a veteran who has been a soldier and performing missions for many years, is a little scared when it's dark here. It's really unsafe.

Speaking into the earphones, he continued: "The remaining group of people should not be idle. Take out all the linen bags in the carriage, fill them with mud and sand, and make a simple fortification."

After saying that, Zhang Wei secretly said: "It's best not to use it."

There was dirt everywhere here. The five people in the security team took shovels and linen bags, and started filling the soil in pairs, while the remaining person was responsible for carrying it.

Soon, several fortifications two meters long and one meter high were piled up.

At half past five in the afternoon, seeing that it would get dark soon, Ding Xiu urged Wu Jing.

"Brother Jing, how long will it take?"

"Right away, the last few."

"hurry up."

At half past five, before the shooting was finished, Ding Xiu said: "Stop shooting what you can't finish. Come back tomorrow. Go back first."

"Wait a minute, this is the last one, five minutes, I'll leave after taking the photo."

Wu Jing pays more attention to safety than anyone else, and also hopes that the crew can complete daily shooting according to the shooting plan.

Once the machine is turned on, hundreds of thousands of expenses will be spent every day.

Don't look at the last few minutes. If you really have to wait until tomorrow, you will have to mobilize more than a hundred people to re-set the scene, put on makeup, and make some explosions. It won't take half a day to complete, and hundreds of thousands more will be spent.

Wu Jing also felt sorry for Qian. Seeing that everything was fine at this time, he gritted his teeth and wanted to finish filming before leaving.

"hurry up!"

Ding Xiu had been a director and knew Wu Jing's psychology. After urging him one last time, he put on his bulletproof vest, checked his pistol, and drove the car towards the front where he was showing off his power.

Through the intercom, he said: "Lao Zhang, how is the situation?"

"It is temporarily stable and there are no abnormalities."

"Inform the brothers that the crew will finish work in ten minutes and let them get ready."


Not much more than a mile away, Ding Xiu reached the spot with just a few clicks of the accelerator. As soon as he stopped the car, Zhang Wei jumped out from a bush on the side of the road.

"Brother Xiu."

"Thanks for your hard work."

Ding Xiu handed him a cigarette, Zhang Wei held it in his mouth, took out a lighter, lit it, and took a nice sip.

I lie down here all day long. I can't move except during shift time. It's very boring. I finally get off work right away. What I want to do most is to have a cigarette to relieve stress.

Suddenly, teammates yelled from the earphones. Zhang Wei's expression changed drastically. Before he could speak, Ding Xiu heard the crackling sound.

Of course this damn place couldn't be setting off firecrackers.

This is gunfire.

"Brother Xiu, there is a car approaching 1.5 kilometers ahead, followed by several pickup trucks. They are two groups of people, exchanging fire all the way!"

Ding Xiu said solemnly: "All the team members are gathering here. No matter who the opponent is, hold on first and buy time for the crew behind to escape."

After saying that, he switched the intercom to the public screen and shouted to the heads of various departments of the crew: "There is a gunfight in the front. The crew evacuates to the rear quickly. We don't need the equipment anymore. Run!"

Behind the scenes, Wu Jing didn't care too much. He called a few people, took the camera and computer and ran away. He didn't need other things, but not this.

The content inside was shot at a cost of tens of millions.

Hearing the gunfight, more than a hundred people ran away in a chaotic mess, some running towards the hillside, and some heading into the woods. Wu Jing screamed to no avail.

On Ding Xiu's side, it was 1.5 kilometers away, and the running pickup truck arrived in less than a minute.

Zhang Wei fired a shot into the sky, trying to stop the fleeing pickup truck from running this way, but the other party ignored him.

The co-pilot took out his weapon and fired at the vehicle behind him while shouting at Ding Xiu.

"One of our own, Brother Xiu!"

Zhang Wei was stunned. He didn't know that Ding Xiu had such ruthless friends in South Africa.

The guy who shouted was shooting with his gun, and he didn't forget to throw a grenade behind him. This skillful operation even made Zhang Wei, who had a background in special warfare, feel a little ashamed.

"Brother Xiu." Zhang Wei looked at Ding Xiu, waiting for his next instruction.

"I'm a jerk!" Ding Xiu took the AK from Zhang Wei's hand and swiped it at the pickup truck's tires.

If the other person doesn't stop, then you should stop for him.

Ding Xiu had been in the army for a while, and his marksmanship was good. As soon as the shuttle went down, two front wheels blew out, but even so, the driver still rushed towards them and came to them abruptly.

The person in the passenger seat jumped out of the car holding an automatic rifle and said while running: "Brother Xiu, it's me, Barron."

"I'm sorry for you, uncle, why don't you come over here."

The man running in front of him had a crew cut and a scarred face. He was Barron, the champion when Ding Xiu held the King of Fighters showdown a few years ago.

Back then, he had guessed that his grandson might be a mercenary.

I didn't expect to see you again today. This guy is playing real CF.

Panting, Barron came to the front: "It's too late, brother Xiu, there is a drug lord on the opposite side, he kills without blinking an eye, help block him."

"I'm blocking you, I'm filming a special forces scene, but I'm not a special forces soldier, so I'm blocking with my head?"


As soon as Ding Xiu finished speaking, Zhang Wei held down his head and squatted down. Several bullets flew over his head and hit the jeep.

Without time to think too much, several people moved to the back of the jeep.

Raindrops of bullets kept passing by him. Ding Xiu wanted to kill Barron in one shot, but that was not the time now.

On the intercom, he ordered everyone: "Fire, block people, retreat while fighting, run to the crew, hide in the fortifications."

"One group, two groups, three groups, come quickly to support!"

There are currently only two groups here, plus Ding Xiu, Barron and Barron's companions, there are thirteen people.

There are machine guns and grenades on the opposite side. The firepower is too strong to fight a protracted battle.

More than a dozen people opened fire at the same time. After a few shots, they were temporarily suppressed. Zhang Wei said: "Run quickly."

At this moment, everyone ran faster than the other.

Ding Xiu grabbed Barron who was running in front, gave him a hard throw, and threw him to the end: "What the hell are you doing? You stay behind."

Cursing the Three-Character Sutra in his mind, Barron got up and continued running. At the same time, his hands were not idle, and he fired directly towards the back without even taking aim.

While escaping, Barron discovered that Ding Xiu and his group were really extraordinary.

The retreat was orderly, and there were people taking cover. Whether it was the posture with the gun or the route of escape, they didn't look like ordinary people at all.

When normal people encounter this situation, they would have run away in a swarm, burying their heads in all directions, without even daring to turn around and block him from time to time.

After running a few hundred meters, they came to a small slope. The crowd swept a few more shuttles, suppressing the other side and not daring to show their heads, and then ducked away.

Even though they fought for so long, according to Ding Xiu's observation, no one on both sides died, which meant that the other side had zero casualties.

At this time, three cars rushed over from behind, and the backup people arrived.

Not caring too much, everyone got into the car. Soon, the car came to the crew's fortification. Barron said: "Don't run away. If you can't run away, you will only be a living target if you continue to run."

"Stop the car, I'll plant a few bombs, and we'll hide behind the fortifications to attack them."

"Others occupy favorable terrain and try to capture these people."

Ding Xiu stared and said, "If you don't give me an explanation for a while, I'll kill you."

Barron smiled bitterly: "We'll talk about it later. Let's get two of the crew's cars to block the front. Our advantage this time is that they don't know the situation here."

"Don't worry, you won't die."

Zhang Wei arranged for two cars to be placed at the front. Barron took out a remote-controlled bomb and placed it under the car.

Then he ran to the fortification and hid.

"One group, two groups, and three groups should not show their heads. Follow my instructions and then fight. Groups four and five will show the enemy's weakness. Keep them closer."

"Brother Xiu, don't raise your head. Nothing will happen if you hide behind the sandbag."

Bullets kept flying over his head, and some hit the sandbags, which made Ding Xiu's heart tremble.

He felt relieved after making sure he couldn't break the sandbag.

Taking this opportunity, he observed Zhang Wei and the others. The shooting method was completely different from that in the TV series.

In gun battles in TV dramas, you hide behind a bunker, stick your head out, aim at the enemy, and shoot.

And the enemies also lined up to deliver food to their doorsteps, as if they were not afraid of death.

The real situation is that Zhang Wei and the others did not aim at all, and never put their heads out of the sandbags. They only raised the guns above their heads from time to time.

The enemy on the other side was more brave, relying on the large number of people to continuously suppress the fire, and the sandbags were almost broken.

The two parties were several hundred meters apart and fought like this for more than ten minutes.

On Ding Xiu's side, the fourth and fifth groups were almost out of bullets. It seemed that they felt that their firepower was weakening. The opponent suppressed the fire while driving over with a car.

Until they reached the place where the crew parked their car, the other party stopped. At this time, the distance between the two parties was no more than 100 meters.

Barron pressed the remote control without hesitation.


There was a loud noise, and the two cars shot into the sky. The people hiding behind the cars all lay on the ground and howled. There were stumps all over the ground, and bright red blood flowed all over the ground.

"Everyone, f**k me!"

Zhang Wei shouted through the earphones, and a group of two groups and three groups, which had been holding fire for a long time, emerged from behind the fortifications, holding guns and shooting.

More than 20 guns fired wildly in one direction. The scene was very spectacular. Those who were lucky enough not to be killed before had no place to hide.

The cars were smashed with holes, and the people hiding behind lay down one after another.

Ding Xiu held a pistol and fired with half-closed eyes, and soon the magazine was empty.

What is different from the TV series is that after the enemy is shot, he will not endure the pain and take dozens of shots. Basically, he will lose his combat effectiveness after being shot once, and he will only be left wailing.

No one can bear the pain of being shot.

It's good if you don't pass out.

After a few minutes, the battlefield became extremely quiet. Zhang Wei made a gesture, and everyone slowly surrounded him in a fan shape.

Ding Xiu also wanted to follow, but Zhang Wei pushed him back.

Standing at the back, Ding Xiu followed him forward. Even though he had seen big scenes, the situation at the scene also made him a little uncomfortable.

Bodies everywhere.

The death was also very miserable.

Barron loaded his pistol and reloaded the gun one by one. After making sure it was safe, he walked towards Ding Xiu with a smile.

He raised his hand to pat Ding Xiu on the shoulder, but Ding Xiu grabbed his wrist, shrank his body towards Barron, turned around, twisted his waist, and slammed forward hard.

An over-the-shoulder throw slammed Barron to the ground, causing a cloud of dust to pop up.

Barron's comrades wanted to step forward, but a dozen guns were suddenly pressed against their heads.

Ding Xiu said coldly: "Tell me, who are you, why are you running towards us, and who are they?"

"I'm from a security company." Barron gritted his teeth in pain, but had to speak: "A regular security company."

Translated by Zhang Wei: "They are mercenaries. They will do anything for money. They are generally divided into two departments, one is overt and the other is undercover."

"He openly works as bodyguards for celebrities, bosses, and entrepreneurs, and secretly does assassinations and fights on the battlefield."

Ding Xiu looked at Barron without any intention of letting go: "So what is your mission this time?"

"There is a drug lord here, and someone is paying for his life. I brought my brother here to work, but something happened and I didn't survive. Instead, I was hunted down."

"Why did you know I was here and why did you run to our crew?"

"Brother, there are more than a hundred people in your crew strutting around. No one knows about the surrounding areas. We have to check the locations before starting work. We must have a clear understanding of the surrounding situation and the retreat route."

Barron didn't resist at all, he just lay on the ground and continued: "You guys, more than 20 people, are not simple. They all retired from the army."

"Otherwise, I wouldn't dare run towards you, and I won't do anything to deceive people."

At this time, the car engine roared, and an SUV drove over from behind. It was Wu Jing with a heavy face.

"Brother Xiu, a crew member on the crew was hit by a stray bullet and needs to be sent to the hospital."

The incident happened suddenly, and the crew members ran around with their heads in their hands. Some of them hid far away, ignoring the lethality of the bullets.

The AK has a longest range of more than 2,000 meters and is lethal within 1,500 meters.

Some people were unlucky enough to be hit by stray bullets falling from the sky. Fortunately, their injuries were not serious and their lives were not in danger, otherwise they would have died unjustly.

Ding Xiu focused on Barron, is this what you call silent?

Barron was embarrassed: "The medical expenses, nutritional expenses, and mental damage expenses are mine."

Ding Xiu glanced at the company's security personnel and said, "Let's go back and find a safe place to stay."

Then he said to Barron: "Forget the medical expenses, I can still afford the money, but this matter has nothing to do with us."

"Our crew was filming honestly. When we saw you guys getting angry, we hid far away and didn't know anything."

Wu Jing was a little confused. He didn't know what Ding Xiu said. He turned his head and saw corpses on the ground not far away, and his stomach turned.


Turn around and vomit.

Damn, with so many lives, no wonder Brother Xiu said it was none of their business.

If he is caught, he will be shot dozens of times.

Barron nodded: "I understand. This was all done by my teammates. It has nothing to do with you. Don't worry, I will pay for the corresponding losses later."

Ding Xiu let go of Barron and said to everyone: "Let's get out of here."

"Wait!" Barron got up and said to Ding Xiu, "Can you take a step to speak?"

The two walked aside to talk, and Zhang Wei called on everyone to clean up the battlefield.

There are so many corpses that cannot be thrown on the ground. The best way is to burn them on fire to destroy the traces of the corpses.

"Brother Xiu, I haven't completed my mission yet. Can I borrow some brothers from you?"


Ding Xiu was so angry that he made a scene for no reason. How could he lend it to someone else?

"They helped me complete the task, and I got every cent of the money I deserved."

"I'm not short of money."

"Three million dollars."

"If you beep again, I will kill you."

Ding Xiu was so angry that he turned around and walked away. Within a few steps, he bumped into Zhang Wei, with several other team members behind him.

"Brother Xiu, promise him." Zhang Wei said.

Ding Xiu opened his mouth slightly, not knowing what to say.

Zhang Wei pointed to his walkie-talkie. It was turned off. The team members were still talking on the phone at this moment. Everyone heard what Barron said just now.

"They need money."

"I'll give you whatever you want!"

Several team members were grateful, and then someone stood up and said, "Brother Xiu, thank you, but we don't want your money."

"Fuck, my money was stolen or robbed. You don't want it."

"That's not what we mean. You can't help us for a lifetime, and we can't repay your kindness. Let us go and we'll be done with it."

Three million U.S. dollars, the current exchange ratio is 1:8, which is more than 20 million.

The people who came forward were all old and young, and their families needed money. After dividing the more than 20 million, each of them would have several million more.

You can never earn so much by working as a bodyguard in your lifetime.

Zhang Wei sighed: "Let them go."

They are all his brothers. He understands their situation better than Ding Xiu. Some of them really need money.

These bloody men will not accept Ding Xiu's charity.

Ding Xiu had no choice but to turn around and shout to Barron: "There are three people here. Bring them back to me in full tomorrow morning."

"Thank you!" Barron nodded heavily.

He was on an assassination mission, so having too many people would be too conspicuous. Three people, plus him and his teammates, a total of five people, was enough.

After finalizing the task, the three people in the team began to take out the things with identity information on their bodies and gave them to Zhang Wei for safekeeping.

If they cannot come back tomorrow morning, they will be the ordinary people who were affected and sacrificed in today's chaos.

In any case, we cannot admit that the people who followed Barron were the crew.

An hour later, night falls.

Wu Jing had already evacuated with the crew, leaving only a car with a full tank of gas and no license plate.

After the five Barrons got into the car with the confiscated equipment, they looked at the two people in the back seat in confusion.

"Why are you two here?"

Zhang Wei said while scribbling on his face: "I brought people out, and I must take them back one by one."

Ding Xiu was checking the loading of the pistol and said calmly: "It is everyone's responsibility to punish evil and promote good."

"speak English!"

"I haven't killed anyone in a long time, my hands are itchy."

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