This actor needs more money

Chapter 593 Chasing the murderer in the white night

Ding Xiu was bothered for a long time, and then he half-heartedly said that after the filming of Bai Ye Chasing Murder was completed, he would see if he had time to go to the set of Three Lives, Three Worlds and Ten Miles of Peach Blossom.

Naturally, Yang Mi agreed wholeheartedly, saying that the role would always be reserved for him.

After the meal, Ding Xiu left. Yang Mi and Reba went shopping, chatting while walking.

"You're lucky. I originally wanted to recruit you to play the second female lead, and I asked Brother Xiu to invest 18 million."

"Who would have thought that I could do something unintentional? Now not only can you go over to film, but my funds are also in place."

"By the way, Reba, let me tell you, our two dramas have schedule conflicts. Please don't interfere with me. Come over as soon as you finish filming. I stopped all the variety show interviews and other things in the first half of the year. Seriously. Do the job in front of you.”

Reba rolled her eyes and thought, Sister Mi, you do more than ten dramas a year, but you still have the nerve to accuse me. If the entire entertainment industry wants to overshadow dramas, who can beat you?

"Don't worry, Sister Mi. I will definitely complete the tasks assigned to me by Brother Xiu and you. I will not delay the filming of the crew. I will do my best."

She's not Yang Mi, so she really doesn't have that much workload. Besides, she doesn't dare to participate in these two dramas. One is the eldest sister who protects her, and the other is the boss of the company. Anyone she offends will die.

The reason why I insisted on meeting Ding Xiu today was because I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to go to the set of Three Lives, Three Worlds and Ten Miles of Peach Blossom.

Sister Mi is a job hopper, so I went to film her scenes, so I was a bit sensitive.

I told my agent at the beginning that my agent's advice was not to go because I was worried that it would be difficult to explain to the company.

But she really wanted to go, so she decided to meet Ding Xiu. Ding Xiu was the big boss, and he agreed that everything was easy to discuss.

"Oh, I can't help it, don't imitate me." Yang Mi sighed.

In the past few years, the Golden Broom Award has notified her every year to go and win the award. She is also angry, but there is nothing she can do. The work pressure is high.

The gambling agreement of 300 million yuan, if you lose, you have to pay back 300 million yuan, plus 15% interest, which is 45 million yuan.

More than 40 million is still affordable. The biggest loss in this bet is her time.

If we really accomplish nothing in three years, we will fall behind in domestic entertainment and never get up again.

If you win this bet, even if you are about to be 30+, with these 300 million resources, you can work hard in the entertainment industry for ten years and stay on the front line.

Since she had a good relationship with Yang Mi, Reba naturally knew about her situation and didn't want to rub salt into the wound, so she changed the topic.

"Sister Mi, Brother Xiu really has nothing to say to you. He gave me 30 million without blinking an eyelid. He didn't even ask what kind of movie it was."

She knew that Ding Xiu and Yang Mi had a good friendship, but she didn't expect it to be this good.

You know, before finding Ding Xiu, Yang Mi found several bosses and investors, but those people didn't dare to invest in her.

Or you can invest money, but there are many requirements, such as discussing the script together at night.

Let alone friends, Yang Mi didn't say anything, and even Reba knew that if you ask friends in the entertainment industry to borrow 1.8 million, they will be willing to lend it.

Tens of millions, don’t even think about it.

Anyone who can lend you five million is already closer than a real brother.

Even your biological mother may not give you 30 million.

But when Yang Mi and Ding Xiu opened their mouths, Ding Xiu gave him 30 million without even thinking or asking.

Even among good friends, when discussing business, they will first read the script, discuss shares, study the market, etc.

What Ding Xiu did was completely a voluntary help between friends.

Reba felt that the relationship between Brother Xiu and Sister Mi was comparable to Bao Shuya and Guan Zhong in ancient times.

The spring breeze was blowing sharply, and Yang Mi squinted her eyes. She didn't know what to think. After a few seconds, she said, "Brother Xiu is indeed very loyal and a very good friend."

"He's a very arrogant person. He's usually a bit careless and has no formal status. But when his friends encounter difficulties, he always helps them if he can."

As soon as her words changed, Yang Mi gritted her teeth and said, "Actually, he is not a good man either."

"It's just that he knew my character and wouldn't talk to him if there was nothing I could do about it, so he gave me the money without asking."

Yang Mi's words made Reba confused and a little confused.

One moment he was saying that Ding Xiu was loyal, but the next moment he was not a good man. It was a bit weird.

"Sister Mi, is Brother Xiu good or bad?"

"When you think he is good, he is good. When you think he is bad, he is bad. There is no conflict."

"Ah, what do you mean?"

Yang Mi put her hands in the pockets of her windbreaker and strode forward: "Girls, please be less curious."

"Sister Mi, you said half of what you said, why are you blaming me? Wait for me!"

Regarding the friendship between Ding Xiu and Yang Mi, Reba was very envious, but she didn't know if she had the fate to be Ding Xiu's friend.

In this world, there are too few good people like Ding Xiu.

Mature and steady, not lewd, generous with money, and in great health!

“There are some great peoples that you can never underestimate.”

"Anyone who offends China will be punished no matter how far away he is. Anyone who kills our people is our natural enemy."

"Why did you become a soldier? If you become a soldier, you will regret it for two years. If you don't become a soldier, you will regret it for a lifetime."

"A Chinese passport does not guarantee that you can go to any country in the world, but it can guarantee that you can return to China from any country!"

On the last day of the Spring Festival, Wu Jing's Wolf Warrior 2 was released with a total box office of 5.5 billion.

Not only did it break the box office of Chinese-language movies, it was also the only one in Asia, ranking first in box office results.

Pressure on Japan, South Korea, and Southeast Asia.

With a box office of 5.5 billion, it can still enter the top 50 in the global box office rankings.

Although it is not as good as those movies that are ranked in the top ten and have a box office of more than one billion US dollars, everyone knows that this is just because Wolf Warrior 2 is only released in China.

Except for China, all the films that can exceed one billion in box office elsewhere are all released globally.

Hollywood movies are released globally and are shown in hundreds of countries. With a large population base, box office results are naturally good.

Wolf Warrior 2 has no choice but to get out.

The domestic market alone can generate more than 5 billion yuan, which is enough to show how huge the mainland market is.

So far, the number one movie at the global box office is Avatar, with 3 billion US dollars.

In China, the box office is about 24 billion.

Wu Jing and Wolf Warriors have more than 2.5 billion, which is equivalent to one-fifth of Avatar.

If you do some calculations, you will know that the domestic movie box office market is almost one-fifth of the world's. It can be said that it is the world's largest movie market.

In the past, everyone was trying their best to develop in Hollywood, but now the situation is the opposite. Hollywood is trying to squeeze out its resources to enter the mainland market, and they have to queue up to get in. Even if they want to, they can't get in.

During this year’s Spring Festival, the second-ranked movie was Star Wars’ Mermaid, with a box office of more than 3 billion.

There is not much difference between the third and fourth rankings. Macau Storm has more than 1.2 billion and Operation Mekong has more than 1.2 billion respectively.

In just one month, the total box office of Spring Festival movies exceeded 10 billion, which can be described as terrifying and directly shocked China and foreign countries.

The entertainment industry is experiencing a complete blowout.

Some people say that a box office of tens of billions is just the beginning of Chinese-language films, while others say that perhaps we won’t see this grand occasion in the next twenty years.

But no matter what, the current entertainment industry is indeed booming, and the busiest one is the General Administration of Optoelectronics, which is exhausted reviewing scripts every day.

The major film schools are also busy, with tens of thousands of people applying, most of whom are applying for acting majors, aiming to become stars.

Nowadays, all fools know that being a star makes money.

Major TV stations are even busier, constantly launching variety shows and cultivating idols, singers, actors, and variety show stars.

This year has only begun a few months ago, and there are no less than twenty variety shows on the market.

At the end of March, all the main actors of the "White Night" crew were in place.

In the hotel, in the room reserved by the crew, seventy or eighty people were having a meeting. In addition to the leading actors, there were also directors, assistant directors, lighting, makeup, art, props, drivers, logistics, and group leaders.

The person sitting at the top is Ding Xiu. This time he is not only the male lead, but also the producer and producer of this drama.

A crew must have only one voice.

There are many actors in the crew, and he is afraid that the director will not be able to control the scene, so he serves as the producer. Usually the director is responsible for directing the show, and he has the final say on the rest.

To put it bluntly, directors are just working part-time.

There is nothing that can be done about it, there are too many people in the crew, and a director with a slightly softer temper simply cannot control such a large crew.

Take actors as an example. As the third creator, every actor has his own views on the role and wants to express himself.

But sometimes your opinion is just yours and may not be suitable from the overall perspective.

Some people’s views are simply bullshit.

However, due to human feelings or celebrity status, some directors dare not say anything, so they can only follow the actors, and the final film looks like shit.

Just take a look at the sets of Wang Jiawei, Zhou Xingchi, Jia Zhangke, John Woo, Xu Laomo, and Zhang Yimou, and you will know that there is only one person in the entire crew who has the final say, and that is the director.

Actors are just a tool for the director to express his art. You can act however you want. Don't be gibberish or replace him immediately if you don't want to act.

"People in front have already said what needs to be said, so I will just briefly say a few points about actors."

"First: Each actor can have at most one assistant on the set, not only the person who serves tea, but also the person who pours water, the person who feeds the food, and the person who takes pictures."

"Second: Don't be late. Don't let hundreds of people on the crew wait for you. Go to bed early at night and get up half an hour early during the day. Everyone will be happy."

"Third: They are all working part-time. Please show some respect to the staff and pay attention to the way you speak. Don't bring bad tempers from outside into the crew..."

Ding Xiu's words made the actor sitting below feel tense.

These days, whoever comes out to hang out doesn't have three or five assistants and five or six bodyguards to serve him.

Although there are many assistants, each one has a different purpose. Some are responsible for taking care of daily life, and some are responsible for warming the quilt at night and releasing energy.

The previous crew members were fine, but Ding Xiu didn't expect this to happen.

But because this man has a higher position and is also a producer, they can't afford to offend him and they don't care about the role, so they can only reluctantly part with him.

What if Ding Xiu is upset and bans them later?

"Okay, I'll just say these points. Let's break up the meeting. There will be script readings in the next few days. Actors should pay attention to the messages in the group. Please be sure to be there."

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