This actor needs more money

Chapter 595 Those who receive more money

"Zhou Shutong's character is not that complicated. She is just a newbie in the workplace. She has a sense of justice and is not afraid of anything. She admires the senior Guan Hongfeng very much."

"You don't need to use too much acting skills. Zhengzheng Chang's performance is better than anything else. All her inner drama is on her face..."

Beside, Ding Xiu was telling Reba the drama alone, and he was very detailed and serious about it.

The character she plays is named Zhou Shutong. Her acting is okay and her role is not complicated.

But I don’t know if it’s because Reba has done too many costume dramas, or if it’s because all professional actors are like this, always wanting to deepen their roles.

The movement of a smile can be performed in eighteen ways, and the performance is full of flowers.

Ding Xiu's request to Reba was very simple, just laugh when you laugh, cry when you cry, and don't make any unnecessary extravagant movements.

Reba's acting skills are actually quite good. She came from a serious acting department. She has been filming for several years and has a lot of experience.

It's just that no one has ever taught her well. She has gone astray and has to slowly correct herself.

"What I need you to do now is forget what you learned in school, forget your acting experience, and just treat it like this is your first time joining a group, your first time being an actor."

"I know Brother Xiu, I'll try my best to change it."

"Well, remember not to look at the camera. Actors looking at the camera are very obscene. You are not an idol, and this is not a stage."

Those variety show stars and idols, all they have to do on stage is find the camera and perform in front of it.

Some masters can follow the camera while dancing, and they are wherever the camera is.

Reba probably has this problem because she has been in many variety shows. She always likes to look at the camera, and she even said rightly that if she doesn't look at the camera, her performance will be ineffective.

She was scolded by Ding Xiu several times, and she said it was taught by a school teacher.

Ding Xiu was speechless.

What the school teachers teach may not necessarily be correct. Some teachers from the acting department started teaching after graduating from graduate school and have never been on a set in their lives.

The theory is one set after another, but the practice is not good at all.

I haven't even filmed a movie yet, and yet I teach others how to act. Isn't that ridiculous?

"Okay, okay, I understand."

With her head lowered, Reba looked like a primary school student.

Frankly speaking, Ding Xiu was pretty good to her. She was indeed a little sad after finishing work yesterday, but thinking about it today, what Sister Mi said made sense.

On other crews, which director would give you so many opportunities to perform non-stop and pursue the best.

It's pretty much the same.

Ding Xiu asked her to act so many times, and she gained a lot. At least she knew that the same line and expression could be acted in so many ways.

Today, she was still scolded all morning, and Reba was used to it. When she was beaten, she would stand upright and admit when she was wrong.

In the afternoon, during the break, Ding Xiu finished his work and just sat down to rest. The second male lead, Wang Long, came over to him to discuss the acting.

After a while, Reba came over with two cups of coffee.

"Brother Xiu, Brother Wang, thank you for your hard work."

Both of them are her seniors, and Wang Long graduated from China National Theater Academy. She has been in the acting industry for fifteen years, ten of which have been in dramas, and she has very rich acting experience.

Before she was admitted to the Chinese Theater Academy, she was a gymnast. She had good physical coordination and was capable of both civil and military skills.

Through this period of time together, she also knew how powerful Wang Longzheng was. He was an actor from a Chinese opera, especially a drama actor, and his lines were very good.

The articulation is clear, the words are precise and the accent is round, the voice is very penetrating, the sentence breaks, the breath, and the ups and downs of the tone are all top-notch. You can feel the character's emotions with your eyes closed.

After handing the coffee to the two of them, Reba moved a chair and sat on the edge to listen to the two chatting quietly, trying to learn some lessons.

Needless to say, I learned a lot in just half an hour.

"Brother Xiu, you said your movie was good, why did you come here to compete with us for food? Is the current market so busy?"

When talking about filming online dramas, Wang Long smiled bitterly.

He filmed the web series because he had no other choice. He needed to make money and live, but he had no other choice.

Basically, if there is a role, he will take it. As long as it is not a pornographic film, he will act in anything, and he doesn't care whether the role is bad or not.

His last drama was also a web drama, and he played a transsexual.

It's different for Ding Xiu. He's such a big star. He's one of the top people in China. It's not as simple as being soft on the script.

But whatever drama he wants to act in, a film and television company will immediately write a script according to his requirements and ask him to be the starring role.

Now to come and act in a web drama is simply unbelievable.

It's like being on a cruise ship or in a club, and the young model is used to it, and suddenly she eats 680 fast food.

With a cigarette hanging from his mouth, Ding Xiu narrowed his eyes and said: "The domestic entertainment industry has good prospects, but the quality of scripts varies."

"Some of the scripts that come to me are like shit, or they have bloody, mentally retarded protagonists."

"The scripts written by great directors are better, but they are too commercialized. The characters exist solely for the sake of box office, and the actors rarely have room to perform. It's really boring."

The current market conditions are indeed good, but at the same time they are also impetuous.

In the past, when he played one character and became popular, a dozen similar characters would come to him. Now, if one character becomes popular, hundreds of similar characters would come to him.

For example, there were so many scripts about rescuing my husband and asking him to play the role of the kidnapper afterwards that I couldn't count them. Some of the plots were copied from my husband.

Only the main characters have been changed.

The urban background was changed to an ancient background, the star became a princess, and nothing else changed.

In the past, directors spent ten years sharpening their swords and polishing each script again and again. Nowadays, directors do not write scripts. They buy a lot of scripts on the market and they are all scripts written by college students who have not graduated.

Or take the easier route and adapt the novel.

Choose a few popular romance novels and adapt them into TV series. The plot, characters, content, and lines are all ready-made.

Eliminate the pornographic plot and it will immediately become a new script.

After flicking the ashes from his cigarette, Ding Xiu continued: "On the contrary, the script of Chasing the Murderer in the White Night is more attractive to me. It is said that one person plays two roles, but in fact there are four roles. It is very challenging."

"The story structure of the unit drama makes the content rhythm very strong and does not drag on. Every episode has something new, and the main line is always there. It is a rare good script."

In this drama, he played two roles, twin brothers Guan Hongfeng and Guan Hongyu.

In fact, one person plays four roles.

In the film, in addition to playing himself, Guan Hongyu also plays his brother at night. In addition to playing himself, his brother Guan Hongfeng also occasionally plays his younger brother Guan Hongyu.

With these complex interpersonal relationships, actors with weaker mental abilities will be driven crazy sooner or later.

Dante decided to play the role because he appreciated this. It is very challenging and can be said to be the most complex role since his debut.

In order not to waste this good script, he made a lot of efforts and invested heavily in the crew. The investment of 120 million completely surpassed all online dramas on the market.

The total number of episodes is thirty, with an average of 4 million per episode.

This production fee is higher than the production cost of any TV series currently.

The invited leading actors may not be popular niche stars, but their acting skills are all solid, and they all have more than ten years of acting experience.

That is, Reba is the youngest.

In addition, Ding Xiu also hired several Sanda coaches to teach the actors in the crew who have fighting scenes to practice martial arts.

Because it is the Criminal Investigation Bureau, to avoid distortion of the plot, the plot also hired forensic doctors and retired criminal police officers as consultants.

From receiving the police, arriving at the scene, extracting materials, taking photos, and performing an autopsy, everything is replicated one-to-one with a regular case investigation.

Even the police station in the play is built according to the room structure distribution of a police station in a certain area in reality.

"Isn't that right? Even Brother Xiu, you can't get a good script?" Wang Longzheng's jaw dropped.

He knew that White Night Chaser was a good crew. To be honest, before he joined the crew, his first reaction was when he saw the investment of 120 million.

Why is it so difficult to launder money?

It's just an online drama. What a joke. One hundred and twenty million. He has been a professional in online dramas for many years. Under normal circumstances, he only invests eighty million in a drama, and it is still a big production.

But after joining the group, he realized how naive his ideas were.

The crew of Ding Xiu is said to be an online drama, but in fact it is no different from a TV series. The only difference is that when it is broadcast, one is broadcast on the provincial channel and the other is broadcast online.

What surprised him now was that even a big shot like Ding Xiu couldn't get a good script.

"What's so strange about this? There are only three or five good scripts every year, and there are so many actors. It's normal that I can't get my turn."

Ding Xiu was open-minded and continued: "As an actor, when there is a good script, you should take it. If there is no good script, you can support your family."

Glancing at Reba, Ding Xiu said: "There are only two things you can do to take a role, either for fame or money. If you have a good team and a big lineup, you should give it a try even if you don't have much money."

"There is no team, and the script is average. Then you have to support your family and decide whether to take it or not based on the salary."

In the past year and a half, he has often heard from the company that Reba is looking for roles in movies. If it is not a big role, she will not act and would rather stay at home.

This is why Yang Mi said she was very idle before.

It's not just Reba, many newly graduated actors have this situation. They have high ambitions and low ambitions, and look down on small roles.

"You have to learn from Xiao Zhao in this regard. She takes on all kinds of roles. In the past few years, she played small roles every day. Before she played the leading role, in addition to accumulating a lot of money, she also accumulated a lot of acting experience."

Wang Takizheng and Reba were amused by Ding Xiu's words.

It's just that the former just wanted to laugh, while Reba laughed when she heard about accumulating a lot of money.

Completely ignore the second half of what Ding Xiu said and gain experience in acting.

Seeing that she was ignorant, Ding Xiu continued: "There is an actress named Ma Shu, who claims that she can't act except for the leading female role, but she hasn't filmed in seven years."

Hearing that she was beating herself up, Reba lowered her head in embarrassment: "Actually, it's not that I don't act in anything, it's mainly because I don't have a good script."

"How can there be so many good scripts for you." Ding Xiu said earnestly: "It is very good for an actor to have three or five characters whose names are memorable in his life. The rest are just bad plays and ordinary plays."

"Is it possible that you have been staring at these three or five movies all your life?"

"Remember, the rule of thumb for accepting a movie is either money or fame. If there is a good script, accept it. If there is no good script, accept the one with more money."

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