This actor needs more money

Chapter 618 Capture Da Tiantian

In the evening, just after the news broadcast, the awards show began, which was broadcast live on the provincial channel and the Internet.

Feitian Award, big bosses gathered together, and the people Ding Xiu met the most along the way were veteran actors.

In the past, this was a drama award, and the winners were all red dramas, period dramas, and the winners were all old artists.

In recent years, more and more young people have emerged, and they have begun to gradually break this tradition. As you can see, there are still a lot of elderly people missing.

This can be seen from the nominations of this year's Shidi and Shihou. There are all young people on the Shidi side, and there is only one elderly person on the Shidi side.

Zhang Tong, the youngest candidate, is two years younger than Ding Xiu.

"Teacher Ding, please come this way."



After Ding Xiu sat down, he greeted the people around him. He was very polite to the seniors in this circle.

The candidates did not sit together in a group, they were all scattered in different positions. Ding Xiu's position was good, facing the center of the stage.

Soon, the award ceremony began.

There are not many Feitian Awards, only a few in total, and the pace of their announcement is naturally much faster.

It didn't take long for the outstanding male protagonist to arrive.

On the big screen at the scene, clips of the shortlisted works were played one after another.

Zhang Yi's place was the train station. Chen Jianghe, who had been away for many years, met Luo Yuzhu again. He was so excited that he could not speak and stammered.

One thing to say is that Zhang Yi's acting skills have improved greatly in recent years, and this part is a movie-level performance.

If it hadn't been for Ding Xiu this time, he might have been the emperor.

For Ding Xiu, the scene of chasing the murderer in the white night is the finale, a conversation between the brothers Guan Hongfeng and Guan Hongyu in the cemetery.

The exact same face, exactly the same height, exactly the same clothes, the two people talking calmly, but they have two different emotions and styles.

At this moment, Ding Xiu's acting skills were like gods.

Who said online dramas can’t be popular?

The drama "Chasing the Murderer in the White Night" is destined to become one of the representative works in Ding Xiu's acting career.

At the scene, some artists who had never seen the show turned their attention to Ding Xiu after watching the one-minute performance.

I knew he was strong, but I didn't expect him to be this strong.

"Fuck, this little kid can play the role to this extent."

"I always thought he could only play villains, but I didn't expect him to be decent at all."

"Young people are so scary."

"Speaking of which, Ding Xiu isn't young anymore. He was born in the 1980s and is now thirty-eight years old. He will soon be a middle-aged man."

"You don't look old at all."

Someone was whispering in a low voice, and the conversation went down to Ding Xiu's age.

Thirty-eight-year-old Ding Xiu is a little more mature and steady, and a little less frivolous than the 28-year-old Ding Xiu.

But just looking at the facial features, he does not look like a middle-aged man who is almost forty years old.

Like early thirties.

"The winner of the 31st Feitian Award for Outstanding Actor is... Ding Xiu in the White Night!"


Fan Wei, the guest who presented the award, applauded immediately after his name was read out.

Grand and cheerful music sounded, and Ding Xiu stood up and waved to the camera.

The other candidates for the Emperor of Vision were all relieved when they heard the result. After waiting for so long, they finally had a result.

No one was surprised that Ding Xiu could win this award.

At this moment, the live broadcast room was filled with congratulations. The congratulatory barrage was densely packed one after another. The millions of people online almost overwhelmed the server.

The number one hot search has also changed from Wang Feng’s new album to Ding Xiu’s attempt to seize the throne.

At the award ceremony, Ding Xiu passed by Zhang Yi and shook hands with him. Zhang Yi said congratulations but felt bitter in his heart.

Brother Xiu, don’t come here next time.

Ding Xiu has won enough awards, almost every year. With his popularity and prestige, no one else is qualified to win awards as long as he is there.

How can a person with a lot of trophies to compete with him be compared?

It's normal to lose, but it's a shady thing to win.

Everyone competes with him for a trophy, and the psychological pressure is very high.

"Thank you, teacher."

"You're welcome."

Ding Xiu took the trophy from Fan Wei and came to the microphone to give his acceptance speech.

"Thank you to the organizing committee for giving me this award, and also to the leaders of the General Administration of Optoelectronics for allowing online dramas to participate in the TV series awards..."

On the stage, Ding Xiu never behaves miserably, because it serves no purpose other than sensationalizing.

Not to mention that it is difficult for actors, and I hope the director will look at young actors more.

Having been in the industry for so many years, he knows what the entertainment industry is like better than anyone else.

Vanity Fair, if you have commercial value, people will naturally ask you to act. If you don't have commercial value, no one will care about you even if you kowtow on the stage.

After speaking for three minutes on stage, Ding Xiu said nothing more and handed the time back to the host.

The following awards will be given to the outstanding heroines.

The winner was Sun Li. The flowers were in full bloom that year.

Half an hour later, the party ended. Ding Xiu set up a few tables as usual to invite some acquaintances who arrived to celebrate winning the award.

The next day, early in the morning, Ding Xiu put on a suit and came to the company.

In the office, he put the trophy he just got yesterday on the shelf. He didn't know when, but all his trophies were placed here.

There aren't many things related to the entertainment industry at home.

Work and life are very separate.

The assistant stood behind him and said nothing. He could actually do such a small thing, but the feeling of placing the trophy with his own hands was different.

After putting the trophy away, Ding Xiu turned around and said, "Is Zhang Yi here? Ask him to come over and prepare two cups of coffee."

Today is the annual staff meeting. Every year at this time, the company releases its work and goals for the new year.

Because their own futures are involved, many company artists will be present.

Artists do not have independent offices in the company. At this time, they were crowded in the large conference room chatting. Zhang Yi was still talking to the people around him when Assistant Ding Xiu walked in.

After whispering a few words in his ear, he came to Ding Xiu's office out of curiosity.

Only a bunch of envious and jealous eyes were left.



"Brother Xiu, are you looking for me?" Zhang Yi walked in.

"Sit." Ding Xiu sat on the sofa without getting up.

After Zhang Yi entered the door, his eyes were often attracted by the trophies on the shelf against the wall. There were too many.

One wall was filled with them all.

Cannes, Busan, Golden Horse, Golden Rooster, Magnolia, Feitian Award, Golden Eagle Award... all kinds of trophies are dazzling.

Those who didn’t know it thought it was a wholesale base.

"If you like it, you can take a few back later." Ding Xiu joked.

"Haha, forget it, a gentleman won't take away someone's love. I'll take it myself next time."

"With your strength, this day will be a matter of time." Ding Xiu pointed to the coffee on the table and said: "I'll refresh you first so you don't doze off in the meeting later."

Zhang Yi smiled: "No way, Mr. Qin's words are all good words. I benefit a lot from listening to them every year."

"Come on, his speech made me want to go to the toilet."

Holding the coffee, Ding Xiu crossed his legs and said relaxedly: "How is your schedule this year?"

"It's okay. I'll follow the company's arrangements." Zhang Yi didn't know what kind of medicine he was selling.

"Do you know about Operation Red Sea?"

"I know, isn't this the company's big project this year? It's already spread."

He also knew that the lead actor in this drama was Ding Xiu, and many people in the company wanted to win a second lead actor.

Including him.

Rather than being the male protagonist of an A-level project, he wants an S-level partner.

The two are not of the same magnitude at all.

"The hero gives it to you, do you want it?"

"Yes!" Zhang Yi did not hesitate and nodded heavily in an instant: "Huh?"

Did he hear wrongly?

Male protagonist?

Ding Xiu drank coffee and said calmly: "This movie will go to the army for three months of training, and the filming period will be about half a year, plus or minus nine months. It's too long. I don't have that much time."

It only took a few seconds for Zhang Yi to react: "I understand, I promise to complete the task."

Ding Xiu has family responsibilities.

The child is two years old, which is when he needs his parents to accompany him. Nine months is a long time for a film.

For someone like Ding Xiu who has a wife and children, this is a bit hard to accept.

It would be okay if he was a second- or third-tier actor. For opportunities, he has to fight no matter how difficult it is.

But Ding Xiu has already reached the top. He has no shortage of money or fame. He has won several movie and movie awards, so there is nothing to regret in life.

For them at this level, family is more important.

"I believe you." Ding Xiu stood up and patted Zhang Yi on the shoulder and said, "Don't make this matter public in advance, so as not to make others jealous. You know, there are many talented people in the company, and everyone wants to take this opportunity."

"There will be a meeting later. I'll ask Lao Qin to free up your schedule. After a while, I will announce that I have given up on this script, and then I will arrange for you to work on it if you happen to be free."

"I understand, I understand, thank you for your hard work, Brother Xiu."

Zhang Yi was excited and grateful at the same time.

It's finally his turn, it's not easy.

"Go ahead."

Ding Xiu sent Zhang Yi away, and Qin Gang walked out of the cloakroom next door.

"Brother Xiu, what you are doing is really amazing. You are the character of others. If you do this, no one should be grateful."

"You are really underachieving as an actor."

Only Qin Gang knew that the male lead of Operation Red Sea was originally given to Zhang Yi.

After Chicken Feathers Fly to the Sky, Zhang Yi became popular and starred in The Climber again. It’s time to star in a movie, and his position must be raised.

Fearing that he might have second thoughts in the future, Ding Xiu did this.

Who wouldn't be grateful for secretly giving his "own" role to Zhang Yi and receiving such a huge favor?

Ding Xiu said calmly: "After the three-month training is over and the Red Sea officially starts, his contract will be extended for another five years."

Zhang Yi's contract is for ten years, and it will expire in a few years. If it is renewed for another five years, everyone can rest assured.

Even if you have to run away at that time, the company will still make a profit.

Qin Gang sat down and said, "You capitalists are still cruel. All the good guys have done it, and I will be the bad guy."

"In the company, you are the Great Sage, and I have been rumored to be Zhou Bapi."

Qin Chao Entertainment, he and Ding Xiu, one has a white face and the other has a red face, they enjoy it endlessly.

Qin Gang has always understood that employees will not become friends with their bosses because everyone has different interests.

What can trap people is often interests and affection.

If he can provide benefits, other companies can also provide them. Without love, artists can easily be poached.

In Qin Chao Entertainment, Ding Xiu has always maintained the relationship between artists and the company.

Ding Xiu rarely cares about the company's arrangements for artists, but if anyone encounters difficulties or has no filming, he is always there to help.

From time to time, I would speak for someone and win a few jobs.

If Ding Xiu wants to leave one day, Huang Bo, Zhang Yi, Zhao Liying, Reba, Shen Teng, and Tang Yan will probably leave without hesitation.

But if he doesn't leave, these people won't leave either.

"Zhou Bapi, Jing Tian is coming soon. Do you think you will come with me, or shall we separate?"

"Just follow the rules. I'll continue to cheat for the week." Qin Gang arranged: "Let her attend the staff meeting first to feel the atmosphere of our company and see our strength. Then we can talk about the contract."

The company has been contacting Jingtian recently.

This artist was inactive for a year last year.

Without her backer, her resources were horribly low. No one asked her to film, and she was idle at home all year long.

There was no filming last year, which means that there will be no works in front of the audience this year.

Not everyone can bear the two-year indifference period.

It might even get cold immediately.

Feeling that this girl still had some potential, Qin Gang wanted to dig her out and see if he could save her.

"Okay, do the work!"

Ding Xiu put down his coffee and stood up to go to the conference room.

In the conference room, Jing Tian was placed in a corner, and the people in the front row were all well-known entertainers from Qin Chao Entertainment.

Everywhere you look, they are all well-known.

We must have strength and strength, and have flow and flow.

Soon, the meeting began, and Qin Gang introduced several projects for this year, including two S-level projects.

Four or five of the A-levels.

Everyone in the company's first tier of actors has a leading role.

There are also a few people in the second tier who have played leading roles, and the rest are either going to B-level projects or supporting S-level or A-level projects.

This does not include the film and television dramas invested by the company. For example, Huang Bo will be the director this year, and the company will invest money and let him bring a few people into the group.

At the scene, she also saw her idol Ding Xiu give a speech. He was very kind and had no airs at all.

Looking at the atmosphere of the scene, Jing Tian was moved.

After more than an hour, the meeting ended.

She was invited by Qin Gang to go to the office to discuss the contract in detail. The result was that there were many terms, limited resources, and a lot of liquidated damages.

She was a little shaken and didn't know if she should sign. Once she signed, she would basically have to stay here for the rest of her life.

After giving the suggestion to go back and think about it, she came out of the office and happened to meet Ding Xiu.

It was rare to meet an acquaintance, and the two of them drank tea together and reminisced. Knowing her situation, Ding Xiu immediately confirmed that he was willing to help her obtain more resources and relax the contract.

He also said that if she behaves well, he will find an opportunity to lead her gently later.

Jing Tian was grateful.

"You said it was the same for you. You didn't contact me first when you came here. Although I don't care about the company's affairs, my words still have some weight. If you encounter any difficulties in the future, just come to me. You're welcome."

"Thank you so much, Brother Xiu, please excuse me."

"What a big deal, come on, I'm optimistic about you!"

The next day, Qin Chao Entertainment announced that there was another member in the big family, and Lao Qin did not trick anyone, and immediately arranged two variety shows for Jing Tian to regain his health.

We plan to wait until the audience is familiar with her before letting her act.

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