This actor needs more money

Chapter 72 Cannes Film Festival (please give me a monthly ticket)

If you have a certificate, you'll be fine.

Ding Xiu breathed a sigh of relief. He was really afraid that Gao Yuanyuan would send him in.

But even if you have a certificate, you can't go to the park to practice with it, otherwise the police will catch you.

Going to jail is not a big deal, but confiscation is a sure thing.

This thing can only be played in your own yard.

After completely unsheathing the sword, Ding Xiu came to the center of the yard, held the sword in both hands and practiced his sword skills.

The air was full of swishing sounds, and every move was filled with murderous intent.

The Qi Family Sword Technique, also called the Xinyou Sword Technique, was created by General Qi Jiguang. This sword technique takes the strengths of the Japanese Knife Technique and makes up for the shortcomings of the Ming Dynasty Sword Technique. Every move is aimed at the enemy's vital points.

The Miao knife that Ding Xiu is holding now weighs several kilograms. With his strength, if he cuts a person with one knife, his life will basically be amputated.

In ancient times, medical treatment was underdeveloped. If someone received such a knife on the battlefield, he would not survive in 1989.


After Ding Xiu finished practicing a set of sword skills, Qin Gang was the first to take the lead in applauding, and Wang Baoqiang and Huang Bo also clapped. One was envious, and the other was not envious.

Wang Baoqiang coveted Ding Xiu's martial arts and longed for this kind of real Kung Fu that could be used in actual combat, but Ding Xiu would not teach him.

Huang Bo's mentality is different from Wang Baoqiang's. He has no foundation in martial arts and knows that he can't learn it in a day or two. He doesn't want to learn it, he just wants to watch the fun.

To put it bluntly, in modern society, kung fu is useless. If you have something to do, just call the police.

After putting the sword back into its sheath, Ding Xiu exhaled. He hadn't practiced so vigorously for a long time and said to Gao Yuanyuan:

"Thank you, I like this knife very much."

"As long as you like it, I will help you keep an eye on it when you meet someone better in the future."

Not far away, Qin Lan was annoyed that she didn't think of bringing a gift. She looked down at herself and found nothing to offer.

Putting the knife into the box, Ding Xiu took it back to the room. When he came out, Gao Yuanyuan and everyone had already eaten.

Drinking beer and eating skewers, everyone was having a good time.

Wang Baoqiang also performed a section of Vajra Arhat Boxing that he learned in the Shaolin Temple. At the end of the fight, he was a drunken Arhat move, and he was just about to stand up in a carp attack.

His eyes suddenly caught sight of Qin Lan feeding chicken drumsticks to Ding Xiu.


The carp has no strength and cannot stand up.

Finally, the carp turned over, got up from the ground, sat back down to its original position, and ate the barbecue silently.

He sat back, and Huang Bo, who was not willing to be outdone, came on the stage. He took out the TV and connected it to the microphone and stereo to sing, and he sang the adapted version of Tears of a Dancer.

"One wrong step and a lifetime of mistakes"

"Beijing Diao Group Acts for Life"

"The extras are human beings too"

"To whom can I tell the pain in my heart?"

"For the persecution of life"

"Every tear fell down my stomach."

"Is this life?"

"Destined to live in that dusty life"

The song "Tears of the Ensemble" made Qin Lan and Wang Baoqiang extremely sad and depressed.

They all come from the bottom, and they know the sadness better than anyone else.

Even though Qin Lan dresses up every day when she goes out, she has always lived in a basement before receiving the drama Love of the Tang Dynasty.

Nine square meters, still shared with other girls.

The conditions were not much better than the basement where Ding Xiu and the others lived.

Not to mention Wang Baoqiang, who fell into the hands of Qin Gang before. Seeing that he was small, he was only given fifteen yuan a day for twenty yuan.

The worst part was being a stand-in and being kicked four or five times by someone wearing military boots. The hardest one kicked him directly into a ditch.

That day I had bruises and bruises on my chest.

It's not easy for Huang Bo either. For the sake of his dream of becoming an actor, he still failed to get into Nortel at the age of 27 and stayed up late every day to study.

Even if he can pass the exam this year, he will be twenty-eight when he enrolls next year and thirty-two when he graduates.

Seeing that the atmosphere was a bit depressing, Ding Xiu raised his glass and said, "Thank you all for coming to help despite your busy schedule. Here's a toast to you."

"Old Huang, stay strong and drink less. I won't send you back when you're drunk."

"Yuanyuan, Xiaolan, have a good time. If you can't go back, you can stay here with me."

As soon as Ding Xiu opened his mouth, he changed the mood. Qin Gang laughed and said, "I drove here today and didn't drink. Don't worry, I will definitely send them all back."

"Old Qin, you renovated my house and you were the first to do it. I'd like to toast you."

Qin Gang raised his Coke cup and clinked it with Ding Xiu: "I'm tired of drinking with those directors and producers every day. Now I feel like vomiting when I see the wine."

Qin Lan said: "Last time, Brother Qin drank and vomited blood and ended up in the hospital."

Ding Xiu looked at Qin Gang: "I didn't hear what you said."

"What's there to say? Aren't you all working very hard on the set? Everyone is working."

After taking a sip of Coke and eating chicken wings, Qin Gang said: "Since you have chosen me, I can't let you down."

"You still remember Wang Jinhua, who wanted to sign you?"

When the name was mentioned suddenly, Ding Xiu felt a little unfamiliar. After thinking about it for a few seconds, he said, "Which one will I regret?"

Qin Gang nodded: "Yes, a few days ago she joined the big company Huayi Film and Television and became the director of the artist department. If you had followed her, you might have become famous based on your conditions."

In the past two years, domestic brokerage companies and film and television companies have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain.

First, the Music King was established on Hong Kong Island, and a large number of Hong Kong artists signed up to join the group to keep warm and prepare to go north to the mainland.

Brokerage companies are also being established one after another in the mainland, constantly signing artists and grabbing the film and television market.

Huayi is undoubtedly the leader among them. Many of its artists are on the front lines of the industry, and they have a lot of resources thanks to their support from the Beijing circle.

"I won't go no matter how popular it is."

Ding Xiu's tone was very firm, which moved Qin Gang very much.

"I can't beat a professional brokerage company like this."

Qin Gang had a dark face.

Ding Xiu joined Qin Chao Entertainment because he had seniors and juniors, and there was nothing he could do to support his family.

Leaning on the chair with his hands spread wide, Ding Xiu looked at the stars in the sky and said, "I prefer freedom to making money."

If he has money, he drinks Maotai. If he doesn't have money, he drinks Tsingtao beer. It's no big deal to him. He still hangs out with girls and lives the same life.

But not without freedom.

Large companies have many resources and relatively large constraints.

He is not the kind of person who stands up and down, so he respects social rules and comes to Qin Gang's company.

Gao Yuanyuan and the others were deeply moved by Ding Xiu's words, but they couldn't do this. Unless they really have deep feelings, no one wants to go to higher places.

"Cheers to freedom." Qin Gang raised his Coke and said.


"A song about loving the country and loving the beauty even more is given to you." Ding Xiu came to the front and took Huang Bo's microphone.

Some time ago, he accompanied Gao Yuanyuan to watch the 1994 version of Heaven and Sword of the Dragon. He didn't learn much about acting, but he did know how to sing.

"The Tao cannot extinguish the extravagant love in this mortal world"

“I can’t finish my grudges in the world”

"Eternity is a destiny"

"Love the country more than love the beauty"

"Which hero would rather be alone?"

"The good boy is full of courage"

"Ambition and pride spread far and wide"

Ding Xiu is not a music student and has no singing skills. All he sings about is emotion and experience.

When this song came out of his mouth, it had a feeling of being free and easy, heroic, and seeing through the world of mortals.

Late at night, with the moon above the branches, the bonfire in the yard was extinguished, and the ground and tables were either beer bottles or chicken bones, a mess.

After taking a shower, Ding Xiu gently opened the door to his room, and the unpleasant smell of alcohol hit his face.

The moonlight outside the window shines on Simmons' bed. The two sleeping people are hugging each other, one's feet are on the other's legs.

Ding Xiu walked over step by step, then stretched out his hand...

"What do you want to do?"

The person on the bed suddenly opened his eyes in the darkness and grabbed his hand.

"What are you doing?" Ding Xiu sneered and slapped Huang Bo's hand away: "You two fell asleep on my bed while I was taking a fucking bath."

"Get out of the way, I'll take my phone and go sleep next door!"

Under the pillow, Ding Xiu took out his mobile phone.

Qin Gang was surrounded by old people and young people. They went home as soon as the party was over, and the remaining people stayed here for the night in a drunken state.

Gao Yuanyuan and Qin Lan slept in the room in the backyard.

Worried that they would catch a cold, he went to check on them just after taking a shower. The door was locked and he couldn't push it open.

Then when he came back, he saw that his room was occupied. The two animals, Huang Bo and Wang Baoqiang, were sleeping more soundly than the other.

The posture is also messy.

The next day, Ding Xiu was practicing swordplay in the yard, and Huang Bo limped out of the room with red eyes, holding on to his waist.

Ding Xiuxian glanced at him: "Why, were you exposed last night? I said Baoqiang left in such a hurry this morning."

Gao Yuanyuan had a movie today and left early in the morning. Wang Baoqiang was earlier. It was still dark when he left. He said he was going to Beijing Film Studio to see if there was any work.

Qin Lan was the third one to leave, saying he would come back to play when he had time.

"Don't mention it." When Huang Bo came to the yard, he saw a pot of last night's overnight tea on the table. He picked it up and poured it into his mouth, rinsed his mouth and spit it out.

"This kid either grinded his teeth or farted all night. He also had the habit of sleepwalking. I couldn't sleep all night."

"I finally fell asleep. He kicked me out of bed."

Ding Xiu was amused: "Yeah, who let you two occupy my room?"

Huang Bo waved his hand: "Stop talking, is there anything to eat? Forget it, I'll go find it myself."

After diving into the kitchen, Huang Bo came out with steamed buns in one hand and soy milk in the other.

"You should come less often in the future." Ding Xiu sighed. Qin Lan bought this for him in the morning and he hasn't eaten it yet.

Huang Bo didn't say anything when he came empty-handed, but even took food with him.

"Aren't you too polite? Which one of us is following the other? I'll come back if you have something to do in the future."

Ding Xiu put away the knife, picked up the towel on the side and wiped his sweat, and said, "If you weren't attached to Nortel, you might not be worse off than me now."

Huang Bo had a much higher starting point than him. A few years ago, when he was in a band, he was able to earn over 10,000 yuan a month. He had good connections and resources around him, which could be seen from the fact that he traveled far away to act for a few months.

There was a time when he took some time to watch Huang Bo's first movie in his life, got in the car, and let's go.

I have to say that Huang Bo's acting talent is really high. He was able to act like that for the first time. Qin Gang even said that he was born to eat this kind of food.

"Who can tell clearly what happened? Some people say that if I had not drifted to the north, I would be a singer by now."

"So you want to hang yourself from a tree?"

After finishing the buns in several mouthfuls, Huang Bo took a big sip of soy milk and said, "Inside information, Nortel will open a vocational class next year. I want to give it a try. Do you want to go? There are a lot of girls."

He is not stupid, how could he hang himself from a tree? Since Nortel has higher vocational classes, then go to the higher vocational classes. I heard that the teachers are all from Nortel and the effect will be the same.

"Do you think I'm in need of a girl?"


After wiping his mouth, Huang Bo said: "Let's go. Come back next time. By the way, I'll look after your room for you first. If you miss us, go back."

Ding Xiu's rent was due in a few months, so he had nothing to do, so he borrowed it first.

"Get out of here, I'm going back to sleep."

After Huang Bo left, Ding Xiu simply took a shower, then went to the room where Gao Yuanyuan slept last night, covered himself with a quilt and had a good sleep.

After half a month of relaxing and happy days without having to go to work, Ding Xiu received a call from Qin Gang.

"If you have anything to say, tell me quickly. I'm sleeping."

"You owe hundreds of thousands in debt, and you can still sleep?"

"Then what can I do."

Madhu, Ding Xiu’s character is really an agent’s nightmare.

That means he can't beat him, otherwise Qin Gang really wants to fight him.

"Hurry up and come to the company, it's time to work."

Ding Xiu didn't even change his clothes. He wore big pants and flip-flops and came to the company on a newly picked up scooter from the garage.

The money to buy the car was borrowed from Gao Yuanyuan.

"Director Xu."

Qin Chao Entertainment, as soon as he entered the door, Ding Xiu saw Xu Haofeng sitting on the sofa.

After not seeing him for half a year, he has lost a lot of weight. His long shawl hair is mixed with gray, and he almost looks like Chen Haonan.

It's been more than half a year since the Wulin film was finished, and there is no news at all. Ding Xiu guessed that he was cold, which is why Xu Haofeng was so decadent.

"Brother Xiu." Xu Haofeng stood up and greeted him with a smile.

After the two shook hands, Qin Gang on the side gave them more tea: "Director Xu, tell him."

With his back straight, Xu Haofeng pushed up his glasses on the bridge of his nose and said, "The lost martial arts has signed up for the Cannes Film Festival. I want you to go with me."

Cannes Film Festival, the lost martial arts world.

Are the two related?

Ding Xiu was a little confused.

A few months ago, he really didn't know what the Cannes Film Festival was, but after being in the industry for so long, he knew a lot about it.

One of the three major international film festivals in Europe, it is as famous as the Venice Film Festival and the Berlin Film Festival.

Everyone who can go to this place is an industry leader.

Xu Haofeng's low-budget movie, with the addition of Wang Baoqiang, Gao Yuanyuan and other small actors, seemed a bit out of reach.


"Of course, why else would we go there?" Xu Haofeng then said with a much weaker tone: "The registration threshold for the film festival is not high."

The words "Cannes Film Festival" are indeed a bit deceptive, but everyone understands that it is not difficult to register, but winning the award is difficult.

In addition to the main competition unit, there are other special attention units, short film competition units, film cornerstone units, Directors’ Fortnight unit, and film critics unit.

This time he signed up for a special focus unit, and the registration threshold was works completed within eighteen months.

It has not been screened at any film festival in any region, broadcast on the Internet or released on DVD.

The set is over sixty minutes long, with English subtitles.

All of the above are in line with the lost martial arts, and he also found someone to dub the last one with English subtitles.

With the idea of ​​​​taking a shot if there was nothing wrong, he sent the registration letter and DVD to the organizing committee last month.

I just received a notification yesterday that my registration was successful and I can participate.

PS: A 4,000-word chapter, please vote for me.

Let me tell you the update time, 12 noon and 5 pm.

Book title: "I really don't want to be trending with big stars"

Introduction: There is a celebrity living next door to my house, who is also my blind date...

But something seems to be wrong with her recently. She is either lying on the balcony and making love to me, or she is sending me harassing text messages in the middle of the night.

"Brother, the breeze is bright tonight, the atmosphere is just right, and the interest is high. Why don't we set off now and go to Ninth Street BBQ to have a skewer!"

Oh my god, who can withstand this!

(Single female protagonist, daily life, light and funny, welcome to try it...)

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