This actor needs more money

Chapter 92 Murong Fu must be you (please vote for me)

"Really? Then tell me, what kind of person do you think Duan Yu is?"

Zhang Jizhong has worked with Ding Xiu, so he knows his martial arts background and is somewhat familiar with his acting skills.

After learning that Ding Xiu was running for the role of Duan Yu, he went online to check Ding Xiu's movements in the past year.

You wouldn’t know if you didn’t check, but this guy has a really good stardom.

It's the Cannes Film Festival again, and A Chinese Ghost Story is already starting to become popular.

To be honest, he wanted to give Duan Yu to Ding Xiu at that time.

However, the role of Duan Yu is played by Lin Zhiying, and he does not want to let go of the popularity of the Asian whirlwind.

So this will prepare Ding Xiu to give up this role with words.

"Duan Yu is pure-hearted, lustful, but also devoted in his love. Every girl truly loves each other. This is very similar to me."

Ding Xiu said his thoughts without thinking, fearing that several directors would misunderstand, he added:

"What I'm talking about seems to mean being pure in heart and single-minded in emotion."

Zhang Jizhong smiled: "It's okay, you don't need to explain. I know what you mean. Duan Yu is indeed such a person, passionate and infatuated."

"Then you can talk about Murong Fu."

Murong Fu?

Ding Xiu had done very little homework on this role before coming because he didn't plan to try this role. Zhang Jizhong's sudden question stumped him.

He touched his chin and recalled the plot of the novel, then said: "A tragic figure who flew down three thousand feet."

"Mr. Jin Yong laid a lot of groundwork for him before he appeared on the stage. With just one sentence from Nan Murong, Bei Qiao Feng established his status in the world."

"Later on, the arrangement of the servants, the appearance of the maids around him, and the praise he received from people in the world all told how powerful this famous martial arts master and the young master of an aristocratic family was."

"It's just that he is unlucky. Every time he gets into trouble, he encounters the three Qiao Feng brothers. At the Ten Thousand Immortals Conference, Thirty-six Cave and Seventy-two Islands besieged and killed the Tianshan Child Elder. He was the first to bear the brunt, and was finally taken advantage of by Xu Zhu. Became the biggest winner.”

"In the battle at Shaoshi Mountain, he was also the first to stand up against Qiao Feng. He was first slapped in the face by Duan Yu's Six Meridians Divine Sword, and then violently beaten by Qiao Feng."

"Xi Xia recruits a prince-in-law and fights to the end. Seeing that the prince-son-in-law is just around the corner, Xu Zhu comes again."

"In Mantuo Villa, in order to restore the country, he recognized Duan Yanqing as his father and personally killed his loyal subordinate Bao Bubugging, as well as Duan Zhengchun's mistresses Qin Hongmian, Dao Baifeng, and Ruan Xingzhu."

"In the end, Duan Yu's mother stirred up trouble and said before she died that Duan Yu was Duan Yanqing's biological son."

"Murong Fu betrayed his relatives, did everything, and ended up with nothing. Isn't it a big tragedy?"

There are some things that Ding Xiu hasn't said yet. Murong Fu is focused on restoring his country, and he doesn't have many beauties around him. Even if he is a beautiful cousin who is engaged, he doesn't like her and gives her away for nothing.

Look at Xu Zhu, hugging him from left to right, look at Duan Yu, surrounded by beauties.

Look at Qiao Feng again, the sisters are making rice bowls.

As for Murong Fu, he was alone and behaved like a monk.

No, it was worse than a monk. At least Xuanci had a relationship with Ye Erniang and gave birth to Xu Zhu.

"Look, your analysis is much more thorough than Duan Yu's." Zhang Jizhong laughed and said, "I think you are very suitable for Murong Fu."

Ding Xiu: "..."

I'm crazy.

He came to audition for Duan Yu, but why did he involve Murong Fu? He was heartbroken just watching this kind of aggrieved role, let alone acting it.

"Director, Murong Fu and I are different. We don't have any compatibility with the characters, except for being handsome."

"No, no, no, I'm very good at judging people. You are suitable for Murong Fu. The aggrieved look you had just now was exactly the same as the Murong Fu I imagined."


Ding Xiu wanted to say that Duan Yu's romantic style suited him very well, but he was embarrassed to say it due to the large number of people.

"Come with me, let's go next door and chat."

Putting his arm around Ding Xiu's shoulders, Zhang Jizhong opened the door and came to the next room.

The people auditioning outside saw Ding Xiu reluctantly being carried into the room by a bearded man. In an instant, seventeen or eight thoughts flashed through his mind.

Even Qin Gang's anus tightened.

"Murong Fu's roles are no less than Duan Yu's. In terms of charm, he is actually better than Duan Yu. There are so many decent characters. How many can the audience remember? But if the villain is well played, the audience will never forget it in ten or eight years."

The first words he said after sitting down, Zhang Jizhong impressed Ding Xiu.

He hadn't signed the contract yet, so he couldn't get the script. He only knew from the original work that Duan Yu was one of the three leading men.

What he didn't expect was that Murong Fu had as many roles as Duan Yu. This was something he didn't expect.

The main reason why I wanted to win Duan Yu was because I wanted this character to have more dramas, and more dramas meant more pay.

To say that Duan Yu's wife is more comfortable to photograph is just a joke.

The crew is filming, and every sex scene is surrounded by lighting, makeup, camera and other staff. It is impossible for you to do it forcefully.

More often than not, as soon as you feel something, the director gets stuck and yells at you with a loud voice, asking you to change the camera position.

Then as soon as there was a reaction, it was stuck again.

Although it is filming, as a man, this feeling is really uncomfortable. If you film too much, you will have psychological shadow.

When he was telling Qin Lan a play and teaching her how to liberate her nature, he was afraid that something would get stuck in her ears.

"Although Duan Yu is one of the protagonists, he does very little martial arts. He only has a few moves that he can do over and over again."

Zhang Jizhong continued: "Kung fu like the Six Meridians Divine Sword is destined to have a lot of special effects. You don't stand still and move your fingers, right?"

"Murong Fu is different. It can be said that he dominates the crowd. He has beaten everyone with famous names in the world."

"Fight the Three Heroes of the Luo Family, Daoist Zhangxu, Ke Baisui of the Funiu Faction, Sima Wei of the Qingcheng Faction, Uncle Qin of the Five Tigers and the Cutting Sword, and Xuan Bei of the Shaolin Temple."

"Fight Duan Yu, fight Qiao Feng, fight Ding Chunqiu, fight Sang Tugong, fight the three masters of Tianditang, fight the boss of Wu, fight Duan Zhengchun, fight the South Sea Crocodile God, fight the earth monk, fight Jiumozhi, fight Duan Yanqing .”

"Your martial arts skills are so good. Apart from you, I really can't think of anyone else in the entertainment industry who is qualified for this role."

In one breath, Zhang Jizhong told Murong Fu's achievements.

Since he decided to remake Tian Long Ba Bu, how could he not understand the character in the novel, Murong Fu, who plays such a heavy role.

He had read the script countless times and knew exactly who had the most important role.

Taking a detailed look at the fight scenes in Tianlong, Murong Fu had to fight dozens of times in both major and minor roles. The number of fight scenes was even slightly inferior to that of Qiao Feng, the male lead.

There are so many fighting scenes, and there are really not many actors in the industry who can do it. Even if they can fight, they certainly won't be able to do it as cleanly as Ding Xiu.

"Excuse me, I'm not that good." Ding Xiu suddenly felt that Murong Fu was actually pretty good.

Zhang Jizhong said: "Yes, absolutely yes, and I plan to give you the role of Murong Bo. You might as well do Murong Bo's fighting scenes too."

"The combined roles of these two characters are no worse than those of the three Qiao Feng brothers."

"One person plays two roles?" Ding Xiu was stunned.

"Why, are you afraid that you won't be able to act? I remember that you won the Best Actor Award at Cannes. The difficulty shouldn't be a problem, right?"

"No, what I mean is, does the pay have to be calculated twice?"

Zhang Jizhong: "..."

I almost forgot, this guy is a money-hungry man.

"Of course it counts as two."

"That's fine, but am I a little too young?"

Ding Xiu remembered that Murong Fu appeared on the stage at twenty-seven or eight, and he was only twenty-one, a few months shy of twenty-two.

Zhang Jizhong waved his hand: "These are all trivial matters."

The difference is only five or six years old. It doesn't matter how big it is. I'm not young enough, so I just put on makeup to make it up.

Besides, who stipulates that the role of twenty-seven can only be played by twenty-seven people.

Ding Xiu came out of the room with a smile, and the people auditioning outside were filled with chills.

Judging from this situation, it's probably done.

Before Ding Xiu could reach Qin Gang, seeing his excited expression, he made an OK gesture.

Qin Gang almost jumped up.

He put his arm around Ding Xiu's shoulders and walked outside.

"Brother Xiu, as expected of you, if you try Duan Yu, you can't even think about it this time."

The Legend of Tianlong is an ensemble drama, and Duan Yu is also one of the male protagonists. Unlike Swordsman, most of the scenes are Linghu Chong's.

"I didn't say it was Duan Yu."

"What?" Qin Gang was dumbfounded: "If you don't try Duan Yu, what are you trying?"

"Zhang Dabeard asked me to play Murong Fu."

"Murong Fu, the villain?"

"Yes, he said that even Murong Bo would act for me, which would count as two remunerations." Patting Qin Gang on the shoulder, Ding Xiu said: "I'll leave the negotiation of the price to you later. You can't be like Swordsman this time."

When I was smiling and proud, I was a newcomer and was squeezed miserably.

Because he has no popularity and no works, Ding Xiu admits.

Now he is just a dime, and the price is not the same.

"Since you chose Murong Fu, I respect your decision and will do my best to negotiate the price."

In the courtyard, heavy snow is falling.

In the room, Ding Xiu, Wang Baoqiang, Qin Lan, Qin Gang, and Gao Yuanyuan were eating hot pot around the stove.

A week has passed since the audition for the crew, and Qin Lan auditioned for the role of the female number five Mu Wanqing.

Qin Gang negotiated the salary between her and Ding Xiu. Ding Xiu played two roles, and because there were so many fighting scenes, he was paid 200,000 yuan.

That's right, two hundred thousand.

This is because there are so many fight scenes, otherwise Zhang Jizhong would have only given him 150,000 yuan.

Even Ding Xiu was only twenty, let alone Qin Lan, which was pitifully small.

But what she likes is the names Jin Yong and Zhang Jizhong, and she doesn't care about the money.

"Your hair is almost falling into the pot. Cut it off sometime."

While eating, Gao Yuanyuan said to Ding Xiu.

Touching his shoulder-length hair, Ding Xiu said, "I just cut it a few months ago."

He had repaired it once when he was on the Heroes crew, but he didn't expect it to go up so quickly.

"You told me a few months ago." Gao Yuanyuan took off the rubber band from her wrist and handed it over: "Here, tie it, I don't want to eat your hair."

Taking the rubber band, Ding Xiu casually pushed his hair back into a bun.

Qin Lan was stunned by this scene, and he was a little confused about the relationship between the two.

This action seems normal, but it also seems a little unusual.

"Brother Xiu, eat meat." Qin Lan picked up a chopstick and put it into Ding Xiu's bowl.

Gao Yuanyuan squinted her eyes, not knowing what to think, and gave Ding Xiu a chopstick.

"It's not good to eat meat all the time. Eat some vegetables to relieve tiredness."

Ding Xiu continued to eat without rejecting anyone who came, not paying any attention to the atmosphere on the table.

Qin Gang and Wang Baoqiang stopped talking, holding bowls and immersed themselves in eating.

In my heart, there is no one else who admires Ding Xiu so much that he can pick up two beauties at the same time and dare to invite them to the same table for dinner.

In fact, Ding Xiu didn't make an appointment with Qin Lan for this meal. She came all by herself after hearing about it.

PS: Next chapter is 8:30 pm

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