This aura is deadly

Chapter 128 Anchor

Around 10am.

Pihom's men drove three stolen express cars that had been stripped and repainted to the door of the gun store.

In addition to erasing Mr. Tang's painting, plywood was also installed in some places, such as the doors and hood, to withstand some small-caliber bullets.

Chen Ke knocked on the door panel of the muscle car, making a dull banging sound. He opened the door and looked at the interior. There was no change.

"This one must be arranged at the abandonment point in advance." Hall said.

After the decoy team got rid of the county police, they had to change cars in the woods to escape. In other words, at least one of the three cars had to be abandoned.

"What if the county police pulls the car back and suspects Boss Tang and the others did it?" Chen Ke couldn't help but ask.

"No, we are going to blow up the replaced car without leaving any traces." Hall said.

Lucina inserted her waist, a little unhappy, but there was nothing she could do.

"We need to drive the car to the designated location first and hide it, but at the same time, we also need to familiarize ourselves with the route. Me, Priskin and Lucina each drive a car there. Chen Ke, you drive one of our cars there, then The car will be used to practice jumping over broken bridges," Hall said.

"Practice flying bridge? Are you serious? If you fail once, are you sure the person sitting in the car will have a second chance?" Chen Ke said in surprise.

"Don't be afraid Chen Ke, the bridge is not big... Maybe my wording made you too worried..." Hall pinched his nose.

"How about you set an example first..." Chen Ke shrugged.

"Stop arguing, guys, time waits for no one. We might as well discuss this matter when we get there." Lucina smiled.

Chen Ke shook his head. At this time, Pihom drove a white car to them.

"Hall, this is the practice car you wanted. Although I don't know what you want to practice, it's yours now." Pihom got out of the car and threw the car keys to Hall.

"Chen Ke, I leave it to you." Hall smiled and put the key into Chen Ke's hand.

"This car has a top speed of 120 yards per hour, but it can only drive up to 80 yards, and it shakes badly after 60 yards. Don't say I didn't warn you." Pihom demanded, laughing.

"It's completely sufficient, but you'd better not expect us to return the car." Hall made an OK gesture.

"I still have some things to deal with with Bain. Remember to call me after you figure out the escape route."

The four got into the car, rolled down the windows, waved to Pihom, and lined up to leave the gun store.

First, four cars ran the real red escape route together, and then left the escape car in an open-air parking lot near Prito Bank in Hollyoaks.

Then, Lucina and Chen Ke took a car, and Hall and Priskin each drove a car. They ran the blue bait route together. At the point of changing cars, the three cars stopped and took a brief look. Leap point.

"Look, that's the broken bridge." Hall leaned against the car door and pointed to the wooden bridge in the distance.

Chen Ke hugged his chest and looked away.

It was a small river that ran through the woods, which was the dividing zone between the countryside between Lafite Road and Holy Oaks. The river was more than twenty meters wide, and there was a wooden bridge broken in the middle on the river.

"How long has this bridge been here?" Chen Ke suddenly asked.

There is an essential difference between a broken bridge and an abandoned bridge.

A broken bridge still functions as a bridge before it breaks down, and relevant units will conduct routine maintenance within a certain period. But the abandoned bridge can no longer be regarded as a bridge. Because no one is using it, it is impossible to confirm how long it has not been repaired...

"Are you sure that bridge can have traffic on it?" Chen Ke questioned.

From a distance, the wooden bridge can at least ensure that a car can drive up it, but Chen Ke is not sure whether this wooden structure bridge can withstand a car traveling at a speed of more than 100 yards per hour.

"I tried it that day and I can drive. I promise you." Hall patted his chest.

"Why does it sound so worrying..." Chen Ke shook his head.

"No problem. This bridge was built by a logging company in the past and was used to carry small pickup trucks, so there is no need to worry about the load."

Chen Ke looked around.

The only way into the woods is the wooden bridge. Although the highway on the side also had a bridge, it only circled around the edge of the woods. If the county police wanted to pursue him into the woods, they could only follow the speeding car together.

This idea is quite reliable.

The exit on the other side of the woods is not far from Lafite Road, right next to Sant'Angelo Park. You only need to drive the second car into the woods from the other end.

"Are you sure about Chen Ke?" Lucina looked at Chen Ke.

"I don't know, I've never driven like this, how about you?" Chen Ke shook his head.

"I haven't tried it either, but you'll know once you try it." Lucina said with a smile.

Lucina is crazy about driving, or in other words, crazy about all crazy things. She seems to have endless energy and enthusiasm, and can't wait to show her girl power to everyone around her.

The white car stopped in front of the broken bridge, with Lucina and Chen Ke sitting in the car.

The pavement at both ends of the bridge is intact, but in the middle, it may have collapsed and broken due to the load exceeding the limit, leaving a hole about 4 meters long.

If a car wants to fly over this gap, it must have an upward slope so that the high-speed car can fly. If the road is flat, the car will just go straight under the bridge.

The bad news is that the bridge is flat and not tilted upward.

But the good news is that the height difference between the two sides is different. The terrain on the shore of the woods is lower, so if the car is fast enough, it can still fly over.

"Are you ready?" Lucina hit the accelerator.

"I don't seem to have anything to prepare." Chen Ke said. He fastened his seat belt and held firmly to the handle above his head.

Lucina pulled up the handbrake and pressed the accelerator to the bottom, causing the car's rear wheels to spin at high speed in the mud.

"Come on, come on... I hate the feeling of being on tenterhooks." Chen Ke urged.

Lucina cursed, released the handbrake, and the car jerked forward, rushing towards the broken bridge at a speed of 50 yards.

She pressed the accelerator to the floor and held the steering wheel tightly, her eyes filled with madness.

Chen Ke watched the stopwatch rise from 50 to 60, then 70...

"Bang bang bang bang..."

Suddenly, an unpleasant sound came from under the car, and the speed of the car suddenly dropped sharply, accompanied by an unpleasant feeling of stagnation.

"What's going on?!" Chen Ke said in surprise.

"Broken down! Fake!" Lucina quickly pulled the handbrake and stepped on the brake to the end. If she really hit the bridge at this speed, she would end up falling into the river.

Lucina turned the steering wheel wildly to turn the front of the car around. After the white car drove forward for about 20 meters, the rear of the car swung forward and the whole car stopped across the bridge.

The two leaned on the seats and looked at each other, then laughed together.

"Ah, damn, Pihom really gave me a bad car." Hall patted his thigh aside.

"He told you a long time ago that this car will shake violently when you drive 60..." Priskin laughed.

Lucina and Chen Ke got out of the car, standing aside and spreading their hands to express their helplessness, while Hall walked around the car with his hands on his waist.

"We figure out how to reboot it and try again?" Priskin asked.

"I don't think so, just get in the getaway car." Lucina smiled.

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