This aura is deadly

Chapter 130 The non-existent guest room

All preparations for robbing the bank have been completed, including the escape route, the getaway car, the tools needed, and the necessary backup, all of which are listed on the small blackboard in the safe house.

The architectural blueprint of Prieto Bank is spread on a table, and Pihom has marked many marks on the blueprint with a marker.

After a series of soft and hard threats and bribes, all the shops around Prieto Bank will close for the day, and Pihom has specifically asked a shop to put a diesel generator outside the door to make noise that day.

Not only that, Pihom also arranged for helpers disguised as electricians to install zipline hooks on the roof of the bank and the residential building opposite, and asked people to pull the ropes at night.

The ultimate goal of this robbery is the things hidden in the bank by the S Consortium, but in order to prevent the S Consortium from knowing that someone is paying attention to them, this operation must be disguised as a very ordinary bank robbery.

In addition to locker No. 209, several other lockers must be opened randomly, and at the same time, the cash in the bank's small treasury must be taken away.

To make everyone think that this robbery was just the work of a few crazy thieves, and those extraordinary things were just taken away as ordinary jewelry.

In order to open other lockers, Priskin prepared a handheld circular saw. This device is battery-powered, and the circular saw head can be replaced at any time. The three-piece circular saw blade is enough to cut the lock tongue of the bank locker.

This operation will definitely face a gunfight at the end, so firearms are also indispensable.

Pihom arranged for people to pack and hide the long guns and pistols, as well as the large drill used to open the electric saw door, in a pickup truck and sent it to the bank's parking lot in advance.

And they have copied the key to the back door of the bank, so they can avoid the metal detector at the door and enter the bank quickly without triggering the alarm.

"Chen Ke and I will go in from the front with empty hands to see how many people are in the hall and where the guards are. Then, we will send you a signal." Hall pointed to the map.

"We'll come in from the back. I'll go get the monitoring room first." Lucina pointed to a place on the map. The monitoring room was next to the employee passage at the back door, close to the bank staff office area.

"After getting the monitoring room, we have to control the lobby as soon as possible, and then let Priskin install the drilling rig." Chen Ke looked at the map and said.

"From that time on, the 5-minute countdown will begin. After 5 minutes, the alarm will be automatically triggered. From the observations of Pihom and Chen Ke when they were scouting the site, S.W.A.T and those weirdos will arrive in less than 5 minutes." Hall nodded.

"Then how long do we have?" Lucina tilted her head and looked at Chen Ke.

"It's still 5 minutes." Chen Ke spread his hands.

"After all, the drilling rig takes time. After the drilling rig drills the door, the other party should have already been dispatched." Priskin explained.

"Four people relay, we put the money and things we need into the travel bag, and then slide from the zipline on the roof of the bank to the escape car across the street." Hall added.

"Mark the bag. The decoy car is for the money, and the getaway car is for what we want, whatever it is..." Chen Ke nodded.

Pihom pinched the beard on his chin, thought for a while, and said: "It looks perfect. Bane promised us extra help when we escape. If you see a stranger at that time, don't rush to open fire."

"That hacker?" Chen Ke remembered.

"Yes, I hope it can help." Pihom said.

"Guys, we have been preparing for three days for tomorrow's job. After this job, the brothers in the south will look at us with new eyes." Hall smiled.

"Brothers in the south?" Chen Ke looked at Hall.

Seeing Chen Ke's confused face, Pihom explained: "I told you that there are more than just these few postmen, but they will not all be gathered together."

All the preparations are completed, and they only have to work hard tomorrow. Lucina suggested that everyone have dinner together tonight and then have a drink. But Chen Ke had other things to do, so he left the gun store one step ahead of time.

"You are always in a hurry. I don't know what you are busy with." Lucina leaned against the door of the safe house and hugged her chest.

"My spare time is very rich." Chen Ke smiled.

"It must not be a serious matter... Do you mind telling me about it?" Lucina asked with a smile.

"If there is a chance in the future." Chen Ke put his left hand on Lucina's shoulder and walked around her sideways.

Strong girl without a chance, in that world, your muscles and bullets have no meaning, Chen Ke said secretly.

"Well..." Lucina looked at Chen Ke's back and sighed deeply.

8 o'clock in the evening, the Iron Rolling District, Ander's Evaluation Hotel.

This hotel is 8 stories high, just across from the Walmart where Chen Ke went for the first time.

In the Iron Rolling District, it is not easy to do any business. This is not a tourist attraction, so there are not many people renting the entire hotel, and it seems to be facing the crisis of bankruptcy. Except for the service hall on the first floor, the other floors are dark, and there are not many rooms with lights on.

Chen Ke pushed open the old door and walked into the hotel. The mottled walls and exposed water pipes revealed the lack of money for renovation. There were not many tourists and the waiters looked listless. The whole hotel seemed like an antique from the 1980s.

"Sir, have you booked a room?" The fat waitress sitting at the front desk asked while trimming her nails.

"I'm here to see a friend," Chen Ke said to him.

"Oh? Then your friend must not be doing well. room does your friend live in?" the fat female waiter asked.

"Number 98." Chen Ke said.

"Oh? What a coincidence? I also live in room 98." The fat female waiter laughed.

Chen Ke frowned, what happened to the waiter?

"Which floor is room 98 on?" Chen Ke asked.

"Ho ho... It seems you really don't know... You must have been fooled by that friend of yours." The fat waitress said with disdain.

Chen Ke scratched his head.

"I mean, we don't have room 98 here." She put down her nail clippers and looked at Chen Ke with interest.

Chen Ke raised his head and looked at the stairs and small elevator. He felt that there was something strange about this building, but he couldn't tell what was wrong. Moreover, just now, he suddenly realized that the room number "Room 98" made no sense.

Because in general hotels, room numbers are based on the floor plus the room number. For example, the eighth room on the sixth floor should be 6008. This facilitates staff to quickly locate the room and perform various daily management tasks.

And even if this hotel is unique and insists on numbering the rooms in this non-mainstream way, just judging from the size of the hotel, it is difficult to imagine that there are 98 rooms here.

"Sorry to bother you." Chen Ke shook his head and walked out of the hotel quickly.

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