This aura is deadly

Chapter 132 Phantom

When Chen Ke arrived at the Lafite Road area, it was already 9:30.

Our Lady of the Angels Hotel may be the most luxurious hotel in Opportunity City. Although there is only one building, the entire hotel looks quite grand from the outside and has its own large fountain square.

The taxi followed the tree-lined path and stopped in front of the fountain statue in the hotel square. Chen Ke got out of the car and looked up at the magnificent statue. It was a goddess riding a Pegasus. Water spit out from the horse's mouth. No matter how you look at it, it’s funny.

Standing in the square, looking towards the urban area of ​​Lafite Road down the hillside on one side, you can also see the lights of the busy commercial street where Golden Arthur and Leicester clothing stores are located.

The target room number is 2232. According to the general hotel room sorting rules, if it is a hotel with multiple buildings, the first 2 should mean building No. 2, and the second 2 means the floor.

But Our Lady of the Angels Hotel only has one building, so the two digits of the money refer to the floors. In other words, the target is room 32 on the 22nd floor.

Chen Ke looked up and saw that the building was equipped with orange lights. At night, the hotel was like a pillar supporting the sky and the earth. There were not many lighted rooms on the 22nd floor. He didn't know which one was room 32.

He didn't plan to go in through the front entrance, because in such a high-end hotel, it was impossible to just let people go upstairs without booking a room. Moreover, the hall is brightly lit, and even wearing an alienated suit cannot trigger the dark concealment effect.

Speaking of which, the alienation effect of this suit is also a kind of memetic infection. It seems that psychic infection is not just as simple as the literal meaning, because it not only distorts the original appearance of things, but also gives various patterns. Because, perhaps, tonight's target has mastered this method to turn that sentence into a memetic infection source and spread it.

Chen Ke walked around to the back of the hotel building and looked around. There was a special entrance for transporting ingredients to the hotel's kitchen at the back door. Several trucks were parked in the open space behind. At the door, there was a smoking waiter talking to him. Another cook came out for some air to chat.

He raised his head and looked up along the exposed drainage pipe outside the wall. There was an open window on the sixth floor that seemed to lead to one of the guest rooms.

It seems that there are two ways to get in, but Chen Ke thought of a third way...

"Hi, you two old guys." Chen Ke walked up and said hello.

The cook and the waiter looked at each other, a little confused.

"Can you lend me your lighter?" Chen Ke stretched out his hand.

The waiter nodded, held a cigarette in his mouth, and reached into his pocket with his right hand for a lighter.

Chen Ke punched him hard on the chin. The waiter's eyes darkened, he knelt down and collapsed on the ground.

Before the waiter could reach the end, Chen Ke took a step forward, grabbed the cook's chin with his right hand, put his right foot on his heel, and pushed him to the ground, hitting the back of his head heavily on the cement floor.

In 2 seconds, the two people were unconscious. Chen Ke picked them up, threw them to the shadows, and then took off the waiter's uniform...

2 minutes later…

After changing into uniform, Chen Ke hid his clothes and pistol under the pickup truck. He only took the sacred diamond with him and walked into the kitchen carefully.

At 9 o'clock in the evening, the hotel kitchen is still busy. The chef has already left work and left, leaving only some helpers preparing the ingredients for tomorrow.

Chen Ke lowered his head and hurried past, fearing that these people would suddenly say hello, because even if he was wearing a waiter's attire, he might be recognized. After all, people who often work together are very familiar with each other, especially when there is a new face in the team. , will definitely arouse everyone's suspicion.

Chen Ke should stay away from his fellow waiters, because they have a high chance of seeing through him, but he can fool the managers in the management.

Every waiter has a special guest room key that can open all doors. Chen Ke also has one in his hand, which saves him a lot of effort. After all, he doesn't know how to pick locks.

Go into the elevator and go straight to the 22nd floor.

He didn't have any extra time to waste, because the two unconscious buddies wouldn't give him much time, and the temperature was a bit low tonight, so the one who was undressed might wake up from the cold halfway.

He needed to pick up the pace, fight quickly, and then go back quickly to change into his own clothes and evacuate.


The elevator door slowly opened, reaching the 22nd floor.

Chen Ke stepped out of the elevator. The dim lights in the corridor gave people a very comfortable feeling. The floor was carpeted and there was no sound at all when he stepped on it. This was awesome.

Chen Ke looked at the house number on the door next to him: 2201

This time, he wanted to use a holy object to kill people, so he used Raven's green dagger...

Chen Ke thought this while looking for the room number, and at the same time he missed Lin Mo's extraordinary skills in the memory sequence.

If he had Lin Mo's skills at this time, it would be very trouble-free. He could actively check the movement inside the door and locate the target through the wall.

The murderous radar can only prevent sneak attacks, but cannot be used actively. Moreover, since the soul vessel was obtained, no new skills have appeared in the life countdown. Could it be that the development has reached the end? It would be a shame if that were the case.

Standing at the door of room 2232, Chen Ke was thinking about countermeasures.

He can knock on the door because he is now dressed as a waiter and the target will definitely not recognize him. When the target opens the door, he will immediately smash the target's heart to pieces with his dagger, and then quickly evacuate.

Or he opens the door with a key, rushes in, stabs the target directly in the head and face with a dagger, and then escapes.

But given that this goal was unusual, Chen Ke didn't think it was a good idea to contact him. It was a trivial matter to have an ambush. What if he had more powerful extraordinary means?

His only bet is that the target thinks he is safe and will take it lightly. After all, the meme spreads widely, and everyone who wants to find him should be induced by the meme to go to Ender's cheap hotel, and no one will come here to find him.

Chen Ke exhaled, held the door handle, took out the key, and tried to insert it.

"Are you sure you really want to do this?" A man's voice came from behind, and he put a hand on his shoulder.

Chen Ke was startled. He turned around and saw a very well-dressed man with a hint of contempt in his eyes and a command in his tone.

"I didn't call the waiter, why did you come into my room?" the man asked with a frown.

Chen Ke didn't speak and backed away slightly. This guy was the man in the photo. He couldn't be said to be handsome, but he was decent because he was well-groomed.

Just now, the man approached Chen Ke from behind without murderous intent, and Chen Ke was thinking, so he didn't notice it.

"If you can't give me a reasonable explanation, then I can only think that you are trying to steal something." The man laughed.

Chen Ke snorted coldly, raised his head and stared into the opponent's eyes, and blue light flashed in his right hand.

"Oh?" The man's expression froze, and the next second, Chen Ke's green dagger pierced his throat deeply.

"What!?" The sword penetrated the man's body, but Chen Ke was shocked.

Because the man in front of me is just a phantom!

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