This aura is deadly

Chapter 136 Four people form a team

The world in Chen Ke's eyes began to tremble. The man stepped back with a smile and disappeared behind the bridge pier. He turned back to look at the transaction site. A three-party war was about to break out.

But these have nothing to do with him. For Lin Mo, the most important thing in this memory is the meeting with Heinard.

The world in his eyes trembled more and more, and Chen Ke felt himself being pulled toward the sky by a force. When the scene disappeared and only darkness remained in his eyes, a line of information appeared in front of him: Memory synchronization successful.

As if falling from the sky, he straightened up suddenly, returned to his rented room, and lay on the bed in a big Chinese character.

The sun shines through the window and shines on his back.

"Huh..." Chen Ke stood up, wiped the sweat from his forehead, grabbed the cell phone beside him and looked at the time, 9:30 in the morning.

Memory sequence 0 was finally synchronized successfully. He quickly picked up the wallpaper and wrote down the key information.

Lin Mo cooperated with a man suspected of being Heinard and manipulated the deal between the Si Group and Asra a year ago, replacing the sacred diamond with someone's severed hand.

On the day of the transaction, the two met and were subsequently attacked by an alienated individual.

Was the transaction successful? Chen Ke put a question mark, he thought there was no such thing. Otherwise, Lucina's mother should have come back long ago.

Maybe it was because the transaction that day was disrupted by a large group of alienated individuals who had a grudge against Asra that led to the incident at the Xijin Building?

Chen Ke added this assumption later.

Looking at the piece of paper in his hand, Chen Ke felt that he was one step closer to the truth of the matter, and various fragments were spliced ​​together.

The Si Group, Asra, the three targets given by Lester, the postman's failed operation, Lucina's mother, the missing Miles... and Lin Mo's sister, these people and organizations were all captured by the Xijin Building. One night of action tied together.

When the blasphemous dagger passed through his heart, Lin Mo died, and Chen Ke woke up, as if there was God's will in the dark...

If he could know what the entry for the blasphemous dagger was, perhaps Chen Ke could figure out the relationship between the door of the Great Void, the Contract Demon, and himself.

Just when he was about to get up, Chen Ke's vision suddenly turned the whole world into light blue, which was very similar to the feeling in his memory when Lin Mo activated his extraordinary skills.

He rubbed his eyes. Wherever he looked, his vision penetrated the wall. No one lived on the lower floors, except for one or two people taking the elevator.

Wait... is this?

At this time, the vision in his eyes disappeared, and two lines of small words appeared in the corners of his eyes:

"Extraordinary skill retrieval: psychic vision."

He was overjoyed. After successfully synchronizing his memories, Chen Ke actually regained his lost extraordinary skills! He immediately opened the skill list to view the details of this skill.

[Skill Book: Spiritual Vision]

【inherited:? ? ? ? 】

[Type: Arcane]

[Requirements: Intelligence (satisfied)]

[Effect: Focus psychic energy on the retina to sense and mark all humanoid living creatures within a radius of 100 meters. 】

【No knowledge found】

Just as Chen Ke expected, this is an active investigation skill. The range actually reaches a radius of 100 meters, and it ignores any obstacles and can see directly!

But the disadvantage is that the spiritual vision cannot highlight threatening targets like the murderous radar, and there is no way for Chen Ke to find the killer hidden in the crowd.

The greatest use of psychic vision is to sneak into a room and carry out beheading operations without the other party's knowledge. From a certain point of view, it is indeed an extraordinary skill that goes well with killers.

Chen Ke tried to activate his spiritual vision, and the life countdown in the corner of his eye was immediately deducted by 5 minutes. The world in Chen Ke's eyes seemed to be shrouded in blue sunlight.

This skill only takes 5 minutes to activate? so little?

Just when he was wondering, he noticed that the life countdown in the corner of his eye was decreasing at a rate of 10 seconds per second!

"You have 12 hours, 29 minutes and 42 seconds left to live..."

Although Chen Ke now has a lifespan of 20 hours, he still has to thank the soul of the spirit demon. If he were not able to enter the memory sequence to explore, Chen Ke could kill an entire night in just a few dozen minutes. Every long night you may have to go to an abandoned psychic breeding ground to hunt alienated cats and dogs.

Lester hasn't washed and ironed the alienated suit yet. After all, unlike Chen Ke, he has to eat and sleep.

Today is the day to rob the bank, three days of long preparation, just for this one vote! Anyway, we were doing things during the day and there was no need for the special effects of the suit, so Chen Ke wore a gray suit and went to the gun store.

It was already past 10 o'clock when we arrived at the gun store. Pihom had arranged for weapons, equipment and necessary items to be delivered to the bank's parking lot, so everyone only needed to wear masks.

Hall did not play PS3 today. Instead, he sat back on the armchair and rested his hands on the back of the chair, as if he was thinking about something.

Lucina was wearing a purple leather jacket, a black T-shirt underneath, ripped jeans and boots. She said hello after seeing Chen Ke.

"What's wrong with Hall?" Chen Ke asked.

"He was abused by Lucina and became autistic." Priskin walked past Chen Ke and raised his head to the small table under the big TV. There is a CD box of the PS3 version of "Tekken 5" on it.

"Lucina...are you really that good at this?" Chen Ke looked at Lucina.

"It's also possible that Hall is too bad, but no matter what, I do win more and lose less when playing Tekken in arcades and XBOX LIVE. Well... in other words, I'm very good." Lucina smiled.

"This kind of fighting game has always been difficult to have to spend a lot of time bear the frustration..." Chen Ke frowned. He didn't like playing fighting games.

"If you are free and interested, I can teach you." Lucina said.

"Let's do it another day. Is today the day for a big fight?" Chen Ke changed the topic to bank robbery. Now he has no time to waste his life on video games.

At this time, Pihom walked in at the right time. He stood at the table, and the four people in the room gathered together.

"Today is an ordinary day for the world, but for us, it is a harvest day." Pihom smiled.

"That's right, payday." Hall smiled, as if coming out of the haze of Tekken 5.

"We are ready, let's repeat the last action plan." Puriskin said.

Chen Ke nodded and looked at Pihom.

"You will arrive near the bank in a van at 12 o'clock. The necessary equipment will be placed in the pickup truck with the tail number 2217. Lucina and Priskin will go in through the back door. She will secure the monitoring room and ask Priskin to install the drilling rig. Chen After being controlled in the control room, Gram and Hall entered through the front door and quickly suppressed everyone," Pihom pointed to the bank blueprint.

"The drill will be noisy, but don't panic. The diesel generators in the shops outside will be noisier, so no one will care about it. When the vault door is opened, I have prepared twelve bags with money. You have to grab all 12 Wrap money and hide what we need in one of the bags."

"Then it's time to escape. If nothing else happens, S.W.A.T. should be on the road by the time you wrap up the money. A gunfight is unavoidable, but we still try to avoid killing cops. I've prepared smoke bombs in case of emergencies."

"The money bag can be sent directly to the getaway car from the zipline on the roof of the bank. You can also escape from the bank directly from the zipline. After getting on the car, follow the route planned by Hall and escape separately."

"Hall and Priskin will take Route A with what we want, and Chen Ke and Lucina will act as bait and take Route B. The bait vehicle must attract as much firepower as possible during the first leg of the journey. By then, Bain's hackers will also I’ll be here to help, so it shouldn’t be too stressful.”

After Pihom finished speaking, he clapped his hands and looked at everyone again.

"The main target of this operation is the contents of the small locker, followed by the money. Therefore, everyone should adapt to the situation and don't lose their lives for money." He said.

"Understood." Everyone nodded.

Chen Ke secretly glanced at the others. Judging from their expressions, it seemed that they were more interested in money.

"Okay, time waits for no one, let's go." Hall said.

The four of them responded, walked out of the safe house one after another, and walked towards the van with clumsy steps.

This should be considered the second update of No. 2...

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