This aura is deadly

Chapter 146 Breaking the Curse

"The discussion about the dagger ends here. We want to rescue Lucina. Now the only way is to exchange the Holy Diamond. But the problem is that we don't know how to contact each other at all. We don't want to take the risk to trust them. Heinard , how well do you know them?" Pihom asked.

"That holy diamond is not just a simple piece of equipment. I don't know what it is, but I know someone in Asra knows how to use it. If we hold it, Lucina will still be alive. Once it is handed over, everyone will They will all die," Heinard said.

"This holy diamond... is green. Are there many holy diamonds of this color?" Chen Ke asked. Heinard used to smuggle holy objects, and he had seen more holy and extraordinary items.

"This is the first time I have seen a green sacred diamond in my life. At first I thought it was an imitation. The appraisal device could not scan any information, and the psychic wave number was too low to be a sacred object. But obviously, It's not unique," Heinard replied.

"You mean, there are a lot of green ones..." Chen Kedao.

"I don't know how many there are in total, but I once heard people from Asura talking about how to get them together before others... I guess this thing is like some sets of holy diamonds. You can make a set of them, who knows? "What. But believe me, someone in Asra knows how to use it, and it is not comparable to ordinary holy objects. The moment it is handed over to Asra, none of us here will survive," Hainard said seriously. .

Chen Ke looked at the green holy diamond. It was lying on the table, looking so ordinary at the moment. His life countdown can identify holy objects, but this one alone indicates that his lifespan is insufficient.

It seems that it would take far more than 20 hours of life to identify it or even summon it. This aura is really deadly...

"They want to trade with us, but we don't know how to contact them, and now we have no choice but to wait." Hall said, spreading his hands.

"You don't need to go to them, they will come to you." Heinard shook his head.

"In other words, they know where we are?" Chen Ke was surprised.

"No, that's not the case, otherwise they would have come and robbed them long ago. But don't forget, they have the Silent Witch. In addition to casting poisonous spells on others, this woman is also very good at finding people." Heinard said.

"What means do they rely on to find people? Extraordinary power?" Priskin asked.

"That's right. Anyway, their eyes are very special. After looking at each other with the Silent Witch, she will be able to find a way to lock you...Have any of us here ever looked at each other with the Silent Witch?" Heinard asked.

Everyone looked at each other, Chen Ke took a deep breath and slowly raised his hand. Pihom wiped his face, and Hall and Priskin shook their heads.

"That witch took Lucina away in front of me and in a strange way...disappeared out of thin air..." Chen Kedao.

"Have you talked to her? Has she talked to you?" Heinard was somewhat concerned.

"She told me that she wanted me to exchange the Holy Diamond for Lucina, and then she disappeared." Chen Ke said.

"Did you answer her?" Heinard stared at Chen Ke.

"I didn't answer, I didn't speak." Chen Ke shook his head.

"Very good...then did you do anything else? Did you nod? Or...any other body movements to show agreement..." Heinard asked nervously.

"I...I can't remember clearly. Things happened very quickly. I don't remember any small moves I made." Chen Ke shook his head.

"Just in case, we can only assume that you have been cursed with silence..." Heinard said helplessly.

"Does this mean that my whole body will turn black like Patch?" Chen Ke asked.

"Yes...if you refuse to may break your oath and die..." Heinard said.

"This is too ridiculous...Is there no cure for this strange...spell?" Hall asked.

"Yes, some..." Heinard smiled.

"Why don't you tell us?" Pihom said.

"Kill the silent witch who cast the curse, and the silent curse will be ineffective. This is what I did before." Heinard smiled.

"This is quite reasonable..." Chen Ke said coldly.

"Okay, that is to say, now we can only trade with them? Unless, regardless of Chen Ke's life and death?" Puriskin scratched his head.

"What if...what if he is not cursed?" Hall looked at Chen Ke and then at Heinard.

"Then you have to ask Chen Ke if he is willing to risk his life as a joke." Heinard spread his hands.

"Even if I'm not cursed, that witch can find me anytime, anywhere. I don't like this feeling." Chen Ke shook his head.

You can find someone just by looking at them. How fucking awesome is this ability? He suddenly remembered that when he and Pihom were investigating the bank, he had seen a silent witch through the telescope.

Chen Keji doesn't know exactly what the witch looks like, but if she is the one who kidnapped Lucina...

"If they want to trade, I will trade with them," Chen Ke said.

Everyone looked at Chen Ke.

"This matter is very dangerous. You can't escape unscathed by yourself. We have already lost enough people." Pihom shook his head.

"That witch can find me at any time. No matter what, I will find a way to kill her." Chen Kedao.

"It's not easy to deal with them, although there is a chance of winning with ordinary weapons." Heinard praised them.

"You mean they can be shot to death?" Hall asked.

"I never said that they are not afraid of guns. In fact, psykers are also afraid of guns. If they are shot by a gun, they will die. But the problem is that psykers can use sacred objects and skill secrets. If you want to shoot them head-on with a gun, It’s too difficult. As long as the special effects of the holy objects are properly matched with each other and supported by strong enough skills, the movements of the psyker will be far beyond ordinary people’s cognition..." Heinard shook his head.

"Far beyond ordinary people's cognition? If I stand 200 meters away and aim at him with PSG1, what else can he do?" Hall asked.

"There are many things he can do, such as teleporting in front of you from 200 meters away the second before you pull the trigger, and killing you with a slash from head to butt," Heinard said sarcastically.

"..." Hall wanted to refute, but couldn't find a suitable example for a long time.

"You don't have an intuitive understanding of the power of sacred weapons. Only those who have used them understand how powerful they are." Heinard shook his head.

Chen Ke has a deep understanding of it. Although he has only used low-level holy objects, he can already appreciate the power of holy objects.

The power of a holy object does not lie in how sharp or heavy it is, nor does it even have to do with the six categories and eighteen attributes it has.

It's about those entries.

The extremely elementary entry contains the perverted effect of "wounds never heal".

What if it is a more powerful holy object? Flat chop and cleave? With one strike, the earth will fall apart? Can you summon a rain of meteorites from the sky with just a wave of your hand?

Chen Ke couldn't imagine it.

In particular, these sacred objects are so small that if a few of them are put into a bracelet or set into a necklace, the psyker can go anywhere in casual clothes.

It is obviously a humanoid killer, but it is in the middle of the market and is not alerted by the people around it. Not to mention those skill secret books.

"If you handle it properly, there is still a chance. Haven't you done this before?" Chen Ke said with a smile.

"You are right, I just want to remind you how difficult it is to do this." Heinard said.

"Well, it seems we can only trade with them, and the trader must be Chen Ke..." Pihom said.

"Why do you still call him Chen Ke? Isn't his name Link?" Priskin suddenly asked.

"We are used to calling you... Chen... what do you think we should call you?" Hall looked at Priskin, then looked at Chen Ke and asked.

"Just call me Chen Ke... I have forged Link's death certificate. The Si Group has always thought that all of us Lin brothers have died..." Chen Ke wiped the sweat from his forehead and said.

Everyone decided to still call him Chen Ke and agreed to temporarily hand over the green holy diamond to Chen Ke for safekeeping.

Now there is no other way but to wait. Chen Ke also insists on trading with Asra alone, mainly because if there are other people around him, he will not be able to use all his abilities.

Pihom and Hall can only hope that Chen Ke can adapt to circumstances when trading.

"I like cautious people, Chen Ke, you and Lin Mo look so similar... If you two had completely different personalities, I don't think I would have recognized each other at all." Hainard praised.

"Hainard, if you have time, I would like to chat with you alone." Chen Ke looked at Hainard.

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