This aura is deadly

Chapter 165 Harvest Day (End)

Chen Ke stared at Miles' head for a long time. His dull eyes gradually lost their color. As the blood flowed more and more from his neck, the skin gradually turned white.

The "alienation in progress" message that appeared next to Miles's body turned into "alienation interruption" and gradually dissipated. The blood from his headless body flowed from the center of the street into a nearby drainage ditch.

The bright red blood spread like wine, and actually ignited some sparks.

When the red blood drained out, dark blood with deeper eyes flowed from the incision on Miles's neck. Chen Ke guessed that the blood flowing out from the front should be Faralis's blood...

In order to gain extraordinary power, Miles drank the blood dripping from Faralis' head during a ceremony in the Kingdom of Vanherd, causing his body to become alienated.

What is that power?

Two small blue diamonds that shimmered faintly in the pool of blood caught Chen Ke's attention. They were Miles's gloves. He picked it up, wiped off the blood on it, and looked at it carefully.

The holy object that has been identified does not require him to consume any more lifespan, and the information box pops up instantly.

【Wrath of Sparta】

[Durability: very poor/average]

[Broken Steel: Causes durability loss to other holy objects]

[Wrath: Boxing power increased by 5 times] (single glove is 1.5 times)

[Gust Wind: Continuous attacks will increase the anger multiplier] (Limited to use in pairs)

【Lack of knowledge】

These two gloves are paired, and no flame effect is seen. It seems that Chen Ke guessed right. It is Miles's own ability to make the gloves angry.

Chen Ke suddenly remembered that in Lin Mo's memory sequence a year ago, Miles was already able to use such abilities...

It seems that Miles may have had the idea of ​​becoming a truly extraordinary person after the Si Consortium first discovered the Vanherd Kingdom and explored Falalis.

Injecting liquefied psychic energy into the spinal cord may be just a trade-off, otherwise an organization similar to Asra would not have emerged.

What they pursue is not to use the power of spiritual energy, but to merge themselves with spiritual energy!

In Chen Ke's understanding in just over a week, psychic energy is not a good thing. While it brings power, it also brings many uncontrollable consequences.

Toads in sewers and monsters starved to death are all cases of passive infection. They gained power in a sense, but it didn't look enviable.

The ones that are more successful in proactively using psychic powers are currently the Administration and Spirit Enterprises. "Superman" is powerful enough to end wars on his own, and psychic power-related products can form a booming industry.

The ones who don't seem to be so successful are Asra. They turn themselves into inhumans. It's hard to tell whether they are combined with psychic energy or have become part of psychic energy.

Now, Chen Ke knows at least two ways to use psychic powers, and the results are completely different.

However, looking back at Van Heder's Faralise, she still maintains her intact human form, and her severed head and hands show no signs of decay...

How do people in the Vanherd Kingdom use psychic powers?

Chen Ke searched Miles and found nothing else of value, so he gave up. His body was left to the management and county police to have a headache.

"It seems that the attraction of those two diamonds is much higher than mine..." Lucina sighed and sat weakly on the ground, with the spray from Miles' neck still on her shoulders, chest, collarbone and hair. of blood.

The white and blue halos on Chen Ke's body flashed alternately, and the leather leggings were restored to suit pants. The white robe just turned into diamonds and then cracked into powder. A big hole was burned out of the white shirt on the waist and abdomen, exposing his abdominal muscles.

"Thank you just now. Thank you." Chen Ke walked up to Lucina.

"I know...I saw it. I think it's more appropriate for you to wear it." Lucina nodded, took off the suit she was wearing and handed it to Chen Ke.

Chen Ke took the suit and looked at it carefully. Except for many wrinkles caused by the iron fist gloves, there was no damage. He could just ask Lester to help iron it.

"Get up, girl, Pihom and the others are waiting for us to go back." Chen Ke put the suit on Lucina again.

"You are so considerate..." Lucina smiled, coughed a few times, and looked a little pale.

The battle with Miles just now consumed too much of her energy. Without her two sacrifices to help, Chen Ke didn't know how much he would have to pay to kill Miles.

"Stop talking Lucina, there is still one stop to go." Chen Ke said.

He grabbed Lucina's arm, helped her to his back, then wrapped his arms around her thighs and stood up.

The two walked in silence for a while.

"Don't betray the postman...don't leave me..." Lucina whispered, and after finishing speaking, she fell into a deep sleep.

"I promise you." Chen Ke replied.

When I returned to the gun store, it was already past 2 a.m.

Pihom and the others didn't know there would be a deal tonight, but they were still very concerned about the situation of Chen Ke and Lucina, so everyone gathered in the safe house and watched 24 hours a day waiting for Chen Ke's call.

The person keeping vigil tonight is Heinard. After all, it was his daughter who was lost, so he must be the most urgent. When Chen Ke walked into the red door carrying the scarred Lucina on his back, Heinard showed a surprised expression.

In order to prevent himself or Lucina from becoming transparent due to the darkness concealment effect, Chen Ke took off Lucina's suit jacket and put it on his arm before entering the house.

Chen Ke put Lucina on the sofa and then went to wake up the others. He knew that he had to give the two father and daughter some space.

When Pihom, Hall and Priskin marveled at how Chen Ke managed everything so quickly, there was a crisp slap from outside, and it seemed that someone had been slapped hard.

When the four of them poked their heads out of the strategy room, they saw Heinard and Lucina hugging each other tightly.

What is lost and lost is destined to be in the past tense. It is better to cherish the present and seize the future than to spend all your efforts to save the past.

Pihom has his own connections. He can arrange for a private doctor to treat Lucina. After all, it is impossible for people like them to go to the hospital.

Heinard no longer clung to his dead wife, and decided to return to his postman job. After Lucina's injury got better, the father and daughter went out to fuck him.

But at the same time, he also found Chen Ke worriedly and asked about the Silent Witch.

"She is no longer a problem." Chen Ke simply replied, and Heinard also got the answer from his eyes.

Half an hour later, the doctor contacted by Pihom drove to the backyard of the safe house. Hall and Priskin helped Lucina and put her into the van.

Lucina glanced at Chen Ke and then lay on the ambulance cot in the van. Chen Ke knew that she would help him hide things about Miles and the Holy Diamond.

What followed was a whole night of carnival. Chen Ke used cheating to consume two cases of whiskey and six bottles of vodka, and drank all the postmen.

At 6 o'clock in the morning, while Hall and Pihom were sleeping soundly under the table, and Heinard and Priskin were vomiting in the toilet, Chen Ke stood alone at the door of the gun store, looking at the sun that had just risen.

Since time travel, everything has happened because of two men with different purposes.

After seeing the extraordinary power, Miles was unwilling to be someone else's killer, so he drank the blood of Faralis, gained the power of the remaining fire, and deceived Lin Mo, who wanted to save his sister, and became a sacrifice to open the door.

Heinard, who wanted to save his wife, left his daughter behind and danced with the dangerous Asra. In the end, he got deeper and deeper and could no longer easily escape.

Lin Mo, on the other hand, was just an ordinary killer who was involved.

People who are trained as weapons will become threats that no one can control when they have their own selfish motives.

At least now, Chen Ke has figured out the whole story and he has accepted his abilities.

He wasted 24 years of youth, but after a dream, he found the feeling of being alive. Only after his heart was hollowed out did he feel the warmth and warmth of the world.

Maybe, in this world, he can pursue something he couldn't even imagine before? The countdown to life is like a wolf in his heart, awakening him and making him face all his fears.

Chen Ke felt that the moment of change had arrived.

The iPhone in his pocket vibrated, indicating that the offshore account had been credited, and 1 million joint dollars had been deposited into his account.

The money robbed by the postman hasn't been laundered so quickly. This should be the dividend Lester refers to. Three goals, a total of 1.15 million.

Chen Ke exited the text message interface, opened the photo album app with his hand, and found a video in it.

"Huh? Did you buy it second-hand?" Chen Ke smiled and clicked on the video.

"I'll see you in two days...hehehehe...where's the sun..."

Ward Fake?

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