This aura is deadly

Chapter 169 Creating God

In a dark study room, a faint blue halo is emitted from the corner. Corrigan was squatting alone in the corner between the bookshelf and the wall, holding the symbiotic stone in his hand.

The halo emitted by this stone seems to be breathing, flickering on and off, very dreamy. It can replace the body's depleted organs, cheat death, and allow Corrigan to continue living.

Corrigan stroked his withered forehead, followed the wrinkled ravines like tree bark, and felt the old symbiosis stone inserted in his forehead.

The stone no longer had a blue halo, but was pitch black, like charcoal.

His dry and slender fingers, like tree branches, slowly touched the stone on his forehead, touched it tentatively, and then held it.

After a while, Corrigan began to shake the stone back and forth, making a crunching sound against his skull.

The stone had been stuck in his head for so long that it had stuck to Corrigan's body.

After shaking like this for a long time, the stone finally showed some signs of loosening.

Corrigan used his wrist force to pull out the black symbiosis stone from his head.

The stone rolled to the ground, giving off the last trace of blue light, and then shattered into black powder on the ground.

There was only a three-finger-wide hole left on Corrigan's forehead.

There was a dim blue light emitting from the hole, and there were still blue glowing lines inside the cortex, but they were gradually fading away.

Corrigan panted heavily and inserted the brand new symbiosis stone in his hand into the hole in his forehead.

The halo of the blue stone was no longer dazzling and became much dimmer. That was because its power quickly supplied Corrigan's body that was in desperate need of energy.

Corrigan's body also slowly changed.

The skin that was originally as dry as tree bark gradually returned to the normal skin of an old man, and his face began to look human.

The change lasted for 5 minutes. Corrigan stood up slowly, his hooded cloak slipping off his body. He turned his head, walked to the desk and turned on the lamp.

Warm orange light filled the entire study. Corrigan wrapped the black stone powder on the ground in paper and threw it into the trash can.

At this moment, he is no longer the monster hiding in the darkness, but a hale and hearty old man in a suit, of course, if you can ignore the stone stuck in his head.

His bald head quickly grew silver hair. He looked in the mirror on the desk and did some simple grooming. He picked up the phone next to him and dialed a number.

"Pan Kya, we lost a lot of killers last night, you should explain to me what happened recently..." he said calmly.

"Grandpa... I can handle these." Pankiya's nervous voice came from the other side.

Corrigan and Pankiah are not related. Grandfather is just a name for the supreme leader of the Sri Lankan consortium, similar to the godfather of the Mafia.

Not many people in the consortium have seen Corrigan. When Corrigan was still a normal person, he often attended the company's board of directors, but since he used the symbiotic stone to extend his life, he no longer appears in front of people.

Corrigan's full name is Corrigan Strong, and the Strand Consortium means Strong's family consortium. However, Corrigan has no heirs, so the current Strand Consortium is actually still in his hands.

He used strange objects to keep himself alive, and then supported one of his agents to control the company.

As time passed, when Corrigan's business partners and partners were long gone, he used disgraceful means to forcibly acquire their equity.

"Grandfather...I can handle this matter." Pankiya promised.

"No, I didn't doubt you. I just wanted to know what happened during my absence. So much so that you went to war and sent out so many killers." Corrigan said solemnly.

"My...grandfather...I..." Pankya stood in front of his desk, wiping the sweat from his forehead.

From Pankiya's voice, Corrigan heard his uneasiness. As a pawn, Corrigan could not accept incompetence and failure.

"Tell me, Pankia, what did you mess up?" Corrigan said.

" of my killers is out of control...I'm afraid he will sabotage our actions..." Pankiya tried his best to explain.

"I know, Pankya, I know... I will find someone else to handle this matter... You have done a very good job, you should take a rest." Corrigan said.

"I..." When Pankya heard the word "rest", something seemed to collapse in his heart.

"Stop talking about Pankya, go take a long vacation, you deserve it." After Corrigan finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Pankiah knows what vacation means. Some ships are one-way tickets. If the captain wants to remove you, there is no way you can wait for the ship to dock.

At the same time, a secret meeting was taking place in the top-floor conference room of a building in the Lafite Road area of ​​Opportunity City.

This conference room is made of special materials, is absolutely soundproof, and cannot be seen through by any technological means, and has a dedicated elevator for direct access.

There is a black stone round table in the center of the conference room, and twelve white jade chairs are placed around the round table. The pattern in the center of the round table is a palm with five fingers spread out, and an open eye in the palm.

Twelve business people in neat suits sat around the table. They had different skin colors and came from different countries, but without exception they were all the presidents of Lingqi.

"So, are we about to start?" A brown-skinned CEO spoke.

Everyone remained silent, expressing their acquiescence.

"I think everyone has received the news... Lucio, Punxer, and Matt are all dead." The brown-skinned president said.

Everyone nodded, and no one was shocked.

"As far as I know, Lucio committed suicide by jumping off a building. That night he jumped off the top floor of his company." Someone commented.

"Yes, my media has controlled the speech. Now everyone will think that he just committed suicide because the company's business was not going well and he couldn't bear the pressure." A white-skinned CEO took over.

"Lucio wants to sell his company to people from the Scarlet Phoenix Republic. This is something we cannot tolerate. Moreover, he seems to have connections with other organizations. I suspect it is something on a transcendent level." The brown-skinned president commented.

"The Scarlet Phoenix Republic does not allow private companies to do psychic business, but this does not mean that their businessmen will not come to our side to do business. In fact, the use of psychic energy in military and civilian applications has not yet been explored to its limits. What we currently have is to block the Fei Phoenix Republic," another president said.

The people around him nodded in agreement.

"So, what about Punxer and Matt? Are they also going to do business with Feihuang Republic?" someone asked.

"Yes, both Punxer and Matt want to leave the company. Punxer has been in contact with a certain Li from Phoenix Republic for a long time. I suspect that person already knows about our existence..." said the brown-skinned president.

The others looked at each other in shock.

"Matt stole the rare items we found and tried to hide. The situation is worse than Punxer." The brown-skinned president added.

"He used... that? Now he can already pass memes..." someone whispered in surprise.

"I sent killers and took care of both of them," the brown-skinned president said.

"It was handled very cleanly. Punxer died in his villa, and Matt died in the Our Lady of Angels Hotel in Opportunity City. After the target was confirmed to be killed, the closing team took action." The white president added.

"As far as I know, there are more consortiums that are preparing to contact people from Feihuang Republic. Moreover, I heard that the person is the same, and his surname seems to be Li." A black president said.

"If he just wants to do business... no, even this won't work. We can't allow them to have our technology and knowledge." The white president said thoughtfully.

Everyone here nodded.

"Of course, this meeting is not just about conveying information on how to deal with traitors, but there are more important things." The brown-skinned president paused, then continued: "We decided to establish our own psychic research institution."

Everyone present looked at each other, looking a little surprised.

"We have tried before, but most of the psychic experts are just here to make money." Someone objected.

"In the past, there were fundamental problems with the way and direction we used to find people. When we established the institute, we wanted to find the best researchers in the federation." The white president explained.

"The best people often don't care about money." The black CEO spread his hands.

"Yes, researchers who are motivated by money often don't have much ability." The white president agreed.

"This time is different. We have found a psychic researcher whose ideas and goals are consistent with ours. He is no longer satisfied with studying things in a beautiful laboratory that he will never use in his lifetime." said the brown-skinned president.

"What does he want?" someone asked.

"Like us, we want to create gods." The brown-skinned president replied.

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