This aura is deadly

Chapter 175: Standing still and fighting for blood is not advisable

The Lafite Road and 72nd Street subway station is right opposite the large shopping mall.

Before Chen Ke came out of the clothing store, he changed into a dark blue suit and left the suit with special effects in the store.

Except for the jacket, trousers and tie, everything else had to be replaced.

At first, Chen Ke was worried about whether the damage to the shirt would cause the suit's special effects to be lost, but as of now, it seems that as long as the jacket and trousers are not damaged, the special effects will not dissipate.

Chen Ke still has some questions. Since he is wearing this suit and summoning other clothing-like holy objects at the same time, can the dark concealment and crouching silence of the suit still be triggered?

Last night, Chen Ke put his coat on Lucina, thus breaking the triggering conditions for the suit's special effects. He must try it after the suit is repaired.

If possible, it would be outrageous.

This suit is Chen Ke's only set of alienated equipment. If it is lost, the gain outweighs the gain. It seems that he will have to use it carefully in the future.

Chen Ke followed the bustling crowd across the crosswalk, and the midday sun made people feel hot and bothered.

I looked at the various white-skinned and dark-skinned passers-by around me, as well as the English advertising screens and billboards scrolling on the surrounding buildings. He had a wonderful illusion.

This illusion is called life.

Chen Ke was not born in a poor family, and certainly not a child of a wealthy family.

His father is a manager of a domestic private enterprise, and his mother is a less well-off person, a laid-off worker from a state-owned factory that has been dismantled. The family's income is not that much, and it is not tight.

They are not close to the middle class and are not considered poor. They should be regarded as a model for most families of three in the country.

He has never been abroad, nor has he experienced studying or living abroad. The person who speaks English to him the most is his English teacher, and the English programs he watches the most are Hollywood blockbusters...

Chen Ke never thought that one day he would be able to walk on the streets of a Western country and meet a group of foreign friends.

Of course, he never thought he would kill anyone.

TV shows and related books will say that if a person has never killed anyone before, he will be under great psychological pressure when he commits murder for the first time.

No, not really. He didn't feel any psychological pressure, everything was as normal as breathing. Why is there no pressure? Chen Ke thought for a moment and got the answer: Because everyone he killed deserves to die.

As Chen Ke crossed the road, he could hear the chatter of passers-by. Several cars passed by from time to time, interrupting the music playing in the shop on the street.

This world cannot be said to respect martial arts, nor can it be said that "people who cannot practice are useless". But under the influence of psychic energy, a person without psychic power is indeed very restricted.

Although the administration and state power will ensure your safety, those evil spirits are not like wild animals in the wild. If they appear in your home, ordinary people will have no chance to escape.

Not to mention, in the capitalist world, the United Federation of States even allows major psychic consortiums to deliberately create spaces for psychic explosions in wastelands in residential areas.

The Psionics Administration and the federal authorities have done their best in a sense.

At least there are no Ultraman vs. Godzilla on the streets, nor are supervillains and superheroes with psychic powers fighting in the city streets.

The Avengers and the Justice League still only appear in comics, and superheroes are still just entertainment symbols.

The world is not in chaos because of the emergence of psychic powers. This is the power of the country.

In this environment, if it weren't for the existence of a life countdown like a ghost, Chen Ke couldn't tell whether he would have deviated from the orthodoxy and embarked on the path of pursuing spiritual energy because of his desire for power.

But this kind of thinking is not important. The boat is done and the wine is filled. This is the current situation. Only special monster souls can allow him to increase his life limit. In order to defeat these powerful monsters, he needs stronger psychic power.

The role of these souls goes beyond that. They can open portals to the Great Void and exchange them for unique holy objects... Who knows what else they can do in the future.

Monster souls are his most important resource. And his life is his currency.

Chen Ke needs to make good use of it.

During these few minutes of leisurely walking, Chen Ke reviewed his series of battles over the past two weeks or so.

Combat methods, combat results, what was gained, what was lost, and what areas need improvement should all be carefully considered.

The first thing you need to think about is murderous intent.

The Murderous Aura Trigger can control extremely weak objects by releasing its own accumulated murderous aura. It can even scare people to death directly.

But it is not omnipotent. For example, for some very powerful opponents whose combat power far exceeds their own, the murderous trigger cannot work.

Moreover, its operating principle is not the continuous effect as perceived by Chen Ke, but a one-time operation!

During the battle, Chen Ke's lifespan and murderous intent are constantly accumulated, and he can basically recover in seconds.

But the murderous aura trigger is not a machine gun. If the effect of releasing 50 points of murderous aura at the same time does not work, it will have the same result if you try it again!

Through the mechanism of instant lifespan and murderous aura, continuously instilling 50 points of murderous aura into the same target is actually equivalent to casting an ineffective skill on an immune target.

There is no "control to death" situation like he thought.

If you can control it, you can control it until death. If you can't control it, you basically don't need to try.

Of course, he also noticed that whether the opponent could control the murderous trigger was not only related to his own strength, but also related to his mental state.

If fighting a powerful opponent puts him in a negative state such as a hard fight, serious injuries, doubts, etc., then the murderous trigger that was previously ineffective may still take effect.

In addition to pouring murderous aura into one person, it can also be dispersed and poured into a group of people. The more people there are, the thinner the murderous aura is, and the weaker the effect will naturally be.

It seems that this murderous aura skill still needs to be used at the right time. Try it as soon as possible. If it works, it is better. If it doesn't, it doesn't mean that there will be no improvement later.

As a group control for the weak, it is also very effective and can avoid many situations of fighting with the weak. Chen Ke does not want to waste time.

Next is his fighting mode. Chen Ke knows very well that his strengths are using guns and assassination.

But to deal with monsters and some powerful enemies, not to mention that firearms are completely useless, you also need to have psychic firearms and sufficient attribute bullets.

He just lacks this, and because of the existence of the Administration, these two things are basically unavailable. The only alternatives that can be chosen are simple homemade flame bullets.

Sacred weapons belong to cold weapon combat. There are two situations: using cold weapons to fight and fighting beast-type monsters. Also consider that different enemies may have different extraordinary skills, and some holy objects also have bonuses to skills...

He picked his head. In a short period of time, Chen Ke could not immediately master the combat skills of many cold weapons, nor could he know how to avoid the opponent's extraordinary skills without seeing the opponent's moves.

His greatest reliance is only on his super trial and error ability: life countdown.

At the beginning, it only took 20 minutes to treat fatal injuries. Now, it has become a proportional deduction, but this also brings another incredible passive advantage: resurrection on the spot...

Chen Ke's lifespan is his currency. The strength of his skills is determined by how much lifespan he invests, and any injury will consume his life time...

He slapped his thigh, and if the opponent was strong enough, he could rely on the instant recovery mechanism to get close to his face and output!

Is it really that good...

Chen Ke scratched his head again. From a mechanical point of view, it seemed to make sense. With a lifespan of 20 hours, when encountering an enemy that increases his lifespan by more than 1 hour per second, the recovery speed is indeed impressive.

But the strength of extraordinary skills also consumes life.

Lifespan is consumed faster than it is restored, so it is unrealistic to stick to one's side. This bloody fighting method depends on the situation.

If Chen Ke's attacks can't kill his opponent, there's no point in standing still and fighting for blood. If his combat power is enough to crush his opponent, there is no need to fight for blood.

Unless it is a desperate moment when there is no way to retreat and life is at stake. But that's another extreme situation.

Although he can recover instantly, it still hurts to be chopped. Chen Ke is not shaking his head. He doesn't like to be cut into pieces if necessary. And he didn't know if the other party would be able to revive him if he chopped off his head and cut himself in half.

It's better not to take this kind of risk unless absolutely necessary.

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