This aura is deadly

Chapter 182 Rangers

Chen Ke and Sam put their shoulders on the rolling shutter door together and looked at each other.

"3, 2, 1, push!" Sam said.

The two of them exerted force together and felt that a large piece of the rolling shutter door was dented due to their exertion, but it was blocked by something heavier outside.

In terms of weight, the obstacles outside should resemble sandbags or cement bags.

"Keep pushing," Chen Ke said.

The two of them used force to push the rolling shutter door further out. They felt the friction of the heavy objects behind it, but there was not enough space.

Sam glanced at the survivors below and said, "Here are some strong men who can help."

Soon, three men volunteered to go up the steps, but the entire staircase could only accommodate four people side by side.

"Whoever gets tired will rotate." Chen Ke said.

So, the four people kept pushing against the door with their shoulders.

"I don't understand. Doesn't the rolling shutter door open and close from top to bottom? Why are you pushing it?" Diana, who was standing at the bottom of the stairs, looked up and asked. She saw several men pushing a door that opened and closed up and down, and felt very uncomfortable. strangeness.

"There are heavy objects outside pushing against the door. It has been deformed. It is difficult to open the door without pushing away these heavy objects first." Sam explained.

The four of them tried their best again, only to hear a "bang" sound, and the sound of something falling to the ground came from outside.

"Continue, we are almost successful, and this door will become smooth." Chen Kedao.

When everyone heard the sound, they became more motivated, so they pushed harder, and the door also made a creaking sound. The rolling shutter door, which had been tightly blocked, returned to its normal elasticity.

"There should be enough space, lift it up." Sam suggested.

Chen Ke nodded and looked for the lock on the floor, but unfortunately, the door was locked from the outside and there was no place to unlock it inside.

"It's difficult, the lock is outside." Sam couldn't find the lock either.

"It doesn't matter, this gun shoots Magnum bullets." Chen Ke took out Diana's Ruger revolver from his pocket. The .357 caliber bullet can shoot through this kind of door.

"Do you need me to come? After all, I am a ranger." Sam looked at the gun in Chen Ke's hand and asked.

As a soldier, Sam still wanted to be able to hold a gun by himself, but at that time, Diana rejected another black man first, making it difficult for him to talk about it.

Moreover, he could also see that Chen Ke and Diana knew each other, otherwise, an agency agent would not hand over a gun to a stranger casually.

"I'll try it first, and if it fails, I'll switch to you." Chen Ke said with a smile.

This gun was given to him by Diana. Diana naturally did this because of her trust in him and because she did not want to give the gun to anyone else. Due to circumstances, Chen Ke would not hand over the gun casually.

But during the short contact process, Chen Ke felt that Sam was not a bad person. He was a veteran who wanted to help, so it was not easy to reject him directly.

"Okay, rolling shutter doors usually have two locks, one on each side. Of course, there are also ones with only one lock. We have to try our luck. Are there enough bullets?" Seeing that Chen Ke didn't finish his words, Sam began to give instructions.

"There are 12 rounds left. This Ruger has a six-round magazine. I'll try the middle first to see if the lock is there." Chen Ke said.

He did not shoot rashly, but took a few steps back, stood on the left side of the stairs, and pointed his gun at the bottom of the rolling shutter door.

"Everyone, please give way, be careful of the bounce." Sam understood the purpose of Chen Ke's behavior, so he asked everyone around him to hide on the other side of the stairs.

"I'm going to shoot." Chen Ke reminded, and after speaking, he pulled the trigger.


The large-caliber bullet escaped from the barrel and hit the bottom of the rolling shutter door, directly punching a hole underneath. The shooting feel of the revolver was strange, and Chen Ke was not used to it.

He bent down and looked at the hole that was made. It was about the thickness of an index finger, and there was a little light coming from the hole.

In order to see the situation outside, Chen Ke leaned down and aimed his left eye at the bullet hole and looked out. He saw piles of white sandbags at the door. The pushing just now caused a small part of the sandbags to collapse at the door.

It was daytime outside, and although the light was blocked a lot by sandbags, this was still certain.

"How was it?" Sam asked.

"It's locked on both sides, there are a lot of sandbags outside, and it's daytime." Chen Ke replied.

"Sandbags..." Sam mused.

"I don't know which station is outside, but the hall must be full of these sandbags." Chen Ke stood up and pointed his gun at the lower right part of the rolling shutter door.

"It's strange that the gunfire just now didn't attract anyone." Sam said.

If it was a subway hall outside, then someone should have heard the gunshots, but Sam then thought about it, maybe the people nearby had been evacuated.

There were two more gunshots. The first bullet made a hole in the rolling shutter door as usual, and the second bullet hit a hard object, making a crisp sound and ricocheting.

Fortunately, the ricochet had already penetrated the rolling shutter door, so it got into the sandbags outside the door.

"I got it, it's here, try it." Chen Ke said.

Sam bent down, grabbed the gap at the lower end of the roller shutter door, and struggled to pull the door up. The door really moved, but the left side was not unlocked yet. But the gap Sam opened on the right side was actually big enough to get a glimpse of what was going on outside.

"Is there anyone? Is there anyone?! Someone is trapped here!" Sam lowered his head and shouted towards the gap.

"Hey! Stop yelling. I have a feeling there won't be anyone here." Chen Ke shook his head.

He was afraid that Sam's cry would attract unnecessary things. The outside world was 90% not the City of Opportunities. If someone came there, it would be exciting.

He asked Sam to retreat a little, faced the other side of the rolling shutter door, estimated that he was in the right position, and fired two more shots.

"Okay, you can open the door." Chen Ke said as he turned the magazine out, pulled out the five empty cartridge cases and the upgraded bullet, and loaded six bullets with the loader.

Sam couldn't wait to grab the bottom door handle with both hands, and lifted the rolling shutter door up at once. After a burst of noise, white natural light shone into the subway station from the stairs.

After staying in the dark red light environment for a while, seeing natural light again made everyone feel more relaxed. The survivors wanted to run to the streets as soon as possible to seek help and figure out what happened.

Chen Ke blocked the entrance, made a "shh" gesture, and warned: "It's not necessarily safer up there than down below. We'd better keep quiet first and pick a few young and strong people to form a team to go up and have a look first." ”

"Wait a mean..." Someone in the crowd understood what Chen Ke meant.

There is spiritual power in approaching this world, and the general public are not fools.

"He's right. Let's send a few people up first to see what's going on. If a large group of people rush out rashly, the risk is too great." Diana said while standing at the bottom of the steps.

"Okay, I'll go."

"And I."

"I'm not hurt, I'm going too."

Some people in the crowd raised their hands to volunteer, including some young and strong women.

Sam picked two men and a relatively strong woman, plus Chen Ke and himself, a total of five people, which just formed a minimum range of riding classes.

Chen Ke walked down the steps and handed the gun back to Diana.

"You need this gun more than me, Chen Ke. Take it with you." Diana said.

"There are many wounded here, and we took away the people who are in the best physical condition. If something happens here, you will need it." Chen Kedao.

Diana was persuaded by Chen Ke and picked up the revolver with her right hand. Said: "Up there, pay attention to safety."

Chen Ke nodded and walked towards the team standing on the steps.

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