This aura is deadly

Chapter 189 A joke you can’t afford to make

"I suggest looking for a gun first." Before Chen Ke could say anything, Diana said first. She pinched her left arm to relieve the pain, and at the same time looked at Chen Ke for his approval.

"I think so too. Although it seems quite safe here, having a gun in your hand will make you feel more at ease." Chen Ke nodded.

The United Federation of States has a strong gun culture. No matter what difficulties they encounter, as long as the people are given a gun, they can cheer up.

"Although ordinary firearms don't mean much in my opinion... But since you have decided so, let's do it. Let's get the guns first, and then get food and medicine tomorrow." Ying Boyi said, holding his chest.

"Tomorrow? Why do we have to wait until tomorrow? Can't we do it at night? I believe everyone is almost hungry." Sam asked with a smile.

Ying Boyi was silent for a while, as if he was debating whether or not to tell what he knew. He frowned and thought for a long time, and finally said nothing.

"You seem to have something you want to say. Come on, say it to make everyone happy." Chen Ke tried.

"No, I'm just thinking that after bringing the gun back, we have a lot to do, and we may not have time to find food and medicine. So it's better not to go out at night." Ying Boyi smiled.

"Don't tell me you're afraid of the dark, Ying Boyi." Sam laughed.

"But seriously, how many guns can the three of you bring back? Besides, the gun cabinets at the county police station have electronic locks. You shouldn't be able to open them, right?" Diana suddenly asked.

"If it's a rifle, it should be okay for one person to carry eight...the lock of the gun cabinet...then adapt to the situation." Chen Ke answered.

His calculation is based on the fact that most of the guns stored in the county police station are 870 shotguns or M4A1 carbines.

An M4 blank gun 2870 will be slightly more focused than a carbine. One person carries 8 rifles, which is about 20 kilograms of weight.

Carrying a 20 kilogram weight and walking for half an hour is a piece of cake for Sam, a former professional soldier, but Chen Ke has unlimited physical endurance. As long as he can carry it, it doesn't matter how far he carries it.

Considering that guns are not as easy to carry as packages, even if you can carry more, you can't carry more, so a person can carry up to 8 guns on his back, and he still has to have his hands free to carry ammunition boxes...

Bullets are much heavier than guns, and new bullets are packed in ammunition boxes. You have to find separate magazines and push them in one by one... You also have to find something to put empty magazines into a pile.

Chen Ke stood there thinking to himself, as if in a daze, when Diana slapped him on the back.

"It's impossible for all three people to bring back eight bullets. Someone has to be dedicated to carrying bullets. There are also bulletproof vests, knives, etc..." Diana said.

"We don't need too many guns...after all, those things are not very effective against monsters, and we won't let the survivors fight monsters at all." Ying Boyi said at this time.

If they were looking for the subway, Ying Boyi would definitely take Sam and Chen Ke there. Ying Boyi could use his psychic powers, and he would be the one to solve the problem in the real fight. Chen Ke and Sam didn't need too many bullets.

At least that's what he thought.

"Giving them guns is just to comfort them. It's enough to have five or six guns with more than a hundred rounds of ammunition. Let them take turns and pretend to guard the upper window of the hotel." Ying Baiyi said.

"But what if there is an emergency and they have to face monsters?" Sam asked.

"Don't worry, it won't happen. As long as you don't run around trying to die, you will be very safe here. If the time comes when you have to use guns to deal with monsters, it will prove that I am dead." Ying Baiyi promised.

"Okay superhero, that is to say, we only have to worry about what weapons we are going to use, right?" Chen Ke asked with a smile.

"That's right, arm yourselves and leave the rest to me." Ying Baiyi nodded.

Sam looked at Chen Ke, wanting to know whether Chen Ke agreed with Ying Boyi's statement. Chen Ke nodded and acted according to Ying Boyi's words for the time being.

"Okay, now we have reached a consensus, it's time to set off to get the gun, but before that, I want to know more about you, Chen Ke." Ying Boyi put his arm on Chen Ke's shoulder.

"Huh? What do you want to ask?" Chen Ke looked at Ying Boyi.

"Diana is an agent of the CPA. Although she has no psychic powers now and her left arm is injured, her combat effectiveness and intuition are still at the level of a psychic agent." Ying Boyi looked at Diana and said.

"Sam is a United Federation of Rangers. His physical and mental abilities are far beyond ordinary people. He has also undergone several years of systematic combat training." Ying Boyi looked at Sam again.

Finally he looked at Chen Ke: "What about you? Chen Ke?"

The atmosphere became subtle, and Ying Boyi's questions were purposeful.

"What do you mean? You dislike me for not having a military background and are afraid that I will hold you back?" Chen Ke laughed out loud.

"No, no... you know exactly what I mean. Your composure and your behavior make me feel that you are not an ordinary person... Look at you, you are not panicking, as if you know that you can escape unscathed... Even if It's Diana and Sam, I can feel the upset and depression deep in their hearts, but you... I can't even feel your heartbeat..." Ying Boyi said gloomily.

Chen Ke didn't speak. He looked at Diana and found that she slowly took out the revolver, and the muscles in Sam's arms also tightened.

"Now is not the time to be suspicious of each other...Ying Baiyi." Diana waved the hammer, and the revolver magazine slowly rotated, making a precise mechanical sound.

"His composure saved many people's lives. If he hadn't shouted before the subway collision, I would have been killed." Sam laughed, clenching his fists and making a clicking sound.

The four of them were silent for a few seconds.

Ying Boyi suddenly laughed and said, "Why are you so nervous? I just wanted to know if you could use a rifle. Hahahaha!"

With this ridiculous laughter, both Diana and Sam breathed a sigh of relief. They were not sure they could defeat a psyker. Diana stuffed the gun into her pocket, while Sam stood aside with his chest crossed.

"I've shot a few rounds at the shooting range. It shouldn't be difficult," Chen Ke said.

"It doesn't matter, I can teach you." Sam smiled.

"That's no problem, right, we have no problem." Ying Boyi said with a smile and glanced at Chen Ke.

"Don't do this again. Everyone is too nervous to make such a joke." Diana said helplessly.

"Yes ma'am. It seems you don't like Fei Huang's republican humor. Chen Ke, you must be an Asian born and raised in the United Federation of States." Ying Baiyi said with a smile.

"You can say whatever you want." Chen Ke said.

After the farce ended, Chen Ke, Sam and Ying Boyi pushed out the door and headed to the county police station that Ying Boyi mentioned.

Diana watched their departing figures, focusing her eyes on Ying Baiyi, and then looked at the red dust on the ground, as if she thought of something.

She frowned slightly, unable to sort out her chaotic thoughts for the time being, so she put them behind her mind for the time being and turned around and walked up the steps.

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