This aura is deadly

Chapter 2 Doghouse

He wanted to find some clues through the black man just now, but Chen Ke was a little disappointed. Except for a wallet stuffed with three 100 banknotes, the black man had nothing on him.

Not even a spare magazine! This made Chen Ke very puzzled. No matter what, he should have a spare magazine, right?

Chen Ke groped toward the end of the dark corridor, deliberately walking against the wall on the left, his steps light and silent, and the Glock 17's luminous sight was emitting green fluorescence.

Somehow, Chen Ke always felt a cool wind blowing slowly, as if something invisible was passing by him.

An inexplicable sense of panic slowly crept into his heart, and the chaotic and crazy emotions tried to engulf his reason. Chen Ke cheered up and focused on the front sight and rear sight.

You have a gun in your hand, what are you afraid of?

He emboldened himself and continued walking to the end of the aisle.

The corridor was not long. Except for the door he came out of, all other offices were closed. After turning a corner, a glimmer of light appeared in front of him.

Chen Ke took a look and saw that it was the floor indicator light of the elevator. There was a double door next to it, with a green indicator light on it, marking the "emergency passage", which was the stairwell.

The elevator should still be working. I was thinking about whether to take the stairs or take the elevator down, when a strange shadow slowly entered Chen Ke's field of vision.

The shadow looked like a dog. It came out of the side safety stairwell door. It was about the size of an adult husky and walked as gracefully as an old woman.

Chen Ke took a deep breath and slowly squatted down against the wall, aiming his crosshair at the dog's head.

This dog gave him an extremely weird feeling.

The dog's next behavior confirmed Chen Ke's guess. It is not known whether the dog found Chen Ke or not and just walked slowly towards the elevator.

It raised its head and turned to the shadow where Chen Ke was and sniffed, then squatted in front of the elevator door. Then, it stretched out its paw and pressed the down button.

This is a dog that barks for an elevator.

The elevator's floor indicator light came on, the 8th floor.

The sound of the elevator shaft operating echoed in the quiet corridor. Chen Ke squatted there and watched the dog waiting for the elevator. Several times he wanted to pull the trigger, but his subconscious told him that this dog was not something that mortals could deal with. .

When the elevator door opened, the white lights in the elevator illuminated the dark corridor. The sudden bright light made Chen Ke squint his eyes.

The dog walked into the elevator and squatted facing outside the elevator door.

Only then did Chen Ke see the face of an old white woman on the dog's head.

It smiled at Chen Ke and pressed the floor button. The eye sockets without eyeballs were dark.

The dog's smile seemed to come from the abyss, and just one look at it made Chen Ke feel as if his soul had been sucked away.

He gasped for air due to the uncontrollable fear. The hand holding the gun kept shaking. His fingers were so stiff that he could not pull the trigger. The thought of closing his eyes was interrupted by an inexplicable force.

At this time, a line of small orange characters popped up in the field of vision:

“Life is replacing lost sanity.”

"-10 minutes"

"-10 minutes"

"-10 minutes"

When the elevator door slowly closed, everything returned to calm, and the corridor became dark again.

In just a few seconds, Chen Ke lost more than 40 minutes of life, leaving 3 hours and 10 minutes of the 4 hours he had finally accumulated.

He gasped for air and stood up, holding on to the wall. Sweat broke out on his palms and forehead, and his back was also wet.

Chen Ke really felt that the fear just now had taken something away from him. If it hadn't been at the cost of his life, he might have gone crazy now.

It was impossible to ride in the elevator. He didn't want to run into the dog again as soon as he got out of the elevator door, and who knew what other things were in this building.

He decided to take the safe passage to try his luck. Just as he was thinking this, a white man suddenly emerged from the passage door.

The white man had short brown hair, was about 180 centimeters tall, wore a blue top, brown trousers, and held an iron-gray pistol.

When the white man saw Chen Ke, he first showed a hint of panic. After confirming that the other person was a human being, he immediately put on a serious and businesslike expression.

Both sides aimed their guns at each other's head almost simultaneously, and Chen Ken could clearly feel the strong murderous intent coming from the other side.

"+15 minutes"

"+15 minutes"

"+15 minutes"

"+15 minutes"

"Trained? Huh? What are you doing here at night? What's your background?" the white man asked.

The white man could tell from Chen Ke's posture and reaction that Chen Ke was holding the gun, and his expression became more serious.

"Are you Miles?" Chen Ke suddenly asked.

"No, no, my name is Parker..." The white man shook his head. As soon as he finished speaking, he was suddenly stunned, as if he had realized something, and said angrily: "Hey! What tricks are you playing!"

"Listen, man, I have no idea what's going on here right now. Why don't we put down our guns and figure out what's going on here together?" Chen Ke said.

He guessed that the white man named Parker was not in the same boat as the black man before, and Chen Ke was now eager to communicate with another living person in order to obtain information that he could use.

Besides, he had just traveled through time for less than half an hour, and he was not willing to kill anyone he caught.

"I don't think you have any ideas. You yellow men always like to play tricks, whether it's doing business or doing anything... you can't be trusted at all! Who are you?!" Parker was not very good at it.

"Fuck, for the last time, let's put the guns down and figure out what the fuck is going on here. If you ever call me that shit again, I swear I'll put every bullet in the magazine into you. "The backyard!" Chen Ke said angrily.

The two stared at each other for a while. After a few seconds, Parker slowly lowered the muzzle of the gun and slowly lowered his arms.

Chen Ke's life span fluctuated in a matter of minutes like the stock market, with his life time changing from 3 hours, 09 minutes and 23 seconds to 4 hours and 05 minutes.

Compared with the previous black man, Parker's lifespan per unit time was less than half. Chen Ke deduced that before, he was pointed at by a black man with a gun with his bare hands, so his life span was increased more, but this time both sides had guns, and the threat was not as great as before, so the life span increased was less.

It seems that the more ruthless the person who wants to kill him, the more lives he will survive.

"Tell me, what happened here." Chen Ke asked.

"What? really don't know? This building has undergone a psychic explosion effect and has become a psychic explosion space." Parker looked in disbelief.

It seems that this situation is very common in this world, like some kind of common sense.

Psychic burst effect? Explosive space?

Chen Ke suddenly thought of something and asked: "Is this game right?! It's like... a horror paradise?!"

"I don't know what you are talking about, man, are you out of your mind... You don't look like the staff working in this building. Maybe this gun is not yours... The ejection port has been changed. On the left, you are holding it with your right hand..." Parker pointed to the gun in Chen Ke's hand and shook his head.

Chen Ke glanced at the gun in his hand and had to admire Parker's keen observation. The black man was left-handed and changed the ejection port on the gun to the left side to avoid the shells from hitting his face or blocking his sight.

While they were talking, the elevator started running again. The two of them looked at the elevator and were speechless for a while.

"When you came up from the emergency passage, did you encounter a dog with a human face?" Chen Ke asked.

"No, are you talking about a human-faced dog? Have you encountered that thing? Is there that thing in this building?" Parker asked in surprise.

"Yes, when I bumped into it, it happened to walk out of the door you came out of and took the elevator down... Maybe it forgot something at this moment and was coming up in the elevator..." Chen As he spoke, Ke looked at Parker and found that the other person's face had turned livid.

Maybe he suddenly realized that he had been so close to the monster before without realizing it, and he felt scared?

As if there was some kind of tacit understanding, the two of them slowly moved towards the safe passage, got into the door, and groped downstairs.

"That's a human-faced dog, man. If it's a serious duel, I'm not afraid, but if you are attacked by a sneak attack, it will be very difficult. They will tear off your face and turn their own face into the appearance of the victim, and This monster has powerful spiritual power and can directly attack the sanity and perception of living people. It is difficult to deal with without special protective equipment. "

Parker's gun was hung with a tactical flashlight, which could illuminate the dark stairwell, so he took the lead and Chen Ke followed. As he walked down, Parker asked Chen Ke about the human-faced dog.

"Things are worse than imagined. The human-faced dog is not a powerful monster, but it is a C-class monster that can affect the mind of normal people. This means that the psychic burst effect of this building is stronger than I expected."

The two of them looked at the double doors of the safety exit on the first floor, and saw a ray of orange light leaking from the crack in the door. Parker turned his head, regardless of whether Chen Ke could see his expression clearly in the dark, and said, "This means we are in big trouble. It is not advisable to stay here for a long time. There is a psychic tunnel in the lobby on the first floor that can leave here. We must move quickly. ”

Chen Ke and Parker opened the door together. The bright orange light in the lobby on the first floor made them unable to open their eyes. In the blur, Chen Ke saw a large group of white strips squirming on the floor of the hall, and from time to time, "woof woof woof woof" could be heard. "The low bark.

A suffocating sense of mental oppression came over him. Chen Ke took a closer look and saw more than a dozen white human-faced dogs pacing leisurely on the floor of the hall. Some of them were lying on the service desk and licking their own lips. hair.

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