This aura is deadly

Chapter 202 A different story

Ying Boyi helped Diana up, picked up the Ruger revolver that fell on the ground, and handed it back to Diana.

The commotion just now must have made the survivors panic. He suggested that they go together to check whether the windows on each floor were closed tightly and comfort the frightened people.

Diana nodded and stuffed the gun back into the holster. The pain in her left shoulder had not gone away, and there was a dull pain, reminding her that the Ying Boyi in front of her was not emotionally stable.

Along the way, Ying Boyi revealed to Diana what happened to the world and to him.

The people around him turned into red ashes one day, and the ashes gathered together to form towering black pillars. They towered into the clouds and slowly gathered somewhere.

"You mean, the two criss-crossing pillars...?" Diana asked, remembering the video Chen Ke had shown her.

"That's the one, but there are more than just those two. There are many around the world. It is conservatively estimated that there will be millions more." Ying Baiyi said.

Diana took a breath. With the height and quantity of that thing, if the earth was an egg, then this thing was like a needle. It was literally millions of black needles sticking into the earth...

"You said they are gathering somewhere? Has the administration sent anyone to investigate?" Diana asked.

Ying Boyi smiled slightly, looked at Diana seriously, and then shook his head.

"Nearly half of the world's 7 billion people were reduced to ashes in less than a second. When we figured out the situation, we found that even the director was reduced to a handful of ashes..." Ying Baiyi said. .

"That is to say...the entire human society was paralyzed during that time?" Diana asked in surprise.

"Yes, turning to ashes does not distinguish between classes and species. In addition to humans, fish, birds, beasts, insects... these are all the same. At first we thought we were attacked by psychic weapons, but other countries have also experienced The same thing happened..." Ying Baiyi said.

The two went up to the fourth floor. The survivor with an M14 was patrolling the corridor. He said hello when he saw them.

"What was that sound just now?" the survivor asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen." Ying Boyi comforted him and patted his shoulder.

They knocked on the door of room 402. A little boy opened the door a crack and peeked out. After seeing Diana, a smile appeared on his face, and then he opened the door completely.

The light was on in this room, and six survivors, old and young, were crowded inside. A little girl was lying on the bed, with Diana's armband hanging on her left arm.

Diana walked forward and knelt on one knee beside the bed, gently touched the little girl's forehead, and checked the injury on her left arm. It still looked swollen and a little purple.

The little girl frowned, trying to fight off the pain in her left arm through sleep, but she couldn't fall asleep.

"How is she doing?" Diana looked back at the other survivors.

"We want to find some ice to help her apply it, but there isn't even a refrigerator here. It looks like a very cheap hotel. There is no way to treat the wound without medicine. We can only let her lie here for the time being." The old man next to him said He said, his forehead also had bruises from the impact.

"Someone has already set out to find medicine, and they will be back soon." Diana comforted.

"I hope so. We heard strange noises outside just now. If the people looking for medicine haven't come back yet, you'd better warn them..." Another uncle suggested.

"We will, everyone will be fine, I promise." Diana said.

"Turn off the lights, and remember not to open the windows. If you hear anything, don't open the windows. Do you understand?" Ying Baiyi said.

Everyone nodded.

Ying Boyi and Diana walked out of the room and continued the conversation.

"Some people turned to ashes, but what about the rest?" Diana asked.

"At the beginning, the remaining people were ready to restore order. This optimistic attitude only lasted less than two weeks because our early assessment of the global situation was not thorough enough. However, after obtaining many disaster data, we knew clearly that with the current situation It will take a long time to recover the population," Ying Baiyi said.

Diana nodded.

"Besides, you heard just now that those things in the sky have been hunting the living people on the ground." Ying Baiyi continued.

"Can't even the administration handle this kind of thing?" Diana asked doubtfully.

"From the perspective of combat power, they can be dealt with. Although they are not recorded in the monster manual of the Administration, according to my experience, the strength is between C and B levels at most..." Ying Baiyi said.

"I know, there are always buts in everything, right?" Diana said.

"Yes, Diana... The strength of the monster is not the key. No matter how strong it is, there is nothing that can't be dealt with. Agents and R6 can't deal with it. We also have a psychic army and Superman... But, this kind of thing, they can be infinite. Proliferate..." Ying Baiyi shook his head.

" they grow quickly?" Diana asked doubtfully.

"They don't need to be born... As long as certain conditions are met, they will divide themselves. One becomes two, two becomes four, four becomes eight... I once saw this situation above the square. At that time, the square There were dozens of civilians above, and suddenly a monster like that flew from the sky, and then the people below started screaming wildly, and I just watched it split apart..." Ying Baiyi said.

"Has the institute figured out the conditions for their splitting? I's not just the splitting of monsters...if the world is in this situation, the institute should give an explanation...don't you have a hypothesis?" Diana asked.

"They themselves are too busy to take care of themselves, and because many people were reduced to ashes, hydropower stations, dams, nuclear power plants, black box control centers... major accidents occurred in these places in an instant. It was really a mess." Ying Boyi shook his head.

Modern people's lives are inseparable from cities, and the equipment that maintains people's livelihood in a city is actually quite complex, including sewers, gas, water and electricity, as well as garbage disposal, epidemic prevention and control...

It's possible that the city you live in has electricity from dams thousands of miles away, and those dams need to be manned at all times.

Not to mention the civil aviation system, transportation system, etc.

When the people in these positions disappear in an instant, the world will be in chaos, just like a normally operating machine suddenly missing more than half of its gears and circuit boards.

"And Diana, those people in the institute are all lunatics. If the administration is doing its best to suppress the occurrence of psychic phenomena, then they would like to have psychic explosions every day." Ying Baiyi sighed.

"They just thirst for knowledge and want to explore mysteries." Diana thought of Wang Aileen.

"The cost of acquiring knowledge may be much greater than you think, for example, like now..." Ying Boyi was noncommittal.

"You mean... everything that happened here was caused by the institute...?" Diana asked doubtfully.

"No, it's just my guess, and I tend to blame them first." Ying Boyi said bluntly.

There is another update in the evening, around 11 o'clock.

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