This aura is deadly

Chapter 21 Unknown

For a moment, Chen Ke felt like a bad guy.

For the first time, he heard the lines of Justice Ling Ling from the monsters. However, no matter what the motives of these monsters were, their actions had led to unacceptable consequences.

Regarding the behavior of the female diner, Chen Ke only sent flaming bullets.

Dodging the slashes of several fruit knives, Chen Ke retreated while firing pointed shots at the monsters. This is the most iconic shooting method of C.A.R.s' central axis re-locking technology.

After pulling the trigger nine times in a row, the bodies of these monsters burst into flames. Soon, their bodies ignited with red fire, and the flames danced on the monsters' bodies. Some monsters' arms were directly burned off and fell to the ground. After burning the monsters, they did not spread to other flammable creatures. On top of things, it is very environmentally friendly. The person who can imitate this kind of bullet is really a genius.

While tossing and turning, the female diner roared again. Her vicious voice destroyed Chen Ke's eardrums and sanity, causing his lifespan countdown to beat crazily.

"You're going to die here! You're going to die here!"

The female diner knew that she was no match for Chen Ke and did not participate in the fight. She kept a certain distance from Chen Ke and carried out mental pollution.

It's like tens of thousands of steel needles poking at the brain, or a thousand three-year-old children crying crazily in his ears. Even if his lifespan is consumed, Chen Ke has a splitting headache. After all, lifespan can only withstand external forces. The attack of the mind, where should it hurt or where should it hurt...

These starved monsters have no emotions or memories, so they are immune to any emotions or mental influences, but this female eater looks much more emotional, and maybe the murderous trigger can work.

Chen Ke took a step back, murderous intent rose from behind, and he attacked the female diner very quickly.

The female diner was surrounded by a light red murderous aura. Then, the murderous aura tightly strangled the female diner's body. She was as if bound by an invisible noose. She was stunned for more than a second.

But soon, she regained her senses and looked at Chen Ke in horror.

Although there was only a short gap of one second, the flaw was big enough. Chen Ke seized the opportunity, pointed the gun at the female diner's head and pulled the trigger.

The flaming 9mm bullet whirled towards the female diner's head. After flying in the air for 0.4 seconds, it penetrated into her lifeless eye socket and hit a bloody hole as big as a palm in the back of her head, tearing out most of her brain. .

Before she could even cry out, a strong flame burst out from inside her brain. The female diner's neck was like a lantern, her head was burned off with a snap, and it fell off her neck and rolled to the ground. The ground is like a black ball.

She lay slumped on her back, leaving behind a headless body with a light spot condensed above the body.

Chen Ke squatted next to the body of the female diner, holding the small spot of light, and the memory fragments of the female diner appeared in front of his eyes...

He was sitting in a charred room, with three corpses burned into bones in front of him.

Two were adults and one was a child.

The woman sat there talking to herself, with resentment and helplessness in her tone.

"You know who killed you..."

"They took your job away..."

"This is what revenge feels like..."

"But so what... you are already dead..."

A pair of withered hands came into view, with only bones left.

Slums at night.

The homeless people were warming themselves around the lit iron bucket, and the woman was hiding in the shadows, observing them.

"Old Joe...Pete...and Bonnie..."

She carved the three names on her left arm. She had long forgotten the people behind those names, but she vaguely remembered that she had spent time with them during the most difficult times.

Just like those homeless people.

"I'm more than a name, I'm an experience...I won't forget who I am."

The woman covered her head and struggled with symptoms of memory deterioration.

"I have companions. They have lost themselves, but I can help them remember..."

A woman was in a room and carved a sentence on the wall with black stone.

She looked back at the room. The walls were covered with fragments of words.

A few scrawny men stood by the door, shaking hands and hugging each other.

"From today on, we are family."

The woman and her companions held candles and walked through the maze-like sewer where sewage flowed.

Everyone came to a meeting point and stopped at the entrance of a passage that was so invisible that they couldn't even see their fingers.

"Kneel down."

In the darkness, an indifferent voice came, sounding inhuman and indistinct in gender.

Everyone knelt down on one knee, with the water covering their ankles and knees.

"Listen to my call, become my slave, and fulfill your wishes." The voice floated out from the darkness.

"Listen to your call, and we are willing to become your slaves." The woman lowered her head and whispered into the darkness in front of her.

"Say your wish," the voice said again.

"I want to...protect the homeless people..." the woman said.

"Give you a miracle."

There was a brief silence after the voice replied, and then there was a sound like boiling water bubbling in the dark passage.

A gnarled purple tentacle half a meter thick slowly stretched out from the darkness, bringing a colander to the woman's hand.

The woman carved words on the wall of her room.

"Something has changed about them."

"I don't know if this is a miracle... If it continues, eventually they will no longer be human..."

"I should have told them...but what ability do I have to protect them..."

"If I can't protect them, what's the point of my existence...?"

"Aberration may be a blessing..."

"It's much better than starving to death..."

A flash of white light in front of his eyes brought Chen Ke back to his senses.

The body of the female diner slowly disintegrated. When the wind blew, it turned into countless pieces of black ash and dissipated. There is no trace of her in this world.

The answer is very obvious, the culprit is hidden in the darkness of the sewer!

The gnarled tentacle-like object is probably just the tip of the iceberg of this unknown horror. Only by going deep into the darkness can we see its true face.

He briefly analyzed his combat power. So far, he seems to be having a smooth sailing. As long as he has the right weapons, neither the human-faced dog nor the deformed monster can put too much pressure on him. Recalling the more than ten hours of traveling through time, the killer sent by Pankiya was actually the most dangerous.

If it were investigators, what would they do?

No, they generally do not directly fight unknown monsters head-on. Investigators are more often only responsible for investigation and exploration, or entering the black box space with marked levels and carrying out unilateral killings of monsters that are not as powerful as themselves.

In other words, investigators don't have much fighting power, they are more like hunters hunting on national hunting grounds.

What about the Authority? They are the first combat units to face the unknown enemy. They are more powerful than investigators and face more dangerous enemies. Perhaps this is why the Authority collects relics.

Perhaps, facing these weird monsters, holy objects are really more useful than psychic firearms? But Chen Ke believes that if the advantage of sacred objects is just "cutting iron like clay", it may not have more advantages than firearms.

After all, the fighting method of close combat is too primitive!

Even if we don’t mention that modern warfare is heading towards beyond-visual-range strikes, let’s talk about the fight between people. Two fists are difficult to defeat four hands, and long knives are afraid of bullets. There is justice in numbers, and guns are king. The concept can be regarded as a golden rule.

Not to mention that the Administration has also developed six types of psychic bullets with eighteen attributes, which shows that firearms are still more powerful than cold weapons to some extent.

Unless the holy object has special abilities that I don't know yet...

He re-examined the weapons at his disposal:

A bloodletting dagger on the verge of breaking.

A Glock 17 that fires 9mm flame rounds.

A Colt Python that fires flame magnum bullets.

A psychic pistol that fires punishment bullets. If you fire it, people from the administration will come over.

And... four relic diamonds that have yet to be identified.

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