This aura is deadly

Chapter 211 The Sorrowful Daughter

Not all experimental subjects are mentally able to withstand such a personality experience, and many people collapse as a result. This is also the main reason for the slow progress of the experiment.

But in emails, the experimental team has been praising the government's support for the project and continuously providing a large number of prisoners for the research team to use.

And they finally produced the first stable individual in early 2004. She was a female death row inmate.

After nine months of personality indoctrination treatment, this female death row inmate became a veritable woman of sorrow. She moaned and groaned all day long, and had serious self-mutilation behavior and suicidal tendencies.

At this time, the experimental team started the second step of the experiment without stopping.

Now that there is a body, and the body itself is releasing strong pheromones, the next thing is to use these pheromones to conduct splitting experiments.

Obviously, the original idea of ​​splitting is that the pheromones released through the body will cause the people around to empathize and transform into units with the same goals and motivations as the individual. In military terms, it is called assimilation.

The experimental team put the Sorrowful Daughter, who was bound in a special capsule, into the same room with three hundred experimental subjects. In less than two minutes, all the experimental subjects showed signs of being assimilated and began to mutilate themselves. Several people even directly acted on the spot. Bite your tongue and kill yourself.

The experiment was successful, and the pheromones released by the body quickly transformed other people. However, the military is not optimistic about this result, believing that this so-called division is not what they want, and strongly advocates that the body itself should have combat effectiveness.

Although the results were rejected by the military, the experimental team is still very motivated. Empathy and pheromones can only affect other individuals. Is it possible to generate another self?

After a period of research, in early 2005, the experiment made great progress, but at the same time, disagreements also occurred within the group.

As a single emotional message, pheromone cannot generate a new body. All it can copy is personality. But with the help of a miraculous artifact found by the institute from the Great Void, the problem of body generation can be easily solved!

The miraculous creation numbered 04A1 is called inexhaustible wax by the administrator. It is a small ball of wax with a diameter of 300cm. Every time a piece is cut off from the ball, the same amount of wax will be automatically generated in a short period of time. Supplement.

With inexhaustible wax balls that can be regenerated, and the Daughter of Sorrow that can produce powerful pheromones every moment, the experimental team made their most daring attempt in mid-2005.

They decided to fuse the Lady of Sorrow and the Ball of Wax.

But the problem is that the Sorrowful Daughter's pheromones are transmitted all the time, and the wax ball can regenerate itself every moment. If the experiment is successful, the Sorrowful Daughter will make unlimited copies of itself.

As a weapon, this is uncontrollable.

The military is not too satisfied with the research results, but their concern is that the body is made of wax and is not strong enough. And this idea still does not show the combat effectiveness of the original body.

So over the next few months, team members began working on two things.

The first is to add a switch to this splitting process.

Self-replication cannot be triggered passively, which is not conducive to the control of managers. In the email, Jiulin mentioned a general named Ross, hoping that the experimental team could add something similar to the system for the Daughter of Sorrow.

Of course that's impossible, but the team does need to devise a splitting condition for the Daughter of Sorrow that would allow her to split again when she's dropped into the Golden War Zone.

Second, design a body with practical significance for the Daughter of Sorrow.

This is what the experimental team is most interested in. They used their imaginations and gave full play to their bad taste to design hundreds of prototypes. According to Jiulin, "Some look like chicken girls, and some look like superheroes."

But the military only cares about killing efficiency and deterrence. They sent a weapons consultant to join the experimental team to help design the body of the Lady of Sorrow.

So appearance compromised functionality. It had to be able to fly, so with wings, it had to be aggressive, so with claws, its injured area had to be small, so its body and limbs became slender.

In order to verify the actual combat capabilities of this body, the experimental team cooperated with the military to conduct human distortion experiments on death row prisoners, and the experiment was carried out in this hospital.

They create prototypes that cannot be divided and conduct battle evaluations. After the body design was formed, Jiulin had already thought of a triggering splitting condition based on the empathy effect, which was fear.

The oldest human emotion is fear, the oldest fear is the fear of the unknown, and the most direct fear is the fear of monsters!

They found a way to keep the Sorrow Daughters from releasing their own pheromones until they felt the fear of others, so they wouldn't split.

At the same time, it was still through subconscious implantation therapy that the design plan was used to overwrite the appearance of herself in her memory.

When the Lady of Sorrow combines with the wax ball, the moment her body dies, her pheromones are transmitted into the wax ball.

At the same time, the wax ball also changed, deforming according to the design draft in memory.

The fragile body made of wax is not indestructible, but the characteristics of infinite division based on fear, as well as the unlimited regeneration characteristics of the wax ball itself, make her an excellent war machine.

But team members were only now considering a problem they had never thought of before. How to recycle the separated individuals? When the war ends, what should we do with the grieving women everywhere?

However, before Jiu Lin's team could start research, the big black pillar appeared.

In September 2005, 70% of the world's population was reduced to ashes. As if it was a divine punishment from heaven, the world collapsed.

The facility that housed the Sorrowful Daughter also lost control due to this sudden change. She gained freedom and spread fear into the world.

At the same time, surviving researchers and scholars from various countries began to study the phenomenon of ashes, and finally found the relationship between the big black pillar and ashes. However, it was too late. The remaining people had seen the big black pillar, and people around the world It's only a matter of time before it turns into ashes.

Chen Ke could guess what happened next.

Jiulin probably started experimenting on survivors in order to heal herself, and this hospital still has the deformed products they created during human experiments.

Sam didn't find anything valuable on the desk, so he began to dig through Jiulin's body, trying to see if there was something like a remote control controlling the elevator.

"What is this?" He held back his nausea and took out something like a black stone from Jiulin's coat.

Chen Ke looked over after hearing this and saw that the stone in Sam's hand looked familiar. He put down his laptop and walked over.

"Show me." Chen Ke said.

Sam raised his head and threw the stone in his hand to Chen Ke.

Chen Ke's eyes lit up. It was a grey-brown irregular oval stone slab. The thickness of the stone slab was about the same as a mobile phone. There were many strange words carved on it, with a faint light blue glow...

This this……

This is the secret book of skills!

An inexplicable impulse emerged from the mark on his heart, and a bullet box appeared in Chen Ke's field of vision:

[Skill Book: Psychic Crystal Gun]

[Inheritance: Van Hede Black Circle Cult]

[Type: Magic]

[Requirements: Intelligence (satisfied)]

[Effect: Gather spiritual energy into your hands to form a spear and throw it. 】

[The basic attack magic used by the sword masters of the Black Ring Religion gathers the most basic non-attributed spiritual energy into the hand and throws it out. For the fool who cannot use advanced magic, will the crystallized gun be thrown out at the moment it is thrown? What about some kind of illusion? 】

The mark on his heart is turning, Chen Ke can feel it.

At the same time, the scene in his hand also became hot, and the blue text glowed. Then, the stone began to vaporize, turning into a handful of black ash in Chen Ke's hand.

"Wow! What did you do?!" Sam was surprised when he saw the scene in front of him.

"Acquire extraordinary skills..."

"Magic: Soul Crystal Gun"

"Legacy: The Black Circle of Van Hede"

"Inspection of related information (source of knowledge: Kingdom of Vanherd)"

"Minimum consumption: 30 minutes"

"Investment improves results based on life span"

The message slowly disappeared, and Chen Ke smiled slightly.

He looked at Sam, raised his eyebrows, and said, "I don't know. Look, it turned into ashes."

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