This aura is deadly

Chapter 213 I can still save him

The entire lower three floors of the hotel were covered by Chen Ke's spiritual vision. In his field of vision, there were scattered human silhouettes lying in the corners of each room and on the stairs.

Chen Ke and Sam walked upstairs with guns in hand, carefully stepping over the bodies of survivors.

"Help me..." At the corner of the second floor, a woman half exposed from the corner, lying on the ground whining. The low moan just now came from her.

Sam rushed forward, trying to help the woman up, but when he rushed upstairs, his movements froze.

Chen Ke followed, turned the corner, and saw only half of the woman's body on the ground. A section of her spine was piled on the ground with flesh, blood, and intestines. The lower half of her body was lying five meters away.

"You will be fine..." Sam squatted beside the woman, holding her blood-covered hand and comforting her.

"Okay... okay..." The woman's voice became smaller and smaller, and finally became quiet.

Chen Ke didn't know how long she lasted. Humans' mental strength and body are actually very powerful. Cockroaches can survive for a week if their heads are cut off. Although humans are beautiful and perverted, as long as they still have a little faith, they can't be cut off and penetrated. As far as the heart is concerned, it is not a problem to hold on for more than ten hours.

Sam's eyes were red and his teeth were clenching. He had been overwhelmed by anger and sadness, and now he just wanted to find Ying Baiyi for an explanation.

Chen Ke observed the corpses at the scene. The lower three floors were uninhabited. The survivors were all placed on the fourth, fifth and sixth floors. Most of the corpses were concentrated near the stairs, with a few scattered in the corners.

There are various signs that these people are fleeing from above. In the panic, some people hid in the rooms or corridors on the lower three floors in an attempt to avoid danger.

Chen Ke frowned, feeling that this was not Ying Boyi's fault, because one person's killing efficiency is limited. Unless he calmly carried out assassinations and cleaned up room by room, it would be impossible to kill so many people in an instant.

The hotel must have been breached by monsters from above. The survivors fled downwards in a panic, but they were unable to fight against too many monsters and eventually died on the way to escape.

Chen Ke suddenly had a bad premonition. Something happened in the hotel. Ying Boyi and Diana must have been at the front. And now that so many survivors have died... Aren't they feeling cold... ?

The dead cannot be captured by spiritual vision, and the dying survivors are also on the verge of death.

"We can't help them... They are too injured. The most important thing now is to find Ying Boyi and Diana." Chen Ke patted Sam and said.

"That's right...we have to find them..." Sam cheered up and followed Chen Ke upstairs.

Some dying survivors can be seen along the way, but they are hopeless. At least based on their injuries, the treatment methods in the hands of Chen Ke and Sam cannot help them.

The skin and flesh injuries were not bad, but the limbs were severed, the body was cut in half, and the internal organs were exposed... Chen Ke was unwilling to leave the situation alone, but this was beyond his capabilities.

With a heavy heart, the two of them crept forward. Although Chen Ke had spiritual vision, he did not dare to act arrogantly, because the humanoid outline might be a monster in addition to humans. He didn't know what caused the situation here, maybe Monsters are still lurking here.

Finally, in a certain room on the sixth floor, Chen Ke saw the figures of seven people. Some of them were sitting on the same spot, some were peeking quietly by the window, and one was lying on the ground. Judging from his posture, he seemed to be injured. hurt.

"Here." Chen Ke said and ran towards the room near the corridor.

The door couldn't be pushed open, and something seemed to be blocking it inside. No wonder they survived.

Only by staying rational and calm in danger can you survive longer than others. Running away or shouting loudly is not a wise move, as it will only expose yourself.

Chen Ke knocked on the door, but there was no movement inside. These people were very smart and knew to keep quiet.

"It's me. There are no monsters outside. You can open the door." Chen Ke whispered.

"Are you the Asian young man who went out to look for medicine?" Sure enough, someone inside responded, and the voice sounded like a young man.

"Yes, I am Chen Ke, and Sam, we are back." Chen Ke said.

There was the sound of heavy objects rubbing inside, and after a while, the door opened a crack. The figure of a young white man appeared in the crack of the door, his blue eyes looking out in horror.

"It's quite safe outside now. Have you seen Diana and Ying Boyi?" Chen Ke asked.

The young man didn't say anything, but opened the door a little and let the two people in. He turned to one side and Chen Ke saw Diana lying on the floor. Even without his heart, he felt a thump in his chest.

Diana was covered in blood, her eyes were closed, her clothes were almost torn into strips, and several scary scratches and wounds had slowly scabbed over.

The survivors did not dare to move her, and for fear of the wound becoming infected, they did not cover her with a blanket or anything like that. Instead, they placed two large bottles of milk and mineral water aside to replenish her moisture.

"Diana...fuck, why..." Sam trembled.

Chen Ke came to Diana and squatted down, sticking his fingers over to see if she was still breathing. Diana suddenly grabbed Chen Ke's wrist, startling Chen Ke.

"What do you want to do...?" Diana asked, her voice hoarse and weak.

"See if you are dead." Chen Ke said.

"I can still save a little bit...have you brought back the medicine...?" Diana opened one eye.

"Your wound needs sutures, but I didn't bring any sutures back, and I don't know how to do it." Chen Ke shook his head.

"It doesn't matter... I can make do... um..." Diana sighed and groaned in pain.

Sleeping is the oldest way for all species to resist pain, and the self-healing ability of organisms is actually very strong.

"You, you bandage her." Chen Ke looked up and looked at a blonde woman next to him. She looked less than 30 years old, wearing a pair of black-framed glasses and a striped T-shirt.

"Me?" The woman was a little panicked.

Chen Ke nodded.

Diana's upper body was like pork belly cut by a knife. If she really wanted to bandage her, she would have to take off her vest and jacket first. It would be better to find a girl to do it.

"I faint at blood... sir, I can help you next to you." The woman said.

"What about you..." Chen Ke wiped the sweat from his forehead and looked at another girl.

The girl also shook her head. She didn't even dare to look at the wound on Diana's body.

The rest of the people were all men, and there were two children. Here, only Chen Ke and Diana were relatively close.

Chen Ke looked at the wounds on Diana's body, which were indeed a bit scary. If he hadn't been killing people non-stop during this period, he would not have dared to look at them in the past.

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