This aura is deadly

Chapter 215 There must be a road before the car reaches the mountain

A group of nine people walked quietly under the shadow of the building, trying not to make the slightest sound. A group of birdmen passed by in the sky from time to time, but they flew too high and did not notice Chen Ke and the others.

Diana had been lying on Chen Ke's back, her right arm around his neck, her left arm tucked into her jacket, and her head resting on her left shoulder. Her long, slightly curly chestnut brown hair rested on Chen Ke's left chest.

At first, she could chat with Chen Ke without saying a word, but now she fell asleep soundly.

Sam was afraid that Diana would sleep to death, but Chen Ke was not worried. This woman was tough and tough, and leaving a few cuts in her muscles was not enough to kill her.

However, Diana did lose a lot of blood and her body temperature was a little low. Moreover, she was wearing something cooler now. There was a vacuum inside her jacket, and she had nothing else on her body except underwear and bandages.

Chen Ke had no choice but to put his coat on her body to keep her warm.

No one asked where they were going now, because even Chen Ke couldn't tell clearly. It was still difficult to find a group of people in a modern metropolis like Xiaoyao City, even if it was empty now.

Chen Ke didn't know where Ying Boyi had gone. Diana and the survivors in the room were forced by the situation and had no time to care about Ying Boyi's whereabouts.

When Chen Ke went out, he told Diana and the remaining survivors not to look into the sky in the distance, because the two big black pillars were still there. He did not tell them what the consequences would be if they looked at them.

The long period of aimless walking consumed Chen Ke and Sam's anger, and was replaced by confusion and depression that slowly crept up in their hearts.

The moon is bright in the sky, and the surroundings are not as quiet as during the day. Instead, moans and wailings can be heard from the distance. Those bird-men come and go at night, hunting for people who have not been reduced to ashes.

Chen Ke couldn't help but think that if all birdmen were split from the Sorrowful Daughter, then does this thing have a mother's body?

He didn't know the principle of self-repair of the wax ball, but it could be seen from Jiulin's email that the division of the Sorrowful Daughter relied on the transmission of pheromones and the power of the wax ball itself.

In other words, in addition to conveying emotions, the pheromone itself also conveys certain sexual characteristics of the Sorrowful Girl. Then, because it is integrated with the wax ball, it causes the wax ball to mistakenly think that the transmitted pheromone has lost its body. The Sorrowful Daughter...

It's quite convoluted to say, but to explain it simply, the wax ball mistook the emotions spread by the Sorrowful Daughter as having a Sorrowful Daughter, and used its own recovery ability to reshape a body.

However, the birdmen themselves are not all alike. They are both male and female, and their calls sound all kinds of strange, making them feel more like a group of different individuals.

Why is this happening? Chen Ke is unknown.

At this time, Sam took the team to a coffee shop and suggested that everyone take a rest. Without definite clues and directions, walking forward aimlessly would only make everyone's mood worse.

Chen Ke agreed to Sam's proposal and came to the back of the coffee shop with others. Everyone sat down with relief. The two children did not realize the seriousness of the matter, but the adults all looked sad.

He woke up Diana and helped her sit on a chair against the wall. Diana rubbed her sleepy eyes, wondering what had happened.

"We can't walk aimlessly anymore...Chen Ke, we need to find a way." Sam closed the door of the cafe and turned towards Chen Ke.

"Find a way? Find a way to find Ying Boyi? Or find a way to get out of here?" Diana asked at this moment.

"It seems to me that this is the same thing." Chen Ke commented, picking up the coffee cup on the table and looking at it. It was empty.

"Ying Boyi knows how to get out of here. We need to find him and let him take us away, but we can't track him now. He may have gone anywhere. This is a big city..." Sam's tone was a little urgent. , he paced back and forth in front of the table, looking restless.

Chen Ke stood up, patted his shoulder and pushed him down on his seat. And looked at the coffee machine behind the counter.

"Which of you wants to drink coffee? Maybe the things here can still be used." Chen Ke asked.

The two children looked at Chen Ke: "Uncle, can you make a latte?"

"Uncle can't do it, but brother can." Chen Ke said with a smile.

"Then, brother, we want latte." The little boy said with baffled eyes.

"Sit down and see if I can learn how to use the Starbucks coffee machine in 5 minutes..." Chen Ke smiled and walked behind the counter.

"We won the lottery. We have all the ingredients and can heat hot water. It seems that instant coffee is not difficult to make. Who else wants coffee?" After a while, he came out from behind the counter and looked at the others. .

Sam was stunned for a moment and looked at Diana. The remaining survivors also looked at each other inexplicably for a while.

"If I could order food, I'd like cappuccino." Diana smiled.

"Anything is fine, just put more creamer." Sam said.

Everyone else also chose the coffee they wanted, only to hear disturbing sounds coming from the kitchen behind the counter. A few minutes later, Chen Ke came out with nine cups of hot coffee on a tray.

"Look, this is a latte, and the milk foam on it is made with care." Chen Ke gave the two cups of latte to the children first. Then pass the remaining coffee to others cup by cup.

In this absurd world, a small abandoned cafe is once again filled with the aroma of coffee. In times of despair, being able to hold a cup of hot coffee can also make people relax a lot.

Everyone held the coffee cup and let out a long breath of hot breath. The unique bitterness and strong aroma of the coffee, as well as the touch of the paper cup in their hands, suddenly gave people the illusion that they were still in that normal world.

"I'm sorry Chen Ke... I was a little anxious just now. I can't be like this..." Sam said sheepishly, holding the coffee.

"We will always find a way to go back." Chen Ke said.

"You are always so calm and optimistic, Chen Ke, you should really consider joining the Authority... Ouch..." Halfway through, Diana put down the coffee cup, covered her abdomen, and narrowed her left eye into a slit.

"Is the wound still hurting?" Chen Ke asked.

"It hurts all the time...but I can bear it. I can only squeak occasionally, as long as you don't mind it..." Diana said with a bitter smile.

"It's okay, if your wound was placed on me, I wouldn't just bleat, I might even bark." Chen Ke joked.

"Don't make me laugh, Chen Ke... Damn... I can't use my abdominal muscles now..." Diana pursed her lips.

"Do you have any ideas? Or maybe a little idea, what should we do now...?" Sam asked.

"The Feihuang people among us... have a saying, there must be a road before the car reaches the mountain. Do you understand what I mean?" Chen Ke said with a smile.

"I probably mean...we have to drive to the mountains...?" Sam said seriously.

"Well... that's almost it. Look, we have the plan, we just need a car." Chen Ke took a sip of coffee.

Sam looked like he was suddenly enlightened, and his eyes seemed to be thinking about something.

"Bang bang bang!"

Outside the cafe, a series of gunshots suddenly sounded. The sound was different from the M14. It was made by the psychic M1911A1.

Everyone in the cafe suddenly became nervous. Diana looked out the window in confusion, while Sam grabbed the M14 and slowly walked towards the door.

"What's going on?" Sam asked.

"Our car is here." Chen Ke smiled.

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