This aura is deadly

Chapter 219 Where is the moon?

The bus couldn't drive, and the road ahead was blocked. Even if it could drive, Chen Ke had no intention of continuing to drive. The loud engine sound would only attract the birdman who finally got rid of it.

Chen Ke decided to walk out of the tunnel, and he had already made a preliminary plan to find the place where Jiu Lin's team conducted experiments in Xiaoyao City.

Now, the hope of going back entirely lies in Chen Ke's ability to open the door. He needs the spiritual energy of a powerful monster as a consumable to open the door. He does not go to the Kingdom of Van Hed, but goes back directly.

This means that his hiding place will be exposed, but he can't control that much. At that time, Chen Ke can continue to make up lies to deceive Diana, but it won't matter to the others.

Opening the door of the blasphemous dagger requires some kind of ritual that Chen Ke doesn't know about, and it also requires three daggers and three lives to open, and one person will be transformed into a contract demon, which is a potential risk.

Chen Ke could only use the blasphemous dagger as a cover to push the door that would be opened later to the dagger. Hiding his unique ability was the most important thing.

But the premise is that they can successfully find the Girl of Sorrow. If you can't get the soul of a powerful monster, it's all in vain.

The last survivors walked in silence for a long time. The 9 kilometers distance only took 40 minutes by car, but it would take a lot of time to walk, let alone when there were injured people.

Diana's physical condition was completely unable to walk for such a long time, so Chen Ke could only continue to carry her forward. This time, Ying Boyi took the lead, Sam followed behind, and Chen Ke walked in the middle of the team.

Two and a half hours later, the group finally passed through the underground tunnel and arrived at the west side of Xiaoyao City.

This place is far away from the downtown area of ​​Xiaoyao City and close to the seaside. It is a port town. Through the gray horizon, Chen Ke seems to be able to see the shadow of Opportunity City opposite.

"The place where Jiulin conducts secret experiments is not far from here. We are almost there. The laboratory is disguised as a small factory from the outside, but there is actually something different inside." Ying Baiyi found Chen Ke in the team.

Chen Ke had just unloaded Diana from his back, and everyone was sitting on the roadside to rest and enjoy the sea breeze.

"Although it's a little late to ask now, how do you know they are doing experiments here?" Chen Ke asked.

"Believe it or not, I have known Jiu Lin for many years. When this secret project was first launched, as an agent in the city where the laboratory is located, I was one of the first people to know about it." Ying Baiyi put his hands on his hips.

"Oh...sounds reasonable. So, you are responsible for the security here...or something like that?" Chen Ke asked.

"That's right. In fact, even I shouldn't know what they are doing. The agents who accompanied them only received very direct orders. But Jiulin told me everything." Ying Baiyi said.

"It sounds like... you had a good relationship before, otherwise she wouldn't tell you such a confidential matter." Chen Ke said.

"These are all old things, and then... it's not the kind of relationship you thought. In short, now we are enemies," Ying Baiyi said.

"Okay, now let's try our luck and see if the Lady of Sorrow is inside...Have you ever been in?" Chen Ke asked.

"Of course I have been there. My accusation is to deal with all the psychic explosions that may occur there. But I have never been to the core experimental unit. But having said that, it is not big there." Ying Baiyi shook his head.

"How long does it take to get to that small factory from here?" Chen Ke asked.

"More than ten kilometers." Ying Baiyi said.

"My day..." Chen Ke put his hands on his hips and looked at the road under his feet extending to the dark blue road in the distance, and on the other side, the dark sea connected with the sky.

Black waves rolled on the lightless sea surface, as if something was brewing underneath.

"I remember you said this small factory is not far from here..." Chen Ke complained.

"It's not far. It only takes less than half an hour to drive. I used to have lunch in the town ahead, and then drive to the small factory. The sea breeze blew along the way, there were no red lights, and there were no traffic jams. It was really refreshing." Ying Bai Yi smiled.

"I bet it will be dawn by the time we walk over." Chen Ke said helplessly.

He took out his mobile phone and looked at the time. After a night of work and the two and a half hours of walking in the tunnel, it was already 5:30 in the morning.

The sun will soon...

Wait a moment……

Is it 5:30?

Chen Ke frowned and looked around.

Everyone was sitting on the road to rest. Two girls sat next to Diana and supported her so that she could have a place to lean on.

The remaining male survivors gathered around to discuss something and took the time to load the empty magazine of the M14.

Sam was standing guard on the other side, like a loyal guard.

And Ying Baiyi stood beside him.

Chen Ke looked at the dark sea again. It was so dark in the distance that nothing could be seen. The dark blue sky was about to merge with the black sea, as if it was ready to swallow up everything.

"Ying Baiyi? Don't you think it's weird?" Chen Ke asked.

"What's weird?" Ying Boyi was puzzled, but he was frightened by Chen Ke's expression.

"It's half past five and it's still so dark? Unless it's winter..." Chen Kedao.

After hearing what Chen Ke said, Ying Boyi suddenly realized what he was doing. It is too dark now for the time of 5:30 in the morning!

"What happened again...what did we encounter?" Ying Boyi thought.

"I think this problem is a bit big...look up." Chen Ke pointed to the sky.

Ying Baiyi raised his head and saw that there was nothing in the inky black sky. He stopped and stared, and the darkness seemed like someone covering his eyes with his hands.

"The moon... the stars... are all gone..." Ying Baiyi gasped.

Not only the moon and stars, Chen Ke also noticed that the road extending into the distance seemed to disappear into the thick darkness.

At first, he thought it was simply too dark to see clearly. Now it looks like the scenery in front has been erased.

"That small factory seems to have become history, Ying Boyi." Chen Ke sighed.

"Yeah..." Ying Baiyi stared blankly at the darkness in the distance, feeling an unspeakable fear in his heart.

"Let's go quickly. Didn't you say there was a town ahead?" Chen Ke patted Ying Boyi's shoulder and turned towards Diana.

Diana raised her head and looked at Chen Ke who was approaching. The other person picked her up and held her in his arms. This action was off guard, leaving her at a loss. But after a few seconds, the other party put her on the ground again.

"The posture is wrong, hurry up." Chen Ke squatted down with his back to Diana.

"What happened?" Diana put her right arm around Chen Ke's neck and asked him to carry her on his back.

"We have a bad feeling, we have to keep moving forward." Chen Ke replied.

He called to Sam and motioned for everyone to stand up and keep walking.

"I've only been resting for a few minutes. Chen Ke, do you want to wait a little longer?" Sam asked.

"The situation is urgent. Let's talk about it when we get to a safe place." Chen Ke said solemnly.

Diana didn't know what happened, but she also realized that the situation might not be good. She put her chin on Chen Ke's left shoulder and looked at the road silently.

Ying Boyi took a deep breath and followed, and the group walked towards the town that Ying Boyi mentioned.

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