This aura is deadly

Chapter 221 Witness

"He's right, you should tell us what you can do, if you really have it." A survivor echoed at this time.

Chen Ke didn't say anything. He originally just wanted to appease Sam, but unexpectedly he became the target of criticism.

In despair, people tend to blame each other to vent their negative emotions, rather than working together to find solutions.

Although in this world, ordinary people really have nothing to do.

"He just...saved all of you." Some people had doubts about Chen Ke, while others chose to remain silent. Diana was the only one who spoke for Chen Ke at this time. She sat on the ground and wanted to stand up. .

"Why was he able to save us...I began to have doubts. How did an ordinary person know how to deal with those monsters? Why was he able to survive?" someone questioned.

"Ying Boyi has been saying that there is a way to go back, but what happened?! He abandoned us first. Is there any essential difference between Chen Ke and Ying Boyi?" Everyone started talking.

"We didn't save you... everyone knows it... we're just unwilling to accept the reality." The man who just kept reciting the Bible spoke.

"Heavenly Father has abandoned us... The world will also fall into chaos... Our lives will end here..." The man said calmly, as if he had seen through everything.

"I don't know if the world has fallen into chaos, but I know there is no father in the sky. Everyone should control their emotions..." Chen Kedao.

"Just refute it. You are also crazy. You are unwilling to bear this result, so you play superhero's house. Look around, Mr. Chen, how can you, an ordinary person, take us back? It turns out that you are an ordinary person. Can't we open a portal?" the man laughed.

"Oh, you seem to be in good condition now. Have you accepted your fate?" Chen Ke asked.

"Yes, maybe this is our destiny, but at least Heavenly Father will not treat us badly." The man said with a smile.

"What do you mean?" Chen Ke asked.

"At least, before we die in this bleak world, there are still three women who can enjoy themselves..." The man's eyes glanced at the two female survivors and Diana.

The back of Chen Ke's head felt numb. He didn't expect that a person would show such an expression after completely giving up on himself.

"Don't even think about it." Beside Chen Ke, one of the survivors brought by Ying Boyi raised his gun and aimed at the Bible man.

"You are not wise, my friend. Why don't you enjoy your destiny?" The Bible Man asked with a smile.

"My daughter... turned into ashes. She is in the same grade as them. I once swore to God to protect her." The survivor who raised his gun took a step forward.

"Human will has no meaning at all, sir." The Bible Man smiled. He turned to look at Diana and licked his lips.

"I'll give you 5 seconds to change your mind." Chen Ke said coldly.

"You have been protecting her, Mr. Chen, because she allowed you to carry her? Look... I was in the same room with her at that time. She was lying on the ground unable to move, covered in blood. And beads of sweat, so charming..." The Bible Man smiled.

"You pervert..." Diana said angrily.

Sam looked very confused at this time, his emotions were constantly drifting, as if he was offline. He looked at Chen Ke and then at Ying Baiyi in the distance, feeling confused.

Ying Boyi looked at this farce and seemed very calm. He had seen the suspicion and fights among the survivors, and he had also seen the men and women who fell into madness give up everything and sink into destruction.

"Mr. Chen, why don't we share something about the woman behind you?" The Bible Man slowly walked towards Diana.

Chen Ke sighed. He didn't want to kill anyone, but this man left him helpless. A murderous aura rose up from behind him. With the amount of murderous aura Chen Ke currently had reserved, if it were poured into an ordinary person, it would scare him to death.

Just when he was about to kill someone invisible, a gunshot sounded in his ears.


Chen Ke watched as a rifle bullet penetrated the biblical man's left temple, then opened his Tianling cover and penetrated through his right temple. White flowers mixed with red colors splashed onto the collar of the girl with black-rimmed glasses standing next to him. and face.

The Bible Man tilted his body and fell to the ground with a thud, blood smearing all over the ground.

"Fuck!" Ying Baiyi exclaimed in a low voice from a distance.

Chen Ke looked to the right and saw that it was Sam who shot. Sam was panting now, and the expression on his face returned to normal, becoming the familiar look again.

"Ahhhhh!!!!!!" the girl with black-rimmed glasses screamed loudly. Half of her face still had the brains of the Bible Man, and a ball of red flesh was still stuck to one of her glasses.

She tore at her coat frantically, tearing it off her body desperately.

"Hold her!" someone shouted.

The other girl beside him was frightened. Sam threw away his gun and pushed the girl with black-rimmed glasses to the ground, stopping her from continuing to take off her clothes. He used his hands to help clean the flesh and blood from her face.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..." The girl with black-rimmed glasses lost her glasses, hugged Sam tightly and cried.

"Everything's going to be okay...everything's going to be okay," Sam reassured.

Ying Boyi smiled and shook his head, as if he had foreseen such a scene.

"Hey, can you still stand up?" Chen Ke walked to the vomiting man, squatted down and asked.

The man had been motionless since just now, lying on the ground with his eyes closed.

Chen Ke patted him gently and found no response. A bad premonition flashed through him. He shook the man hard again, but there was still no movement, so he stretched out his hand to try to breathe.

No more energy.

Chen Ke pinched the man's pulse again and pressed it against his chest. There was no beating at all.

He sighed. The man couldn't resist in despair, became disheartened and died.

"Hahahaha or... I knew you would reach this point." Ying Boyi's laughter came from the distance.

"That's not wise of you..." Diana sighed.

Sam hugged the girl with black-rimmed glasses and comforted her, but at the same time he felt ashamed and guilty for his behavior just now. He looked at Chen Ke, his eyes full of apology.

Chen Ke spread his hands. If he couldn't hold it anymore and his emotions really needed to be vented, he couldn't blame these people, because as ordinary people, they were under tremendous pressure, and it was already remarkable that they only broke out now.

"It's not easy for everyone...but now is not the time to give up. We have come so far." Chen Ke said lightly.

The people around him were silent. Two companions suddenly died in front of them. Everyone was very sad.

"Go forward, there will be a small town, go there to take a rest and find something..." Chen Kedao.

"Wait a minute...Chen Ke, listen." Diana interjected.

At this time, she stood up and put her right hand on Chen Ke's left shoulder.

Chen Ke was stunned and asked everyone to stay quiet and listened quietly.

There was no sound.

"What are you listening to...? I didn't hear any sound." Chen Ke asked.

"We are at the beach now..." Diana reminded.

When Diana said this, not only Chen Ke, but also everyone else understood.

Before, you could vaguely hear the sound of rolling waves, but now you can't hear anything.

Everyone looked curiously at the dark sea, but they only felt that the darkness was thicker, as if beyond human vision, and the horizon line connecting the sea and the sky was completely invisible.

Chen Ke walked to the side of the road and looked carefully into the dark distance, when an information box suddenly popped up in the corner of his eye.

[Category: Gods]

[Form: invisible]

[Status: active]

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