This aura is deadly

Chapter 249 Shaken

There was no electricity in the cabin, so Shreli took out a candle from the cabinet and lit it. Then she sat on the bedside and prepared to take off her clothes. Chen Ke threw a blanket from the small sofa onto Shreli.

"It's 2 o'clock in the morning. Take the time to get some sleep." Chen Ke said, turned around and walked out. He wanted to be alone.

"Then keep the door open." Slyli said.

She put on her clothes again, draped the blanket over her shoulders, and lay on her side on the bed.

Chen Ke pushed the wooden door open and sat on the small steps, looking at the lake under the moonlight.

Shrili looked at Chen Ke's back and slowly fell asleep.

The surroundings became quiet again, leaving only the chirping of insects. The night wind gently touched the lake surface, causing ripples and shattering the reflection of the moon.

Chen Ke still has 3 hours left to live, but he is not panic at all now.

He doesn't want to do anything now.

Chen Ke is not tired at all. He has unlimited physical strength and energy, but now, he just doesn't want to do anything and just wants to sit here in a daze.

Perhaps most people don't realize that in addition to energy and physical strength, emotions are also a type of energy that will be exhausted, and the rate of emotional consumption is closely related to many other factors.

No one has unlimited physical strength and energy like Chen Ke, so many people mistakenly believe that as long as they don't get tired, they can continue to do one thing forever.

However this is not the case.

Just think of tasks that are mechanically repetitive, such as a factory assembly line. It does not consume much energy and physical strength, but no one can endure this kind of machine-like work.

Or think about it again, how long can a person persist if he is asked to do a job that he does not like or even feels emotionally resistant to?

Of course, there are not so many choices in this world. Many people have no choice in order to live, so over time, they just muddle along and start fishing. At first, they don’t want to go to work, and going to work is like going to the grave.

The great consumption of emotions will also make the decline of energy and physical strength faster, and the loss of physical and mental energy will also make the recovery of emotions slower.

This is also the reason why modern young people are becoming more and more sad and Buddhist.

This is the case for Chen Ke now.

Before he time traveled, he was an ordinary office worker. In the past twenty-four years, he had encountered nothing more than what happened in the second half of the time. It was so strange.

He was not a born killer, and he never wanted to be a hero. He was just an ordinary person.

But fate played a joke on him, allowing him to suddenly possess killing techniques that he could not even imagine, and a strange life countdown.

Under the threat of a life countdown, Chen Ke had to face things he didn't want to face at all, and began to kill people and kill monsters continuously.

Chen Ke was emotionally resistant to these things, but under the threat of death, he had to do it. And his unlimited physical strength and energy allowed him to last for so long without collapsing.

However, what should come will still come, and people's emotions will always have ups and downs.

Now with more than 40 deformed souls in hand, the three-hour countdown to life seems to no longer be a threat.

Chen Ke suddenly cooled down.

It can be said that he is in a state of PTSD now. Of course, it is not accurate to say that, but his mental state is indeed completely different now from before.

Chen Ke sat on the small steps and looked at the things he had done, the people he knew, and his body.

It was as if Chen Ke had now become the ordinary employee working in a small company with a mortgage on his back. His soul escaped from its shell and rose into the air to look at the body called "Lin Mo" below.

Chen Ke took out a soul that could increase the upper limit of his life by 3 hours. When he wanted to crush it, he thought about it and took it back.

After crushing this soul, you will have a whole day's lifespan, and it will immediately reach the upper limit of its lifespan.

But it's a bit of a loss now, there are still three hours left... Chen Ke thinks it's better to wait until there are only half an hour and ten minutes left before pinching.

He looked behind him and saw that Shreli was already snoring and falling asleep. Before, there were always strange things that got her involved, or she had to run around looking for fights. Now, for Chen Ke, it was rare. of leisure.

For the first time, Chen Ke began to examine his own life countdown... Although this thing was very deadly, it turned Chen Ke into a humanoid perpetual motion machine.

Moreover, as long as he dies with 30% of the remaining upper limit of his life span, he can be resurrected on the spot. This ability is simply abnormal.

Furthermore, judging from the rules for increasing lifespan, as long as you have a soul, you can increase your lifespan limit.

Will there be a limit to the upper limit of lifespan? Chen Ke couldn't help but think about it. If not, wouldn't it mean that he could have eternal life in disguise?

Coupled with the fact that I can use my lifespan to increase extraordinary skills...

Just imagine, if Chen Ke's life span can reach a few years, hundreds of years, thousands of years... millions of years..., using a life-span-increasing crystal gun of millions of years... I'm afraid he won't be able to explode the star...

"Infinity...this is...infinity..." Chen Ke was a little excited. He had never considered such a thing before.

It is very possible that I am infinite...

Infinite room for growth, unlimited lifespan...

Am I a god?

Thinking about it this way, the current lifespan limit of 21 hours is not so scary...

It's like upgrading a game. Your lifespan is your level!

Chen Ke regarded 10 hours as level one, which corresponds to the level of a psyker. He should be at the level of a second-level psyker now, and his psychic level is estimated to be about the same as Diana's.

It's just that in addition to his psychic abilities, Chen Ke also has an exclusive murderous aura series!

Also at the second energy level, he uses the extraordinary skill of increasing his lifespan to exert power that far exceeds that of psykers of the same level.

Chen Ke suddenly felt relieved, as if a knot in his heart had been opened, and some of the mental shackles he had been burdened with collapsed.

Pressure turned into motivation.

The countdown to life span is Chen Ke’s blessing!

Inspired by this sudden joy and hope, Chen Ke felt very excited. It felt like winning the lottery, exciting and gratifying.

"Fakeyes!" He stood up excitedly and cheered softly, with a smile on his face like he had picked up a box of money. He clenched his fists tightly and waved them randomly in the air for a while.

Then there was a moment of emptiness.

Chen Ke sat down again. Now, he no longer thinks that this countdown is a shackle planted by the Si Group, but this thing is definitely not groundless.

All good things must be exchanged for chips, and all power must be obtained at a price.

Chen Ke fell into a new round of confusion of a higher level.

When heaven is about to entrust a man with a great responsibility, he must first kill his dog. Now, Chen Ke is still alive and he has passed the test, but what does this mean?

It's not that he wants to take on some kind of mission. On the contrary, Chen Ke is worried that if he enjoys this power but doesn't shoulder the corresponding responsibilities, will he be punished?

He had always wanted to contact the extraordinary level before, because only then could he find a way to become an ordinary person, or even find a way to go back...

Ordinary people are mortal. In the original world, I was just a poor office worker tied up with a mortgage.

And here, Chen Ke has the opportunity to become eternal! And you can make a lot of money.

He is not that interested in killing people and monsters, but with his current strength, it is not difficult to defeat some ordinary monsters. It would be good to just maintain this and live a rich and free life...

Maybe we can find a way to go back in time and bring our parents and friends over...

Thinking of this, Chen Ke suddenly lost the motivation to move forward. In the past half month, all his motivations were to save his life and find a way to relieve the countdown.

Now, his motive is gone.

"Heinard is right, go to Free City to buy a big house, enjoy life with Lucina, and fight monsters to stay alive as if it's work... Let the consortium, Great Void, Asra and the like go to hell... I'm just an ordinary office worker... Why should I help others rob and kill people..." Chen Ke whispered to himself.

He took out his mobile phone and found the contact information of Pehom, Lester and others. He hesitated with his thumb hovering over the deletion option.


A strange and familiar sound piercing the air came from a distance. The sound made him feel restless. Chen Ke remembered hearing this sound on the news.

It was the sound of a rocket launch, and it was very far away.

He looked to the right, looking for the source of the sound, and saw an orange thing flying rapidly less than 2 meters above the ground.

His mind suddenly went blank, followed by his body's instinctive reaction. Chen Ke fell forward and lay on the ground.


Half a second later, a violent explosion sounded, and orange-red fireworks rolled onto Chen Ke along with high-temperature air waves, and the fire suddenly lit up the sky.

He got up from the ground and saw that the Jaguar more than 20 meters away from him had been blown into a pile of burning rotten iron.

In this chapter, Chen Ke's psychology has changed. Some people may think that this change is a bit low, but I think that after an ordinary person has experienced these things, he will have similar thoughts, after all, to avoid responsibilities that he cannot bear. It is everyone's natural instinct, and the growth of a character also needs to have an arc. It will have downward and upward directions. From being a loser to a hero also requires a process. This arc should not only be about the power system, but also include the psychological level. Yes, Chen Ke needs this psychological downward arc to make his subsequent rise and responsibility more impactful and natural.

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