This aura is deadly

Chapter 255 Unexpected

"What are you two talking about...? I don't understand." Shreli looked at Chen Ke and Pankia and asked.

She didn't know the grudges between these two, or three people.

"Some of the things I did before finally backfired on me... Little guy, we have to leave here." Pankia said.

"Can he come with me?" Shreli asked.

"Him? Why?" Pankia was stunned.

"I..." Shreli blushed.

Pankia understood what Shreli meant, and his expression was a little embarrassed. It was hard for him to accept that his daughter fell in love with the man in front of him.

"Quickly give up this idea, you don't know who he is." Pankia said.

"I know he has many names, Dad, and I also know that he has some strange abilities... but he is not bad." Shreli said.

"That's not the problem, Shreli, you don't understand yet, he doesn't belong to our era..." Pankia said.

"What does this mean..." Shreli asked.

"You don't need to know, and it's not good to know." Pankia said. "When are you two leaving?" Chen Ke stood up and prepared to leave. He had no reason to stay here any longer.

"We'll leave after tonight. You'd better not come to me again. As a final reward, take this." Pan Jiya said, taking out a silver key from his pocket.

Chen Ke took the key and looked at it carefully. The key was very new. The silver key teeth had not faded. It looked very rarely used. The upper part of the key was a knight holding a sword with wings on his helmet.

It was hard to imagine that such a small key had such a delicate carving. I wondered where this key was used.

"What is this..." Chen Ke asked.

"In the building of the Si Group, there is a secret door in my office. You can go to my grandfather's office through this door." Pan Jiya said.

"Grandfather's office..." Chen Ke pondered.

"Grandfather's office has no door. He usually comes to the company from the top of the building by helicopter. You can't find him through the ordinary floors. The access control and password of my office must have been changed, but the lock of the secret door will not change. If you want to find him, this is an opportunity." Pankia said.

"The consortium has many branches in the United Federation. How do I know if he will be in the building on Lafite Road?" Chen Ke asked.

"Before this, Grandfather was in poor health and had not appeared for a long time. I could only contact him on the phone. But not long ago, he appeared in the City of Opportunities. It seems that he has recovered by some means... and now he has to deal with the problem of Asra, so there is a high probability that he will appear in the company..." Pankia said.

"You have been purged. Your successor should be sitting in your office, right?" Chen Ke asked.

"Yes, his name is Slavin... He has always wanted to replace me, and you helped him." Pankia said.

"I remember this name. If..." Chen Ke said, his eyes suddenly widened.

"+5 minutes"

"+5 minutes"

"+5 minutes"

"+5 minutes"

The window behind him was shattered, and a rifle bullet penetrated the back of Chen Ke's head and went out from his face.


Chen Ke's head exploded, and before he could turn around, his body was scraped to the ground by the strong inertia, and the bullet hit the wooden door opposite, leaving a hole.

"Ahhhhhhh!!!!" Shreli screamed in fear of what happened suddenly in front of her.

Pankia smiled first, then grabbed the shotgun beside him, grabbed Shreli and pressed her to the ground.

"Sniper... the killer from the consortium is here." Pankia said.

"Chen... Chen Ke... is he dead...?" Shreli lay on the ground, looking at Chen Ke's body beside him, and had not yet reacted to the shock.

"He's dead, don't worry about him, we should go." Pankia said as he climbed to the wall and closed the curtains.

The curtain moved, and another bullet shot in, shattering the mirror hanging on the wall.

"Chen Ke... Chen Ke..." Shreli pushed Chen Ke's body, tears sliding down her face, she couldn't accept this fact yet.

"Take care of yourself, little guy, if you don't leave now, we will be like him." Pankia said.

He touched the door, opened it violently, and leaned out to scan the corridor.

Shreli wanted to move Chen Ke's body out of the room, but Pankia stopped her, pulled Shreli's arm and pulled her out of the door.

"Listen, Shreli, there are many men in this world, and you chose the one you shouldn't choose the most. Forget him, if you still want to live." Pankia said while wiping the tears from Shreli's face.

Shreli choked, nodded silently, and looked at Chen Ke's body again. Blood was all over the floor, and there was a big blood hole on the back of his head.

"Do you still have a gun?" Pankia asked.

Shreli took out the P226 from her pocket and turned on the safety.

"Very good." Pan Jiya said, turning to look at Chen Ke's body.

"Your luck ends here, Lin Mo, a body can't be used twice. Whether it's Chen Ke or the others, your journey ends here." Pan Jiya thought.

The two walked down the corridor. Pan Jiya had already prepared for the attack. He hid all his gear in the trunk of his car and only carried a gun and a mobile phone.

In order not to attract attention, he even changed it into a very old car and sank his previous luxury car to the bottom of the lake. It can be said that he took great pains.

Today, this preparation finally came in handy. The dilapidated car he parked two streets away was inconspicuous at all.

"Little guy, did you drive here?" Pankiya asked.

"'s car was blown up by them." Shreli said.

She followed her father to the car and ran away, passing by the 24-hour cafe where Chen Ke had asked them to wait. Louis and Lamar fell asleep leaning on their chairs.

Shrili glanced at them and turned away embarrassedly, hoping that they would not be involved in such a dangerous thing.

Not only are they running on the empty streets in the early morning, but killers are also on the move in the dark alleys.

They were equipped with silenced pistols and were approaching Shreli and Pankia with shadows.

The unique exhaust sound of a silenced pistol came from the distance. The bullets flew silently towards the fleeing father and daughter, making small holes in the billboards, bus stops and shop walls along the street. Pankiah held the sawed-off shotgun in his hand. With his hand, he dragged Shreli forward regardless of the pursuing killer.

Slyli only knew how to run forward. She felt cramping pain in her abdomen.

She was tortured for a long time by the black killer with fists and fingers, and her abdominal muscles and internal organs were severely traumatized. When she was with Chen Ke before, she didn't do any strenuous exercise, so she was able to hold on.

But now as soon as she started running, those injuries burst out instantly. She gritted her teeth, not wanting to slow down her father.

Pankiya had already seen his car parked in the parking lot in the backyard of the burger restaurant. It was a green second-hand four-door sedan, a very ordinary working-class car. At the same time, a bright light suddenly flashed behind him.

Pankiya turned around and saw the black car driven by the killers!

"Hurry...Srili!" Pankiya urged, but he found that Srili had a bitter look on her face, was breathing heavily, and narrowed one eye, as if she could hardly hold on.

"You were shot?" Pankiya said subconsciously.

"No... I... have a stomachache..." Shreli covered her abdomen and knelt on the ground.

The black car came to them within a few seconds, only about 20 meters away. A killer stuck his head out of the window, carrying an MP5HK with a silencer, ready to shoot at them.

Pankiya pressed Shrili to the ground, protected herself in front, and raised the shotgun.

Just for that brief second.

A blue crystallized spear came out of the black alley and pierced the black car with a snap!

The car couldn't withstand the powerful impact. After being penetrated by the crystal gun, the entire body rolled to the left.

The gunman in the back seat had long been cut in half by the crystal gun. His upper body was thrown out of the car window and fell onto the icy road.

The car rolled over four or five times on the ground, and finally slid upside down on the ground and hit a telephone pole on the side of the road before stopping. The surviving driver tried to climb out of the car, but the car soon ignited sparks.

"Help me! Help me!" The driver's scream echoed in the dark night, and the fuel tank plug at the rear of the car shot out with a bang, followed by a violent explosion.

Before Pankya understood what was happening, he felt a hand behind him grab his arm and try to pull him up.

Chen Ke's voice came to my ears: "I didn't expect that I would save you!"

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