This aura is deadly

Chapter 262 Meeting in the Flame

Chen Ke shuttled through the chaotic city, and from time to time he ran past civilians with their families. Occasionally, someone would run up to him to pray for the leader of the church. Chen Ke didn't want to get involved, so he could only avoid it by lowering his head.

While avoiding the crowds on the street, while paying attention to the iron balls and burning barrels falling from the sky, Chen Ke came to a strange place. It was an inconspicuous alley between buildings facing the street.

Through the wooden windows, Chen Ke could still hear people in some buildings chanting prayers, praying for God's protection. He did not waste his life to activate spiritual vision exploration. No matter who he met in this situation, it was no problem for Chen Ke.

Burning barrels slide across the sky from time to time, making terrifying whirring sounds, and then smashing onto roofs and building walls, bursting into flame flowers. You can still hear the miserable cries of unlucky people after being swallowed up by the flames. Call.

Chen Ke couldn't help but wonder, did Van Heder win this war? From what we have seen from Van Herd's straight sword, it must be powerful against Van Herd's sword control group and crossbow array, but judging from the situation in front of us, Van Herd's combat effectiveness cannot be seen at all.

While he was thinking this, bursts of thunder came from the sky.

Chen Ke leaned against the wall and looked at the sky through the gap in the building's roof. In the red night sky, golden flashes of light rolled between the black clouds that covered the sky and the moon.

Along with the rolling thunder, the clouds that were turned red by the firelight instantly turned into gold. Two giant lightning bolts pierced out from the clouds and struck to the southwest, which was outside the city wall on the right side of the cathedral.

That lightning was definitely not a natural phenomenon. Chen Ke believed that it must be some kind of extraordinary skill. It was hard to imagine how powerful such a large lightning could be.

After the lightning fell, the sky became calm, and even the burning barrels and iron balls thrown into the city no longer appeared. It seemed that someone summoned lightning to destroy the siege machine.

Being struck by lightning of that scale would definitely feel great. Whoever summoned it must be a ruthless character. Chen Ke wiped the sweat from his forehead. It's too hot here... I hope that the cycle in this fragmented time and space will not be necessary. Deal with that ruthless character.

Chen Ke walked out from the other end of the alley. Now he had no idea what he was going to do, so he could only take one step at a time to see where the fragment ended.

Each fragmented space has boundaries, and without completing the cycle, the path to the next area will be blocked by an air wall, just like the church door before.

How to get to the church in the middle of the mountain wall from the streets below the city? Chen Ke couldn't find the way up at all.

This is a big city. You don't know it when you look at it from the cliff. You can only feel the complexity of its roads when you are in it. Moreover, the buildings block your sight, so he can only look at the mountains in the distance to roughly guide him to approach.

Of course, Chen Ke didn't know whether he should go to church or not, so he just acted based on his subconscious thoughts. After turning around seven times, Chen Ke felt like he was lost in the streets of the entire city. No matter which alley he came out of, the scene he saw was the same.

Just as he was wandering back and forth on the street at a loss, he suddenly felt someone bump into him from behind.


When Chen Kemeng turned around, he turned out to be an ordinary soldier of Van Heder.

Different from the previous knights, Van Heder's ordinary lower-level soldier equipment is not that impressive. He does not wear armor on his upper body, but a thick hard leather coat, and his cloth trousers with leather leggings on the lower body also look very cold. Chen The pants he wore were the same style as theirs.

However, this was the first time he had seen the hat of an ordinary soldier of Van Heder. It was similar to Maozi's tank hat, but it had a large brim and the forehead was covered with an iron plate.

The soldier seemed a little wary of himself. The brim of his hat covered most of his face, making it difficult to see his appearance. Only his lips and chin could be seen.

The two stood opposite each other, speechless for a moment. The situation seemed a bit awkward. The other party must have identified himself as a priest based on his attire.

In the Middle Ages, the status of church clergy in society was higher than that of the nobility and imperial power.

"The priests are praying in the cathedral, why are you here?" After a while of silence, the soldier said.

Chen Ke was surprised, it was actually a female voice! Will there be female soldiers in Van Heder's army?

"I'm... performing a special mission." Chen Ke hesitated, trying to make his accent as close to her weird antique accent as possible.

"It's full of flaws, you're not a Vanherd." The soldier raised his head, and that was... that was Faralis's face!

"Oh, let me" Chen Ke couldn't help but exclaimed, unable to believe his eyes.

"Do you know me...?" Faralis frowned when her identity was recognized, and she raised her stabbing sword.

The guard of the stabbing sword was engraved with exquisite patterns. It looked like a royal weapon at first glance, which was in sharp contrast to Faralise's dirty soldier uniform.

Although I don’t understand why Faralis disguised herself as a soldier and entered the dangerous city, she obviously doesn’t know how to disguise herself.

"It's a long story..." Chen Ke backed away slightly. He didn't feel Faralis' murderous intent, but the other party was definitely a ruthless character. Chen Ke couldn't evaluate the gap between himself and her yet.

Faralis took a step forward and looked at the big sword on Chen Ke's shoulder with a stern look on her face.

Seeing the change in the other person's expression, Chen Ke followed her line of sight and looked at the weapon on his right shoulder, secretly saying something bad.

"Where...did you get it? Huh?" Faralis asked.

"This... it's none of your business..." Chen Ke pursed his lips. If this continues, there will be a fight.

"It belongs to me. If you don't want to die, hand it over." Ferrari was not polite at all, not like a princess at all.

Chen Ke did not answer. He didn't know where Faralis's ruthless anger was in this time and space, but judging from Faralis's own reaction, it should not be at her hand.

Seeing that Chen Ke had no reaction, Faralis shook her head and said: "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter... enough people died tonight, including you... I will get it from your body..."

"Eh... eh... wait a minute, it seems we just met...?" Chen Ke raised his left hand and made a "please stop" gesture.

"It's useless to say more. Since you are holding that sword, let me see how you swing it." Faralis held the stabbing sword in one hand and performed a standard stabbing movement.

Chen Ke wiped the sweat from his forehead. Is Van Heder's princess so strong? He didn't know if he could beat Faralis, but obviously, in this cycle, killing Faralis was not a must.

On the contrary, the first princess disguised herself as an ordinary soldier and ran into the city on the night of the project, which turned out to be an important clue to unraveling this cycle.

"We can talk, Faralis..." Chen Ke said, but as soon as he said the words, he regretted it.

"Who are you...? Why can you recognize me?" Faralis asked warily.

"It's not difficult to recognize you...after all, you are the princess of Van Heder." Chen Ke replied.

"If that's the case, then I can't keep you!" Faralis said coldly, and the silver stabbing sword was like a wasp's sting, attacking Chen Ke.

Why are you so unreasonable! Chen Ke was startled, holding Faralis's ruthless fury in front of his chest with both hands, and kept retreating. For someone like Chen Ke who is not good at swordsmanship, Faralis' attack is simply impossible to defend against.

He couldn't see clearly and couldn't keep up with the opponent's movements, not to mention that the opponent was still using a one-handed sword, so he could only keep sliding back to distance himself.

In this case, the only option is to cheat. Chen Keyun stretched out a hand, preparing to use a burst of psychic energy to fly the opponent away.

At this moment, a group of swordsmen rushed out from the corner of the street.

"Huh?" Faralis stood still and turned to look at the group of swordsmen.

The clothes of this group of soldiers are completely different from those of the Van Heder soldiers. They are all equipped with a sword in one hand and a shield in the other. They look like intruders.

"Have you called in...?" Chen Ke secretly asked.

The group of soldiers obviously also discovered Chen Ke and Faralis. Without saying a word, they lined up with shields and walked towards Chen Ke and the others.

Faralis also stopped, glanced at Chen Ke with a frown, turned the tip of her sword to the group of swordsmen, and said: "Help me repel them, and I will bypass you."

"Don't underestimate me, don't you want to see how this sword is swung... You'll have to wait and see." Chen Ke said with a smile.

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