This aura is deadly

Chapter 265 Legend

It was much easier to not have to carry a big sword. Chen Ke shuttled through the alleys, avoiding the waves of soldiers on the street, and continued to explore the streets below the city.

The siege was still going on, but the siege party no longer used large siege equipment. Judging from the situation on the street, Chen Ke judged that the city gate had been broken, and most of the city might have been occupied.

When the siege war enters the stage of white soldiers in the city, it basically declares the defeat of the defenders, and surrender is only a matter of time. The nobles were hiding in the palace and did not dare to come out, perhaps preparing a retreat.

The civilians on the street were not so lucky. Not only do they face the fate of being displaced in the future, but they also have to be massacred by red-eyed soldiers. Tonight is the end of Van Hed.

What worries Chen Ke is that in this battle, Chen Ke did not see too many extraordinary battles. Huge lightning is one of them, but in Van Heder's era, shouldn't magic and extraordinary skills be as common as breathing?

Speaking of this, all the doubts lie with the Black Ring Sect. As the state religion of Van Heder, they actually did not contribute at all. At least for now, there are no priests on the battlefield.

Chen Ke slipped through a crack in a certain wall and jumped into the yard behind a three-story building. It seemed like a place where the richer people in the civilian class lived.

This building was not affected by the war. As the inflammation subsided and the fire filled the air, this small courtyard seemed like a fairyland on earth, still maintaining its original appearance during peacetime.

Chen Ke activated his spiritual vision for detection and found that there were two people hiding in this house. Judging from the posture, they should be hugging each other to hide from the limelight.

He pushed the door, and sure enough it was blocked. The door itself was unlocked, but inside there was probably a cabinet that had been pushed over.

"Just hide it, I'll just borrow a few clothes." Chen Ke said to himself, looking up to the second floor of the house. On one side of the small balcony, there was an open door.

He groped on the wall and found several climbing points. After putting the gun back in its holster, he climbed to the second floor using his hands and feet. He jumped over the stone guardrail of the balcony and walked indoors.

The second floor is the bedroom. A small staircase leads to the first floor. He found a wardrobe on the side of the double bed, and the owner of this house was hiding inside.

Chen Ke knocked on the cabinet door first. Seeing that there was no movement inside, he opened the cabinet door directly.

Inside the cabinet, I saw a young mother huddled in the corner of the cabinet holding a blond boy about four or five years old. They looked at Chen Ke with pleading eyes.

"No offense, ma'am. I just want to borrow a few clothes." Chen Ke said, going through the clothes hanging in the cabinet.

He would not sympathize with the mother and son, let alone think of ways to save them. To do so would be a waste of time.

Van Heder's space is a collection of multiple recurring events, and the outcome is already determined. When you are in it, you must stay awake and not be affected by what you see in front of you.

Even so, Van Heder's space-time cycle cannot be explained by the simple repetition of clips. Because Chen Ke has already noticed that the most critical event in the cycle is missing in each space-time fragment.

For example, in the previous cycle, Van Held was already surrounded by living corpses, and everything was frozen at the moment when Faralis was imprisoned in the secret room on the mountain wall.

If no one returns Fararis's head, then the whole cycle will freeze at that moment.

On the other hand, in the era when Van Heder really existed, there was really a person who returned her head, and not only that, but like Chen Ke, he also resurrected Faralis...

Perhaps, in that time and space, there was also a hero who came to Van Heder with his purpose in mind. After experiencing various adventures, he influenced the direction of time and space and eventually became a legend...

Thinking about this, Chen Ke came up with some new ideas. This might explain some of the similarities between the relic, the suit, and Van Heder...

Holy objects have many special effect affixes, and holy objects of different colors have different types of special effects.

Chen Ke's legendary suit has special effects because its previous owner was a legendary assassin...

The missing part of Van Heder's time and space cycle is a certain key act...

Putting these three together, although they have nothing to do with each other, it does not mean that all the so-called special effects and special events are because there was a person in the past who was too awesome and did too many legendary actions, which led to his death. Is the behavior left behind by the contamination of psychic energy on the things he has used and done?

When Chen Ke thought about this, not only did he break out in a cold sweat, but to put it this way, the pile of holy objects in his hand were all used by various heroes before...

Heroes create legends, and legends can be passed down not only through poems and epics, but also through the things they used. Their fighting methods, fighting skills, and their own behavior patterns are all inherited by these equipment and endowed with The power of late comers...

And the brother who had taken risks in Van Hed... was even more powerful. His heroic deeds were directly remembered by the entire time and space... Chen Ke took a breath, how powerful is this? !

Of course, Chen Ke doesn't think he can meet this hero in this time and space, because although he can travel through time and space, so far, Chen Ke has found that the timelines he has traveled through are not normal.

Whether it is Van Heder or 2006, they are all like ruins of time. Either there is something wrong with time or something is wrong with the world. I have never truly entered a normal, peaceful time and space that truly belongs to the past.

He was noncommittal, maybe time travel can only go to problematic places. After all, if you can go to the past and future where there are no problems, it is destined to cause a time paradox.

In these ruin-like time and space, people from different eras can enter the same time period through the door of the Great Void, but judging from Brother Cangxin's expression, it doesn't seem that simple.

For example, the woman he met when he assassinated the professor. Judging from what the professor said, it is very likely that the other party can also travel through time and space.

And Brother Fengxin, the phrase "I don't belong to your time." made Chen Ke very concerned.

If normal time and space cannot travel, then how did that woman do it?

Or, there is really a way to freely travel through time and space to change the past and future.

Or, Opportunity City in 2009 will undergo changes like Xiaoyao City in 2006.

However, there were too few clues and too many questions. Chen Ke did not have enough to think and analyze, so he could only stop here for the time being.

In Van Hed, Chen Ke also discovered at least three forces from different time and space, peering at the treasures within.

The Sri Lankan Consortium and Asra, the mysterious Cinderella and the H.C.P organization behind them may be encountered as the exploration deepens.

But obviously, these people only have the ability to enter the Great Void, but they do not have the ability to achieve circulation. Faralis' head cannot be placed directly on her neck, she must be resurrected.

Since Van Hede is so important, and Chen Ke himself can use the power of time countdown to recreate the cycle, then why not go and see what is hidden here...?

There are too many unknown dangers in this world, a huge monster, a group of deadly assassins, no problem, no problem. Constantly improving his combat ability, with the blessing of a life countdown, Chen Ke believes that he can survive.

But what if there is a problem with the timeline we are in?

This is a cosmic-level problem. Look at Ying Baiyi. In a disaster of this scale, what other options does a human have besides waiting to die...?

It's not just about getting stronger, that's not enough. Chen Ke knew very well that in this world, time and space itself were not safe.

Is there really a way to travel through time freely? Chen Ke was not afraid that this matter would be too difficult, but that it would be impossible.

He picked a set of casual clothes that were easy to move around, took off his suit, put the holster on his body, and left the villa.

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