This aura is deadly

Chapter 27 Neighbors Helping Each Other

Chen Ke had never heard such thunder before. It was different from the rolling thunder before a heavy rain. This sound was like something in the sky was cracking.

He pulled off the towel to dry himself, tiptoed to the door of the room, gently opened a gap, and looked out curiously.

In the overcast sky, huge clouds were being carried by the wind and drifting towards the west. Purple movements flashed from time to time in the clouds. Cool wind poured in through the crack in the door, and Chen Ke shivered.

"Look, this thunder is really weird, isn't it? It sounds different from usual."

"Mr. Chris, don't change the subject. If you can't pay the rent today, I will have to ask you to pack up and leave."

There was a noise from the right side of the aisle. It seemed that Chen Ke was not the only one attracted by this strange thunder.

Chen Ke pushed the door open slightly, wanting to see what was going on. At this moment, he was naked and worried that he had no change of clothes.

I saw the owner of the motel, a man in his 50s with a big belly and a red flat hat, talking to Chen Ke's neighbor.

Motels are cheap and the procedures are simple, and the identity of the tenants is relatively complicated. There is everyone here, and most of them are people who are short of money. They are either penniless drug addicts or runaways. young man.

If you're lucky, you might even encounter someone who's done something wrong and is running away to take a break.

But Chen Ke discovered that his neighbors did not seem to belong to the above three categories.

The man the hotel owner called Chris was about the same height as Chen Ke. He was a very common black man from the United States. He was about 27 or 28 years old. He was wearing a white shirt and brown suit pants, and he was carrying a 5-year-old boy. child.

"Bob, please, give me another week. The interview went very well this time. I am determined to get this job! When I become an employee, I will immediately advance one month's salary and rent the house to you!" Chris begged. road.

"Seriously Chris, if you can't even raise the money to rent a motel, you can consider applying for relief from Opportunity City Church. If you line up in time, you can apply for a bed at the church every night. During the day, You can also go for a walk in Opportunity City Central Park. Anyway, don’t put it off any longer! You just told me you found a job last week, and today you told me you just finished the interview. I will never believe you again. !" shouted the innkeeper Bob.

"Don't be like this Bob...Christopher is only 5 years old. He can't sleep if there are too many strangers around..." Chris said.

"Come on Chris, that's your problem. If the church bed isn't suitable for you, you can still take him to the public restroom in the park. It's quieter there! And I promise it will be clean! And it's free!"

Bob's voice was deafening and showed no mercy. Chris looked at the hotel owner in embarrassment. His child Christopher timidly hid behind him, pulling the hem of his faded blue shirt and secretly looking at the grumpy Bob. .

"Okay Bob, I will clean up and move out before the afternoon..." Chris said helplessly.

"Noon! Leave before noon! I'll give you one hour!" Bob stretched out his stubby fingers and gestured in the air.

While talking, Bob saw a crack in the door of the next room. Chen Ke was looking towards him, and his attitude suddenly changed 180 degrees.

"Oh, I'm very sorry. I was resolving a business dispute just now. Was it too noisy?" He took off his hat and smiled.

Chen Ke opened the door crack a little wider, leaving only one head outside. His hair was still wet after taking a shower just now.

"It's okay, Chris? Your name is Chris, right?" Chen Ke dealt with the boss first, and then called out to the backs of Chris and Christopher.

Chris stopped and turned around in surprise.

"Chris, come here. And little Christopher, come here." Chen Ke stretched out his left arm from the crack in the door and made a "come on~ come on~" gesture.

Chris and his son looked at each other for a moment, then walked toward Chen Ke anxiously.

"Do we know each other, sir?" Chris asked tentatively.

"It's not important Chris, what's important is that you and I are facing a lot of trouble now, but we can help each other get through it." Chen Ke smiled.

"You...willing to help me pay the rent?" Chris asked.

Christopher peeked into the crack of the door curiously, but Chen Ke reluctantly hid behind the door.

"Of course it's paid, Chris." Chen Ke nodded.

"In this case, then you have to help him make up for all the outstanding house payments." Bob interjected from behind.

"What did you do before? Chris." Chen Ke asked.

"I used to be a mechanic at the Schiofer Depot in Opportunity City, sir." Chris said.

"Didn't find a new job?" Chen Ke looked at him.

"No company is willing to hire a 30-year-old middle-aged person who is still sending resumes everywhere..." Chris whispered.

Chen Ke suddenly remembered something. At this time, the time in this world was March 2009. If he guessed correctly, the subprime mortgage economic crisis that occurred in the United Federation of States in 2008 and affected the entire Western world has not yet ended. Due to a series of operations by industrial giants, the wave of unemployment is sweeping across the entire United States.

"I originally found a job a few days ago, but in the end they withdrew the offer because my commute was too far and I might not be able to meet the need for overtime work. Although I repeatedly promised that I could." Chris seemed to want to prove something.

"It doesn't matter if you promise, Chris, they are picking you. I know this very well." Chen Ke nodded. Before he traveled through time, he was also an unknown working dog, 996. He was laid off before the year-end bonus was issued, and older employees were forced to resign. He has seen all these bad things.

However, even as the subprime mortgage crisis swept across the Western world, psychic companies were still able to spend large amounts of money to cover the ground. It can be seen how prosperous the spiritual energy industry is in this world.

Since it is an industry, there must be products and needs. Military industry and sacred objects are only one aspect. Chen Ke has never seen how the psychic industry performs in civilian products.

Mainly because he was too busy trying to extend his life.

"Why don't you try... to be an investigator?" Chen Ke suddenly asked.

"Ha! Why didn't you ask him why he didn't become a miner?" Bob beside him laughed.

Chris shook his head and said, "Not everyone is willing to deal with those ghosts, sir."

Chen Ke snorted. It seemed that he had always overestimated the world's attitude and acceptance of the job of an investigator. He looked at Christopher and then at Chris.

"You just said that we can help each other, right? Sir? What should I call you?" Chris always remembered that Chen Ke would help him tide over the difficulties, although Chen Ke did not explicitly say that he would do this.

"That's right, we are neighbors, and good neighbors should help each other. How many sets of clothes did you bring?" Chen Ke winked at Chris.

"Clothes... clothes?" Chris was stunned.

"Yes, underwear, trousers, jackets, socks, shoes, etc.," Chen Ke emphasized.

"I do have a few sets of old clothes, but they may be a bit old. I have worn them for several years..." Chris became a little uneasy.

"500 joint coins, Chris, give me a set of clothes, and I'll give you 500 joint coins." Chen Ke looked into Chris' eyes.

"Uh... that's a lot of money, sir. You can buy new ones..." Chris was puzzled.

"I want it now." Chen Ke interrupted Chris.

"You can buy it from me." Bob added later.

"I can wear your pants as a coat." Chen Ke waved his hand.

"I'll drag my suitcase over now. You can choose whatever clothes you want!" Chris said.

"The underwear must be washed, absolutely!" Chen Ke repeatedly warned.

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