This aura is deadly

Chapter 269 Silver Knight

Since there was nothing he could use in the ordinary soldier camp, there was no point in staying here.

Originally, Chen Ke wanted to look for soldier suits here, but now he could only look elsewhere.

Turning his head towards the crowd of refugees, Chen Ke saw that some soldiers were seeking help from civilians, and some people had been organized, apparently to help carry arrows and supplies to the walls of the Acropolis.

Compared with the powerful and well-equipped Silver Knights, the casualties of ordinary soldiers of Vanhede were heavy, because they were the main force in the defense of the city.

Most of the Silver Knights stayed in the Acropolis and the castle to protect the bloodline of the kingdom. It was only because of Faralis's unexplained departure that a team was dispatched to search.

"Hey, sir, can you help me?" A dull voice came, and Chen Ke looked over and saw a Silver Knight waving at him a dozen steps away.

Damn... when did he come over?

"Sir, can you help me?" The Silver Knight asked again, fearing that Chen Ke didn't hear it.

Chen Ke looked at him in confusion, wondering why this guy didn't question him, but a first-level civilian was standing in the barracks.

"What should I call you? Sir?" The silver knight had come to Chen Ke, and the gap on the helmet mask was dark, so he couldn't see the knight's face clearly.

"You can call me... Giles." Chen Ke's mind worked quickly and found a name that he remembered.

He had some impression of this name, but he had forgotten where it came from.

"Roar! Giles... has the same name as our tutor in the Great Library. Very good, Mr. Giles, I just saw you helping in the barracks, so I guess you are also an enthusiastic person. The Knights need your help now, you shouldn't refuse it?" said the silver knight.

"I... Of course, no problem, what do you want me to do for you?" Chen Ke asked awkwardly with his hands clasped together.

"We need to transport supplies to the city wall, but the soldiers are limited in manpower, and most of them are fighting in the town, so we have to ask you to help carry it." The silver knight said.

"Of course... Of course... There is no problem moving things." Chen Ke nodded.

"Very good, we have organized dozens of people to help. You follow me and follow the fourth team into the palace storage room." The Silver Knight said, waving his hand, motioning Chen Ke to follow.

Well... If there is a chance to enter the palace, maybe you can find some useful things. Of course, Chen Ke will not honestly help them move things. He will go to the castle first to see it...

Dozens of people were organized by six Silver Knights to line up and stand in front of the archway of the palace. Chen Ke trotted all the way through the crowd on the lawn and lined up at the end of the team.

The Silver Knight put his right hand on the hilt of the sword at his waist, walked in front of the team, and led dozens of civilians to the storage room of the palace. No one spoke along the way. Chen Ke could see that everyone was in a low mood.

This battle of Vanhede is probably related to the survival of the country. Perhaps, after tonight, Vanhede will no longer exist.

If this is true, when did the time and space of the cathedral take place? Was it after Vanhede destroyed the country?

Well... Although Chen Ke is very curious, this war has nothing to do with him, and the history of Vanhede has nothing to do with him. The most valuable thing about this great void for Chen Ke is what he gets after completing the cycle.

Since Asra, the consortium, and even the mysterious Brother Gray's forces are all gathered in this alien space, it is enough to prove that what can be obtained in the end must be extremely valuable.

A team of people poured into the gate of the palace. Inside the arch of the Acropolis is a smaller open space with stables and wells, and a long staircase leading to the inside of the castle.

On this long staircase, there are eight heavily armored knights holding spears and tower shields. Just one look and you will know that they are not easy to mess with.

Chen Ke's team did not move forward on the stairs, but turned right and entered a small door on the inner wall.

The passage in the small door is very narrow, barely enough for two people to walk side by side. Various supplies are randomly piled up in the rooms on both sides. After passing through several rooms, Chen Ke deliberately looked inside and saw that they were all horse gear and straw.

The passage curved in front along the shape of the city wall. After going around a bend, Chen Ke looked into a slightly larger room next to him, and his eyes lit up.

On the armor rack in the room, there was a complete set of silver knight armor!

At this moment, Chen Ke couldn't move his legs at all. He looked forward, and the team was still walking in silence. The leading silver knight was invisible from Chen Ke's angle.

He slowed down and looked behind him. No one.

Time waits for no one!

Chen Ke stopped without thinking and slowly retreated, and soon fell behind the team by several meters.

When he realized that no one noticed that someone had fallen behind, he tiptoed into the room just now.

Under the exploration of the spiritual vision, Chen Ke had a panoramic view of the surrounding environment, so there was no need to worry about someone suddenly coming.

This room is not an armory, because apart from this armor, Chen Ke did not see any other weapons, and the silver knight armor placed in the room was also a little strange.

It didn't have the silver luster of the other silver knights' armor. It looked a little dull, covered with chopped holes, and even had cracks on the left arm armor. There was also some rust on the helmet.

It looked like this armor was a discarded item that was replaced by an old soldier and placed in this dilapidated warehouse, becoming waste.

", get ready to embark on the journey again..." Chen Ke said to himself.

An information box was displayed in Chen Ke's field of vision.

[Vanherd Kingdom Cavalry Mithril Armor] (complete set)

[Durability: Very poor]

[Mithril Arms: Reduce 70% physical damage] (requires a complete set)

[Thunder Guardian: Lightning Resistance +70%]

[Perseverance: When durability decreases, physical resistance is increased] (Requires a complete set)

[The standard weapon of the Mithril Knights of the Vanherd Kingdom is made of Mithril and is known as indestructible armor. Only the most loyal and brave swordsmen are qualified to become kingdom knights. 】

[The Mithril Knights of the Vanherd Kingdom is an armed force that specializes in hunting mages and evil spirits. Most of the candidates come from elite soldiers, and there are also outstanding descendants of nobles who join directly. The Mithril Knights are both glory and curse. 】

This armor sits quietly on the display stand. Although it is only white quality equipment, judging from the special effects displayed by the affixes, it is considered a very good armor.

70% physical resistance...means almost invincible. In other words, this armor should be bulletproof, right?

However, this heaven-defying physical resistance is actually a gift from this shitty durability. The lower the durability, the higher the defense, which smells like a dying struggle.

Something is better than nothing, and now Chen Ke is not in a position to choose. He took off his robe, took off the armor one by one, and then put it on.

Medieval armor is difficult to wear. Generally, a knight would have two or three followers to help him wear armor, but Van Heder's armor is not medieval at all, and it is still relatively convenient to wear.

After taking some time to dress up, Chen Ke discovered that there was something missing in this suit of armor, which was the lining of the clothes. Chen Ke was wearing the armor with almost no upper body, so he felt very uncomfortable... It was okay to have pants on his lower body, but on his upper body His robe couldn't be stuffed in, so he had to take it off.

But now was not the time to be particular. He straightened his chest and tried to take two steps. The weight and balance still needed to be adapted, but it was not too much of an obstacle. The armor made a clicking sound when he walked, and it sounded really impressive.

Then, Chen Ke picked up the helmet and slowly put it on his head, completely covering his face. Looking at the outside world through the narrow mask gap of the helmet, he always felt isolated from the outside world.

It's as if his own humanity has been sealed away, leaving only the personality of a Silver Knight facing the world.

There is always a saying in war-themed novels, "After you pick up the gun, you are no longer you." Chen Ke feels this way now.

No matter what era, man-made killing tools will dehumanize the user.

"Then... let's go out for a walk..." Chen Ke said, walking out with clicking steps.

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