This aura is deadly

Chapter 276 Don’t owe each other anything

Faralis was wrapped in flames, her broken white wedding dress was bursting with sparks, and the flaming sword that fell on the ground flew back into her hand, like a lit fire stick.

The flames were like red torrents, crawling along the sword towards the Pope. The fiery red light pillar burned everything it touched, leaving a black mark on the stone floor.

The fiery flames wrapped around the two swords used by the Pope to resist, as if they were going to be burned into ashes.

But Chen Ke knew it was not that simple. In the blazing flames, purple and blue energy flowed like blood vessels. They actually climbed onto the fire and flowed towards Ferraris.

Faralis also noticed this phenomenon. She put away the flames and jumped back, leaving a large pool of fire water on the ground.

The Pope turned the two swords in a circle, and the flames on the swords were immediately extinguished, and the original energy light regained dominance.

However, this time, these lights also climbed up to the Pope's arms, and the broad sleeves were trembling with this energy.

Chen Ke picked up the sword on the ground, exerted his strength with his legs, and ran towards the back of the Pope with frigging steps. He held the sword tightly with both hands, aimed at the Pope's ass, and wanted to hit it hard.

At this time, a strong magic explosion suddenly occurred around the Pope. He first saw a blue flame that suddenly exploded in front of his eyes, followed by an unpleasant smell, and a strong energy hit him all at once. It was like a truck had hit it.

Before Chen Ke could figure out what was going on, he flew out, and the sound of explosion reached his ears in mid-air.


Chen Ke fell to the ground on his back and slid a few meters away. His eyes were completely dark and he couldn't see anything. In his ears, he heard a tingling sound, similar to the bubbling sound of burnt meat mixed with experience.

After a moment, he could see things again, and he sat up suddenly and found that one of his legs and arms was broken, just three steps away, still wearing the armor of the Silver Knight.

The explosion just now blew him to pieces, but fortunately he didn't die, he was just endangered...

Faralis was now engaged in a close fight with the Pope. Her two-handed sword skills were really impressive. At this time, Fararis was very clear-headed and no longer as reckless as before. She was able to fight the dual-wielding Pope with just one sword. The fight was back and forth.

There was a sound of swords clashing in the cathedral, and Chen Ke's broken limbs also swelled back. He quickly put on the silver knight armor scattered on the ground again.

He couldn't let the Pope hit him anymore. The Pope's attack would be either fatal or disabling to Chen Ke now. He couldn't even exchange one for one if he fought head-on.

Using a sword is too dangerous, but it won't hurt the Pope. After all, if you can't hurt him, why bother to resist and dodge? It's just that it's not easy for Chen Ke to catch his flaw.

The Pope blocked another sword, and then, as if moving in translation, he drew an arc around Faralis and came to her back.

Faralis didn't hesitate and quickly slashed behind her. Just listen to the tip of the sword hitting the ground, making a "dang" sound.

The Pope flew up, over the head of the statue of the blindfolded goddess, and hung in the air. He unfolded his swords, and after only a second, he dived down towards the ground.

Faralis stepped back, her figure like a ball of flame. The Pope landed on the ground, his swords stuck on the ground, forming a circular magic circle. Under the light of blue and purple, an X-shaped explosion The air flow rushed up to the ceiling of the church and shattered the large chandelier above.

Chen Ke spotted the Pope's flaw and almost exhausted his lifespan. With only 5 minutes left, he condensed the largest crystallized gun he could and threw it at the Pope.

The crystallized gun was as thick as a stone pillar and exceeded ten meters in length. Faralis was also frightened by the blue crystallized gun and quickly moved away.

With a swish, the crystallized gun hit the Pope's chest, penetrated deeply into his chest, and exploded directly.

"Ah!!" The Pope cried out. His long hair was curled by the blast, exposing his white scalp. A layer of skin on his face was also burned off, leaving only a skeleton on half of his face.

A big hole was blown out of his chest at this time, and blood and flesh flew everywhere. However, the flesh and blood in the Pope's body turned out to be a black paste, sticky and thick, like black sesame paste in the south.

"Not dead..." Chen Ke said regretfully.

This was the strongest attack Chen Ke could use, but even so, it failed to kill the pope. The Pope raised his head and glanced at Chen Ke with his empty eyes. Suddenly, a surging murderous aura rushed towards him. Chen Ke condensed the crystallized gun in his right hand, preparing to fire again.

Faralis swung her sword and chopped off the Pope's head, but at that moment, the Pope turned into a black shadow and dived underground.

Chen Ke was still casting spells at this moment. When he saw the pope suddenly sneaking up, he immediately understood what the other party meant. Just as he was about to change positions, he found a black mist rising under his feet and immediately wrapped his thigh.

"Mom sells batches..." Chen Ke cursed secretly, knowing that he was going to suffer.

The next second, the Pope jumped up from the ground. The big blue sword bit a hole in the abdomen of the Silver Knight's armor, stabbed straight into Chen Ke's abdomen, and then penetrated from the back. Half of the intestines were still hanging on the blade. superior.

Chen Ke retched and felt like there was something thick and hard inside his body. Not only that, the blue energy was tearing at his internal organs wantonly. His eyes widened and he felt that his liver, stomach and cecum were all stabbed to pieces. .

"Where does this knight come from... can actually use my magic! And it's so powerful..." The Pope said coldly, and the half-skull face was so chilling to the heart.

Faralis followed closely behind, biting the Pope's head with the flaming sword. The Pope turned back, used the purple sword in his left hand to block the attack, directed it to the ground, and suppressed it.

"I will remember you, knight!" Faralis said as her body erupted with blazing heat and her pupils were as bright as the sun.

The pope snorted coldly, and the blue sword erupted with a strong pulse of energy, blasting Chen Ke away and hitting a large stone pillar, causing blood to fall on the ground.

Faralis was like a human-shaped nuclear bomb, exploding on the spot, bursting out with light as bright as day. The storm of flames engulfed the entire church, and everything the fire touched was burned.

Chen Ke curled up into a ball on the ground and hugged himself tightly, cursing constantly as his body switched back and forth between self-repair and burning into dried meat.

The pope was burned into a mummy-like dried meat by the fireball, his entire head became a skeleton, his gorgeous robes were in tatters, and even his purple sword was burned into firewood sticks.

But his actions were still unaffected. He dropped the purple sword, grabbed Faralis by the throat, and picked her up.

Faralis returned to her human form, her face flushed from the lack of oxygen, her tongue slightly sticking out, and her eyes turning white.

Chen Ke's sword had been curled up by the flames, and the original silver armor and shield had also been burned to black and yellow. He once again condensed 23 hours and 55 minutes of crystallized gun and threw it at the Pope.


The crystal gun exploded behind the Pope, blowing off a quarter of his upper body. The Pope turned around in surprise and found that Chen Ke was not dead.

Faralis seized the opportunity, and at that moment, she recalled the flaming sword with her right hand and slashed at the Pope's neck.


The Pope's skull just fell to the ground and rolled away.

Faralis struggled to the ground, kicked down the standing body of the Pope, and panted while holding the sword in both hands.

it's over?

Chen Ke stood there, with only 4 minutes and 49 seconds left in his life.

Where is the soul?

Where is the pope’s soul?

Chen Ke waited. The move just now almost exhausted his life. If he couldn't get the pope's soul, he would be at a loss. Although it is said that he can survive the enemy's murderous intent indefinitely, there is a paradox here.

If the enemy is so strong that he cannot kill him and can only escape, then the ability of unlimited battery life is of no use at all. If the enemy is not strong and you can deal with it in one go, then unlimited battery life is meaningless.

Pope's strength is much higher than that of Chen Ke. Without Faralis to attract firepower and create opportunities, he would not even have room to take action.

After waiting for a moment, Chen Ke, who had not obtained the Pope's soul, could only take out a spare soul and crush it. In the echo of the soul, Chen Ke's lifespan was increased to 35 hours.

" are really weird, but that doesn't matter...we finally killed him...whoosh..." Faralis looked at Chen Ke, sheathed her sword, and performed an ancient ceremony on him.

Chen Ke was stunned for a moment and subconsciously made a scissor hand gesture to her.

"But... it's not over yet. We are going to liberate my mother, the Queen of Van Heder..." Faralis said. She squatted next to the Pope's body and took off a blue stone from the Pope's left finger. amber ring.

The ring was almost undamaged by the flames, and it was obvious at first glance that it was a sacred object.

Having said that, the Pope's clothes and sword must also be great sacred objects. He looked at the blue sword that fell aside and thought about it.

"This ring, knight... can open the cage that imprisons the mother. We need to..." midway through Faralis's words, the wound on her abdomen suddenly burst open and blood spattered five steps.

"Uh-huh..." Faralis choked out a mouthful of blood and knelt on the ground with the sword in both hands. The ring rolled down to Chen Ke's feet.

Chen Ke picked up the ring, came to Faralis, and knelt on one knee in front of her.

"It's nothing serious. I'm a descendant of the witch..." Faralis gasped and put a hand on Chen Ke's shoulder.

That meant that Chen Ke would help her walk for a while.

Chen Ke put the ring on his ring finger, picked up the blue sword dropped by the Pope, and then let Faralis put her arm around his shoulders and stood up slowly.

"Let's go, immortal knight, to calm Van Hed's flames..." Faralis said slowly.

Chen Ke and Faralise walked slowly to the door of the church.

"+100 years"

"+100 years"

"+100 years"

"+100 years"

"+100 years"

Chen Ke was horrified and turned around suddenly. He saw that the church behind him was pitch black, and the creeping black mud-like things were rushing towards him and Faralis like an abyss.

"That's... sure enough, Mazwell has fallen into the abyss..." Faralis also felt something strange.

In Chen Ke's field of vision, the black thing displayed an unprecedented information prompt interface. At the bottom and center of the field of vision, a name was displayed:

Abyss Familia—Mazwell

"This is not... this..." Chen Ke was incoherent, and this was beyond his capabilities.

The contract demon only adds 1 year, this thing is going directly to 100 years...

At this time, Faralis suddenly pushed Chen Ke.

Psychic energy bursts out! ?

Chen Ke flew out the door and fell heavily to the ground. He looked up and saw that the church door was slowly closing.

"Knight... now we owe nothing to each other..." Faralis smiled and turned into fire again.

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