This aura is deadly

Chapter 281 Flame Witch

Chen Ke took out the gun. The knight's gloves made his index finger thicker, but he could still pull the trigger with just the tip of his index finger.

The power of psychic energy is indeed powerful, but every era has its own method of using psychic energy. Pulling the trigger is always more efficient than slashing with cold weapons.

The CQC pose in a knight suit is very awkward, but Chen Ke's body has already formed a conditioned reflex, and he will subconsciously make protective movements when shooting at close range with a gun.

Compared to swinging a sword or throwing a crystal gun, a pistol is much faster. Chen Ke fired three shots in a row without missing a single shot, hitting Angeli's slender body firmly.

The kinetic energy of the bullet, mixed with the psychic power of the punishment attribute, shattered Angele's ribs and hip bones. Bone fragments and skinny flesh fragments flew out, but not a drop of blood was seen.

During the long period of imprisonment, Angele's body has been completely worn away, and now it is impossible to make a conclusion whether she is dead or alive.

Maybe the Anhelei in front of Chen Ke is just the last replay of a certain era in the Great Void, or maybe it's just a phantom, used to set the final hurdle for the decryptors of the cycle.

Angele became furious after being shot. It ran around the room so fast that Chen Ke's eyes couldn't keep up. It kept climbing over the walls, floor and ceiling. It looked like a dog before, but now it looks like a spider.

Chen Ke struggled to press the magazine release button, and then groped with his left hand under his right armpit, trying to find a new magazine and replace it.

But the shield was stuck on his body, and the knight's gloves could not easily open the button of the magazine bag.

At this moment, An Helei ducked out of the dark corner, picked up the shackles in her hands and swung them towards Chen Ke's head.

Chen Ke leaned back to avoid the heavy iron shackles. His feet slipped and he fell to the ground. He rolled to the side neatly, allowing Angeli's pursuit to miss him.

Angelei beat the ground angrily and roared loudly. The iron shackles hit the rocky ground, making a "bang bang" sound.

Chen Ke pulled hard, and the holster was pulled off his body, losing the status of being worn on him. The holster was immediately rejected by the sacred armor, and was no longer a part of the replacement. It all drooped in Chen Ke's hand. .

He stepped on the strap, grabbed the magazine bag in his hand and pulled hard, and then successfully took out one magazine, and the remaining two fell to the ground.

Pushing the bullet, loading and aiming in one go, gunshots rang out again in the room, seven rounds in total, all hitting Angele's body.

In the dim stone room, white light flashed seven times. The monster fell to the ground. The thick iron shackles hung to the ground first, and then the whole person huddled in a ball, as if his bones had been ripped off instantly.

Chen Ke saw that she had calmed down, so he stepped forward and kicked her, but there was no movement from the other party. Chen Ke stood there waiting for a while and couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. Why hasn't his soul floated out yet?

He slowly backed away, picked up the moonlight sword from the ground, and used the light to pick up the helmet that Angele had grabbed and put it back on.

The whole head was once again covered by an iron can. Although his vision was somewhat obstructed and he felt stuffy, it also brought him a sense of security that was unparalleled in the dark clouds, and he became much more emotionally stable.

Angelé is not dead yet, and her state is similar to that of Pope Mazwell. Obviously, if Angele does not die, the cycle will not be complete.

However, after the human form was destroyed, Mazwell became an abyssal, and its strength far exceeded that of Chen Ke. If Angeli is the same, then what about Maoer?

Putting on a new magazine again, inserting the moonlight sword on the ground, Chen Ke pointed the gun at An Helei's head, walked closer and prepared to refill the gun.

Although I don't know if this is useful, to be honest, it feels really good to pull the trigger. A gun is far more trustworthy than a big sword when it comes to ensuring that someone is killed.

At this moment, Angele's body suddenly seemed to be ignited, sparks rising, just like Faralis.

"Huh...?" Chen Ke's back felt cold, and the life countdown in the corner of his eyes began to beat crazily.

"+500 hours"

"+500 hours"

"+500 hours"

"+500 hours"

"+500 hours"

"+500 hours"

In the next second, Angele's body erupted with intense heat. The hot smell flowed down Chen Ke's nostrils and throat into his internal organs. Chen Ke's body surface and abdominal cavity were burned by this inexplicable high temperature. , giving off a burnt smell.

The high temperature burned out the surrounding air, turning the surroundings into a vacuum, and no sound could be heard. Chen Ke wanted to move, but found that his legs had long been burned into dried meat in the armor.

Angele's body floated up, and like Faralis, she turned into a flaming person, bursting out with high brightness and heat. The stone room was as bright as day, and the surrounding gray-white walls slowly turned black, and the black parts were instantly covered with white. covered with carbonization traces.

"Hiss... um..." Chen Ke covered his throat, where a hole had been burned.

It can be said that under the armor, Chen Ke's whole body has been cooked to the point of being cooked, his muscles and internal organs have been roasted orange, and the hair on his body has long been burned to ashes.

"I'm going to be burned to death..." Chen Ke thought, but the life span was constantly repairing his body, and Angele's murderous aura continued Chen Ke's life at a rate of 500 hours per second, making it impossible for him to die. .

Angele seemed to be unconscious at the moment, the temperature was still rising, and the chains and shackles on her body were also burned red.

Chen Ke noticed that the name of the flame man in front of him had changed.

Flame Witch - Angelei (Status: Dead)

Chen Ke gritted his teeth, endured the great pain, and struggled to block the shield in front of him. Most of the triangular diamond shield had been burned to the arm armor of his left arm.

Not only that, the psychic pistol in Chen Ke's hand also began to melt, and the white psychic bullets were also melted into white liquid by the high temperature. The leaked psychic energy of punishment exploded in the gun barrel and flowed into Chen Ke's hand.

This was Angelei's death, like a phoenix, and in this process, she restored her witch's spirit for the last time.

However, wanting to survive this death process is something that ordinary people cannot do. If Chen Ke could not repair his body every second, and if Angelei, who was dead, did not hold the hatred of dying together before the death, he would not be able to do it.

The blue moonlight sword was not affected at all by the high temperature of the flame, and still exuded a unique blue glow.

Chen Ke glanced at the Moonlight Greatsword and wanted to use it as a shield, but he couldn't move his body. The silver armor on his body slowly burned black. The angel-like wings on his helmet were also burned and melted, leaving only the root-shaped part, which looked like two curved horns.

"Ah ...

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