This aura is deadly

Chapter 285 Wang Aileen never panics

The capital of the United States, Norton City, 9 o'clock at night.

"...This abnormally strong cold air has not stopped since it landed in the southwest of the Federation a week ago, and the thunderstorms have not stopped, and may continue for some time in the future..."

On the TV hanging on the wall, the news was broadcasting about the recent abnormal weather. Coffee was brewing on the kitchen stove. The mellow smell of coffee filled the air and drifted into the study along with the warm yellow light.

Outside the window, heavy raindrops hit the glass, and the dim lights outside turned into a blurred ink painting. The rainwater flowed down, leaving vertical water marks, as if the city was crying.

This is Wang Aileen's home.

There are three large bookcases in Wang Ailin's study room, which are filled with various large books. It is difficult to say that she has read them all, because many of the books were gifts from male colleagues in the institute.

In recent days, Aileen Wang has been unable to contact Diana. Her mobile phone seems to have been unanswered. Ever since she saw her in the hospital in Opportunity City, she seemed to have disappeared.

"The user you dialed is currently unavailable, please leave a message in the message box..."

Wang Aileen sighed, walked out of the study, went to the kitchen stove, and took out a white porcelain cup from the cupboard.

"Diana, if you have time, please call me back. We haven't talked about old times for a long time. And... I hope you can transfer to Norton City as soon as possible. Although the rent here will be more expensive, you know ...The bed at my house can accommodate two girls..." Wang Aileen put down the phone, poured coffee into a cup, then picked up the sealed creamer bag on the side, put a spoon into it, scooped out half a spoonful, and threw it into the coffee cup to stir. Stir.

She tapped the spoon on the rim of the cup three times, put it into her mouth and used her tongue to wipe off the water, and then threw it into the washstand nearby, where there were still two plates and a bowl piled up that had not been washed during lunch.

Wang Aileen walked to the lobby with coffee. Today is a rare rest day, but taking a vacation alone is not an exciting and pleasant thing for her. What's more, it has been raining heavily in Norton City for a week. Basically, everywhere Can't go either.

She walked to the window with the cup in hand and started to think wildly while looking at the rainy scene outside. On the black sky, white lightning would occasionally peek out of the dark clouds and fall on the city skyline. The high-rise buildings across the Maniton Bridge stacked up, and lightning rods indicated The lamp flickered lonely.

While staring out the window in a daze, a familiar song sounded in Wang Aileen's ears. She was stunned and fumbled in her jeans pocket for a while before remembering that she had left her cell phone in the kitchen.

She quickly walked to the kitchen and picked up her phone. It was a call from an unknown number. She originally thought it was from Diana, but this made Wang Ailin's slightly raised corners of her mouth shrink again.

"Hello? I don't need any sales." Wang Aileen answered the phone.

"Hello...are you Wang Aileen?" A familiar male voice came from the other side.

"Are you...Chen Ke?" Wang Ailin said. She didn't know why she said that, but since the hallucination that afternoon, this man named Chen Ke, like some kind of meme, became something she had never seen before. acquaintance.

"You... knew it was me? Did Diana tell you?" the man asked, seeming to be worried about something.

", no...I you know Diana?" Wang Aileen didn't know how to answer the question.

"You confused me. Diana asked me to call you. It seems like she should have mentioned you to me." The man said.

"Wait a minute..." Wang Aileen suddenly felt her heart beat faster, and she felt dizzy. Her legs became weak and she almost fell.

She quickly held on to the refrigerator next to her and stood up again.

This feeling is very strange, like riding a high-speed roller coaster and sprinting downhill at a high speed. Wang Aileen's ears made a "buzzing" sound, and everything in her vision became hazy.

"Miss Wang...? Are you okay... over there?" the man asked, and it was obvious that he heard the sound made by Wang Aileen while holding on to the refrigerator.

Wang Aileen did not answer. She felt like she had fallen into some kind of hallucination at the moment. Everything in the room was hazy, and the scenery in the corner of her eyes began to change.

She looked around curiously, and the white halo began to eliminate everything she saw. In the white light, another scene was displayed.

It was a table, with a woman sitting on a chair with her back to herself, and two cups of chocolate ice cream on the table.

She even felt the heat of the sun shining directly on her arms and back, and the sound of the engines of cars passing by on the street echoed in her ears.

That woman...

Wang Aileen looked at the woman in front of her, and a drop of cold sweat fell from her forehead. Wasn't that herself...?

This scene seems familiar... where is it? Where have you seen it? She racked her brains to recall, letting the tentacles of memory sniff through her cavernous body, and finally, she remembered.

It was noon, at a cold drink shop on the street of Lafite Road in Opportunity City... She made an appointment with Diana and wanted to know something about Parker.

Yes, it was that noon...

Wang Aileen couldn't believe her eyes. She didn't know why she could actually see what happened a few weeks ago.

As the memory became clearer, the scenery in front of her became more real and concrete. The hazy white light disappeared, and Wang Aileen felt like she was standing behind her past self.

At this time, she became bolder and reached out to touch her left elbow.


She touched her past self, and felt her left elbow was touched at the same time. Then, she suddenly cut into the first person, possessing her past self, and felt that she was holding something in her left hand.

That's a lipstick.

She was stunned, her hand loosened, and her lipstick fell to the ground.


Suddenly, he was attracted by some kind of suction, pulled out of his body, and returned to the kitchen.

Before the psychedelic scene dissipated, she saw her past self look back in confusion before picking up the lipstick on the floor.

Then, there was a ringing in the ears.

Wang Aileen found herself kneeling on the kitchen floor, her back covered in cold sweat, her whole body cold, and her mind seemed to be filled with a lot of information in an instant.

She couldn't remember what this information was, it was like a dream she had forgotten after waking up.

"Hello! Miss Wang Aileen? Are you there? Are you okay? What happened?" On the other side of the phone, the man was a little anxious.

"I'm fine...I'm fine, I accidentally slipped and fell." Wang Aileen hurriedly explained.

"Are you sure?" The man opposite was a little worried.

"I'm really fine, Chen Ke, you should care about yourself..." Wang Aileen said.

"Okay... okay... it sounds like you are quite familiar with me." The man opposite said cautiously.

"You are in Opportunity City now, right? Have you had time to come to Norton City recently? Those ashes... I studied what Diana brought out." Wang Aileen said.

"I haven't told you yet... um..." The man opposite was a little confused.

"I don't know why, I just know, wait a minute... I clearly remember you telling me! You said you came from Opportunity City... right at the door of my office." Wang Aileen held the refrigerator, her mind a little confused.

"Ms. Wang, we haven't met yet...?" the man opposite reminded.

Wang Ailin was also stunned, and Chen Ke's shout suddenly sounded in her ears.

"Grab the hilt of the sword! Close your eyes and don't look...Leave it to me..."

"What...grab what...?" Wang Aileen covered her forehead and leaned her shoulders on the refrigerator, feeling a little dizzy.

"I didn't ask you to catch anything... Miss Wang, I see your current state... do you need help?" the man asked.

"I...I...oh vomit..." Wang Aileen felt nauseated, and the contents of her stomach suddenly went up her throat and spurted out from her mouth.

She fell to the ground, supported herself on the ground with one hand, and vomited everything in her stomach. Tears welled up in her eyes, and she seemed to have collapsed.

She felt a surge of heat coming from her nostrils, and when she touched it with her hand, it was blood.

"Why...I...I..." Wang Aileen swallowed hard and hung up the phone regardless of what the man on the phone said.

Now, she felt like she should go to the lab immediately.

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