This aura is deadly

Chapter 29 First Generation

Chen Ke returned to the motel and changed into his own clothes. After getting ready, he went to Pihom's gun shop.

The Python revolver and M1911A1 were temporarily out of use, so he put them into his assault bag. In the holster was a Glock 17 with the silencer removed.

The sacred diamond and Glock spare magazine are stored in the inner pocket of the windbreaker, and the ARK folding knife is pinned in the pocket of his jeans. As for the spare clothes, Chen Ke didn't put them in his bag. After all, he had to leave room for bullets.

Taking out the red E63 from his pocket, Chen Ke finally had time to go online and learn about the world.

Before that, he already knew that psychic events had occurred frequently in this world a long time ago. In 1910, all countries in the world established psychic administrations to deal with them.

Just like the steam engine and the Industrial Revolution, what are the milestone events of the psionic era? In what year did it originate? There doesn't seem to be any conclusion on the Internet.

1910 is a relatively recognized year when governments around the world began to face up to "monsters", "holy objects" and "alienated objects".

In this year, "extraordinary" is no longer a secret or urban legend passed down by the common people, but has become a "new normal."

It was also in this year that all countries no longer concealed or blocked the streams related to psychic and supernatural powers, but instead began to popularize and publicize this new phenomenon in the world on a large scale.

Chen Ke also deliberately looked through the relevant historical information of this world, such as years, key historical events, and historical celebrities.

In fact, except for psychic-related events that appeared out of thin air, other things that happened were not much different from the world I knew.

But that doesn’t mean there is no difference at all. For example, there have been three world wars in this world.

The causes and results of World War I and World War II were generally the same, but between these two battles, there was a brief but fierce world conflict.

In the year 1917, the countries of the Entente Alliance and the United States of America, which had not yet formed an alliance at that time, briefly fell into a high-intensity conflict. But within just a year, all parties ended the war.

The units participating in the war are not the military, but investigators from various administrations and the first generation of psykers.

The cause of this war was not a fight for colonies, but a dispute over the ownership of the explosive space.

After the end of World War I, a large number of battlefields in the war formed very large-scale psychic explosion spaces. The psychic energy administration agencies in various countries had just been established at that time and lacked experience in dealing with psychic explosive spaces. Moreover, there was no technology to make psychic bullets and firearms at that time. Therefore, psychics and investigators had to work in very difficult and dangerous conditions. Fight an unknown enemy.

After helping the Allied Countries deal with a considerable amount of explosive space, the United States Federation's Administration believes that they should also have the right to utilize these resources.

At that time, although the progress of psychic energy research was limited, everyone knew very well how huge the potential would be. What's more, these psychic explosion spaces were all in their own country, how could they be shared with other countries?

After multi-party negotiations and coordination failed, relations between the national authorities became rigid. The trigger of the war occurred on a very ordinary afternoon.

On April 12, 1927, when several teams of investigators were conducting a routine space exploration mission, a United States federal investigator accidentally discharged his firearm, injuring an Allied investigator who was walking in front of him.

Immediately afterwards, the companions of the injured investigator drew their guns and attacked all United States federal investigators present, causing extremely tragic deaths and injuries.

The speed and intensity of the conflict escalated beyond everyone's imagination. If the battle between investigators was just another version of a firefight, then when the psykers ended up tearing each other apart, all countries saw the power of psionic power. broad prospects in the military field.

This battle ended in a lose-lose situation for both parties. Both warring parties lost many psykers and investigators. The Entente countries have since merged into a stable multinational alliance, sharing each other's resources in various fields. The United Federation has since given up the idea of ​​spying on other countries' explosive spaces.

This war is called the First Psionic War, or the Psyker War, and some people directly call it World War 1.5.

This short war, infinitely close to nonsense, profoundly affected the outcome of the next world war.

Because in this world...there are no nuclear bombs.

There is no such thing as the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, but the Psychic Non-Proliferation Treaty.

After the First Psionic War ended, countries began to attach great importance to their own psykers, because not everyone could become a psyker, which involved a whole set of techniques for instilling psionic energy into the human body.

There is no such thing as "contemplation method" or "practice method" in this world. If you want to obtain spiritual energy, you can only use complex and unstable medical methods to liquefy the spiritual energy in the atmosphere and then inject it into ordinary people. in the spine.

Not everyone can withstand this power. Coupled with the immature injection technology in the early stage, many people became disabled as a result. A person who can withstand a larger dose of psychic energy will become the goal that every country competes for. .

Psychic injection levels are also graded like the investigator license, but they are not distinguished by letters, but simply by numbers. Level 1 is the most basic level of psionic power, while level 5 is the highest level. .

In fact, the essential difference between investigators and psykers is not that big. The former can use psychic weapons and rely on the psychic energy in the body. Holy objects also rely on psychic energy to summon, but why can't investigators use sacred objects?

Because the spiritual energy content in the investigator's body has not yet reached the level that can summon holy objects.

Investigators are psykers whose psychic abilities are less than level 1. Relatively speaking, injection surgery is relatively easy.

When the Second World War in this world reached an anxious stage, the United States Federation dispatched a fifth-level psyker code-named "Superman" from the Kingdom of the Rising Sun to end the war.

Due to the performance of "Superman" in the war, all qualified countries have launched a "psionic arms race." After millions of people were sacrificed, hundreds of new "Supermen" emerged across the globe

In 1947, the Soviet Union and the United Federation of States launched a cold war. Both sides continued to invest in the cultivation of "Superman" at all costs, and the whole world lived in the shadow of "Superman's destruction".

It was not until 1968 that countries that realized the seriousness of the problem began to sign the "Psychic Non-Proliferation Treaty" one after another to limit and reduce the number of "supermen" in the world. When the Soviet Union went bankrupt in 1991 and split into more than a dozen small countries After that, the Cold War ended completely.

Chen Ke searched for the word "Superman" in the search box, and several messages appeared.

Entry 1: A series of superhero comics launched by DC Comics in 1938, which is the best-selling superhero comic in the world.

Entry 2: Clark Kent, Superman. A character in the DC comic series United States, the world's most popular comic hero NO.1.

Entry 3: The title song of United States rock singer Damian Wayne's third solo album released in 2001.

Entry 4: A series of spiritual fitness drugs launched by Weber Spirit Products in 1969.

Entry 5: United States Warner Bros. Entertainment's 1948 action film based on the story of World War II.

Entry 24: Kirk Merlin (1910-1967), a federalist and hero who ended World War II. The first generation of "Superman".

After reading this information, Chen Ke couldn't help but be shocked. The existence of "Superman" allowed him to understand in an intuitive way how powerful psykers are. It also allowed him to figure out the relationship between investigators and psykers.

Combining the existence of holy objects and the power exerted by combining the special effects of multiple holy objects, a "Superman" wearing a complete set of powerful special effects holy objects and extraordinary skills is indeed a very terrifying humanoid self-propelled war machine.

It has human intelligence and can obey orders. As long as it doesn't do anything inappropriate, it can sneak into almost any area. It is much easier to use than nuclear bombs. It’s no wonder that the world doesn’t spend resources on developing nuclear bombs.

"Superman" is the ultimate goal of state power to monopolize sacred objects and psychic injection technology.

So what are extraordinary skills? Chen Ke moved his fingers, trying to find the answer. But no matter how you search, you can't get relevant information, and even the information about holy objects is very nutritious.

"A small stone unique to the spiritual explosion space, similar to diamond, cannot be processed and applied, and is a useless stone." This is how Wikipedia describes the sacred object.

In fact, the number of people who have access to sacred objects is very limited. Ordinary people have no chance to see the true appearance of sacred objects. Even in diamond form, they may not see it a few times in their lifetime.

The spiritual energy content in the investigator's body is simply not enough to summon the holy objects. Even if he looks at those small diamonds every day, he cannot learn more useful information.

Most of the psychics who know the true power of the holy objects are also people from state agencies. They have no reason and dare not leak the information casually.

Therefore, the explanation of sacred objects in this section of Wikipedia is indeed the common people’s existing understanding of sacred objects: beautiful but useless stones.

Chen Ke turned off the screen. The useful information that the search engine could search ended here. The more critical things were blocked and were either lies or pretended not to exist.

Now, he must re-examine the strength of the Si Group.

Able to cultivate professional killers with extraordinary skills like himself on a large scale, he has his own branches in every state in the federation, making him a psychic giant! With my current status and resources, I cannot directly confront them.

And to be honest, Chen Ke still can't determine where his strength lies.

He imagined a line in his mind, with Parker on the far left and Superman on the far right.

Taking Parker as a starting point, it can be said that investigators of Rank: D are almost indistinguishable from ordinary people.

Let's end with "Superman". Although he is not as awesome as the one in the comics, he is still the strongest creature on the earth.

In between, there are investigators with four levels: C, B, A, and S, and psykers with four energy levels: 1, 2, 3, and 4.

In fact, investigators are just psykers with less than level 1.

Chen Ke tried to find his place on this line but had no clue.

He believed that he was much better than Parker. At least he was not bitten to death by a human-faced dog, and he could fight the toad in the sewer. It was not bad at all.

But Chen Ke didn't know whether extraordinary skills were exclusive to psykers.

D-level Parker should have no skills, otherwise he would have used them long ago. So will more advanced investigators have skills? He had no way of guessing and could only hope to find another investigator to ask for details in the future.

He wanted the threshold for possessing extraordinary skills to be as low as possible, because then it would be easier to find and deal with Pankia.

Too many questions, too little information, Madfak.

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