This aura is deadly

Chapter 288 New Plan

After playing with his new toy for a while, Chen Ke suddenly remembered something. In the previous bank robbery, the real purpose of the postman was not to rob money, but to get something hidden in the bank.

That green diamond.

Chen Ke never knew what this thing was, but since both Asra and the "company" attached great importance to it, it must not be as simple as an ordinary holy object.

Moreover, even he could not use the life countdown to spy on its specific information, which made Chen Ke very puzzled.

It is one thing to be unable to use it, and it is another thing to not even see the information.

Heinard once told Chen Ke that there is more than one holy diamond, and the people of Asra know how to use it, that is to say, the use of this diamond is different from other holy diamonds, and perhaps it depends on some special means.

"Pihom, do you still have the green diamond you robbed last time?" Chen Ke suddenly asked.

"Of course, I am looking for potential buyers for that diamond, but it seems that it is not easy to get rid of it." Pihom said.

Pihom still wanted to sell this thing. After all, it was useless in their hands and would cause revenge from Asra.

"Asra's people should not be able to find us in a short time, but this also makes me passive. You were lucky to rescue Lucina last time. If it happens again, I think it will not be so easy." Pihom said.

Chen Ke hugged his chest and nodded.

"I asked Heinard, this holy diamond should be worth a lot of money, but the biggest problem now is that no one dares to buy it... I have a feeling, Chen Ke... This thing will bring us bad luck, it is too unlucky..." Pihom shook his head.

"No one dares to buy... What does it mean?" Chen Ke asked suddenly.

No one buys, which means no one knows the goods. After all, even he can't see the information of this stone, and ordinary holy object detection machines should not be able to see it either. It is understandable that no one is willing to buy it.

But no one dares to buy... This means that potential buyers know the origin of this diamond, at least they know who it belonged to before.

"I know what you're thinking, Chen Ke. I'm not stupid. Of course I won't sell this stone to the people from the consortium." Pihom put his hands on his hips and squinted at Chen Ke.

Chen Ke shrugged.

"I want to sell it to the illegal spiritualists in the Phoenix Republic." Pihom continued.

"Spiritualists...? What is that? Are you talking about psychics?" Chen Ke asked.

"No, it's different from psychics. Psychics use psychic energy by injecting it into the spine. The illegal spiritualists in the Phoenix Republic have their own way to use psychic energy to avoid the supervision of the Administration." Pihom said.

"As far as I know, if you don't inject psychic energy into the spinal cord, you can't use psychic energy..." Chen Ke spread his hands.

"I don't know how they do it. Of course, legal psychics inject psychic energy into the spinal cord, and then the Administration supervises it uniformly, but it is said that the spiritualists' way of doing it not only bypasses supervision, but also has no side effects, but the duration is shorter." Pihom said.

Pihom looked at Chen Ke with a strange look. He noticed something, leaned on the table and looked at Priskin next to him.

Priskin didn't know what Chen Ke meant and walked away awkwardly.

Given the relationship between Heinard and Pihom, Pihom must have known that Chen Ke could use psychic energy.

And there was no psychic fluid in Chen Ke's spinal cord, which was detected by Priskin's scanner.

In other words, they now regarded Chen Ke as a spiritual practitioner.

Chen Ke didn't want to explain, he didn't need to explain, since they thought he was a spiritual practitioner, then they thought so, after all, there was no spiritual element in his body, and he couldn't tell everyone about the countdown of his life, right?

"That little diamond will kill us all one day. Before that day comes, I hope we can get rid of it quickly, but for now, we still have to keep it in our hands for a while." Pihom said.

Chen Ke didn't say anything. The diamond is now placed with the postman. It is still safe for the time being, provided that Asra doesn't come to the door.

As for how to get the diamond in the future, it won't be too late to plan it in the long run.

"By the way, are you and Lucina in a relationship now?" Pihom suddenly asked in a low voice.

"Well... you can say that." Chen Ke nodded. This question was more complicated than Little Diamond.

Lucina was very proactive and a little anxious. Chen Ke liked to take things slowly, but she wanted to get it done in one night.

"She's a little unhappy, Chen Ke. You seem to have been avoiding her recently? Why?" Pihom asked.

"No, I just have... my own things to deal with." Chen Ke said.

"My own things...? I once said that I don't ask about the past of members, but I hope you don't do things that make us regret." Pihom whispered.

"I know, things are not that bad, I know my limits." Chen Ke said.

Pihom hummed and stopped asking. At this time, the red leather door of the safe house was pushed open and Lucina walked in.

Chen Ke was stunned and took out his mobile phone to check. It was 2 o'clock in the afternoon.

Lucina wore a purple vest, a black off-shoulder jacket, black jeans and short leather boots. Her slightly curly black hair was tied into a ponytail and a Glock pistol was inserted in the holster on her thigh.

She walked briskly and looked like she had recovered from her injuries. Although the United States is a country where guns can be legally carried, there are still few people who casually show their guns like her.

"Everyone is here. The reason why I called you here today..." Pihom clapped his hands and called everyone to come to the table.

Chen Ke nodded towards Lucina. She stood next to Chen Ke, bumped Chen Ke with her shoulder, raised her head and stared at Chen Ke with a very arrogant look.

"We haven't done anything in a while, but there have been a lot of good opportunities lately, and I feel like..." Pihom began.

Priskin and Hall looked at the map on the table. Several red routes were marked on it, which seemed to be the itinerary of Lingqi to transport and smuggle the sacred diamonds.

"The last vote can't be said to be profitable. Are you sure Yashara's organization has let us go?" Hall suddenly asked.

"I can't guarantee this, but at least they haven't found us so far. As long as they attack quickly enough, there should be no problem." Pihom said.

Chen Ke patted Lucina's back with his left hand. Her gaze made Chen Ke feel a little hairy, as if he was being stared at by a lioness. He could see a restlessness in Lucina's body.

"We should be more cautious." Priskin hesitated.

"Are you afraid?" Lucina smiled.

"You're confusing fear with caution, and maybe recklessness with bravery," Priskin said.

Lucina looked at Chen Ke and touched Chen Ke's left foot with her right foot. Chen Ke didn't understand her hint.

"I think Priskin is right. As you can see, the opponent is Asra. If we meet during the mission, I don't think we will be as lucky as Lucina." Hall said.

"Uh...what do you mean?" Chen Ke wondered.

"It's nothing. I'm not targeting you, brother. I'm just saying that you are unlikely to save any of us from them again. This has nothing to do with your wishes, but the difficulty, my friend." Hall said.

"You're right, it's really difficult." Chen Ke nodded.

Lucina stood aside and said nothing, seeming a little frustrated with Chen Ke.

"I know your concerns...but our previous actions were also very risky. I mean, guys! We are robbers! We are not going to rob Asra, we are just doing some fucking transportation It's just a car robbery!" Pihom couldn't stand it anymore.

"I understand what you mean, Pihom, but whether you will be targeted by Asra if you go out now is another matter. You don't want us to find that our home has been bombed when we return in triumph, right?" Chen Spread your hands.

"Hmm..." Pihom pinched his beard. He understood Chen Ke's concerns, and he also had these concerns.

"If we work a little more quickly, there shouldn't be any problems. After so long, I think we should warm up." Lucina suddenly said at this time.

"That's what I mean too," Pihom agreed.

"So it's two versus two now? What about you, Chen Ke? What do you mean?" Hall looked at Chen Ke.

"I..." Chen Ke took a deep breath and felt like he was being sucked into a weird whirlpool.

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