This aura is deadly

Chapter 290 The Fourth Organization

Li Moyang poured another glass of wine for Chen Ke and pushed it in front of him.

Chen Ke picked up the glass, looked at Li Moyang, and took a sip.

"Yes, that's right." Li Moyang smiled.

"It seems that you know everything about my affairs, so why don't we get straight to the point?" Chen Ke put down the glass, and the scarlet liquid echoed in the glass.

"I don't mind telling you first what the four people who died in your hands before were. So that you can first understand what position you should stand on." Li Moyang said.

He leaned back in the chair, picked up a brown paper file bag from the seat next to him, put it on a small board, and slid it in front of Chen Ke.

Chen Ke opened the file bag, and there were four photos inside. The contents of these four photos were four different people, or corpses...

The person in the first photo fell to his death and was covered with a white cloth by the county police.

The person in the second photo died in the study. In the photo, several people in black suits were cleaning up the scene. The body was placed on a stretcher with a white cloth on his face.

The person in the third photo, no, there is no one, only a blood stain on the ground. Judging from the environment in the photo, it should be in a hotel.

The person in the fourth chapter photo, he died not long ago, there are bullet holes in his chest and forehead, and the floor behind him is smeared with blood.

Chen Ke certainly knows them, these are his masterpieces, and they are the targets of the assassination mission given by Lester.

"I have to tell you first, Chen Ke, these four people, and the two people you haven't had the chance to do, are actually not birds of a feather." Li Moyang said slowly.

Chen Ke looked at the photo with a frown. According to what Li Moyang said, these six targets belong to different forces, and the relationship behind them may be more complicated than it seems.

"Lester is a bastard who eats inside and outside, but he didn't realize that he had offended the wrong person. The forces behind these six targets involve three, two of whom are my agents for spiritual products in the Federation, and one has died in your hands." Li Moyang said.

Chen Ke is indirectly destroying Li Moyang's business, but Li Moyang is not so angry.

"So, Lester is like a killer intermediary, providing services to all kinds of people. At first, I thought he had a fixed boss behind him." Chen Ke threw the photo on the small board.

"In fact, he did say that to his service providers. I really want to ask, how much did he pay you?" Li Moyang smiled.

"1.5 million." Chen Ke said.

"It seems fair, but considering the value of your target, 1.5 million is too low." Li Moyang said.

Chen Ke clasped his hands together and looked at Li Moyang with a bit of resentment. But the focus now is not on money, but who these forces and organizations are.

"Tell me, which organizations are behind these six people?" Chen Ke asked.

"You should have known two of them, and you have fought with them." Li Moyang said as he pulled out a photo and slid it in front of Chen Ke.

"Do you remember the man you killed in the villa? His name is Punkser. He was my first step in infiltrating the federal spiritual business. He was originally a company employee, but later became my insider." Li Moyang said.

The company... an association formed by several spiritual giants in the Federation. Chen Ke had heard of this organization a long time ago. At the dock, a dying man revealed to him that the company's purpose was to create a god.

"Another target, one you haven't had the chance to reach yet, is also one of my insiders, but she doesn't belong to the company." Li Moyang said.

"She...?" Chen Ke noticed that Li Moyang called the other person "she" instead of "he."

"Yes, she is a woman who has both supermodel and entrepreneur identities. If I don't call you, then she will be killed within this week." Li Moyang said.

"It seems that you are not angry." Chen Ke said.

"I won't vent my anger on people who don't know. There is a head for injustice and a master for debt. Those who should pay the price have paid the price. Although it was not me who did it." Li Moyang said.

"This is very clear. In addition to the company formed by the spiritual giants of the Federation and your consortium, there is another organization behind it. I guess the third organization is Asra." Chen Ke said.

"Yes, you have fought with them, and you already know what kind of people Asra is, right?" Li Moyang smiled.

"They are just a bunch of deformities..." Chen Ke said.

"Very disgusting and difficult to deal with. The man who jumped off the roof was working for Yasra. I tried to persuade him for a long time but it was useless, so I had to make him disappear." Li Moyang said.

"What about the other people... what are they doing?" Chen Ke asked.

"The man who died everywhere in the hotel was the company's intention before. Later, he got a lot of benefits from Yasra and wanted to get rid of the company's control. So that order, together with Punkser and Supermodel, were all commissioned by the company. The purpose is very simple, just want to get rid of traitors and targets that are harmful to themselves." Li Moyang said.

Chen Ke nodded.

"There is only one person Yasra wants to get rid of, and that's this buddy." Li Moyang took a photo out of his pocket and slid it in front of Chen Ke.

This is a fat black man, wearing a suit, with a face full of flesh, scolding the hung man in the factory.

Chen Ke has seen this photo, Lester showed it to him.

"The man who was hung up was Asra's messenger. But unfortunately, he fell into the hands of the Psychic Administration. Do you know, this is Sergey, a famous interrogation expert in the Administration. He has been They are all investigating Asra's matter," Li Moyang said.

Chen Ke was stunned. Previously, he had always thought that this black man was a bad guy, but he didn't expect that he was actually from the Psychic Administration... People should not be judged by their appearance. Chen Ke deeply understood the meaning of the saying "Don't judge a book by its cover."

"Do you know the purpose of Asra and the company?" Chen Ke asked.

The company wants to create a god, and Asra wants the green holy diamond. Chen Keshang doesn't know the connection between the two, but he at least understands that the company must also know the value of the green holy diamond, and also In collecting it.

"I don't know what you are talking about, Chen Ke, I am fighting them just to do business, nothing more." Li Moyang laughed.

"Stop talking nonsense, you are dealing with these two behemoths at the same time, and you actually told me that you are just doing business?" Chen Kedao.

"Yes, just for business." Li Moyang smiled.

His smile was meaningful, and Chen Ke understood that Li Moyang didn't want to tell him the truth behind it. In Li Moyang's eyes, he was just a tool man, a relatively easy-to-use tool man.

The information Li Moyang is willing to reveal now is just to help Chen Ke figure out who is his friend and who is his enemy, so that he can better perform tasks in the next actions and achieve Li Moyang's goal.

As for other things that had nothing to do with the mission, Li Moyang didn't want to tell him.

"At the end of the day, everything you told me is what I already know." Chen Ke was a little dissatisfied.

Whether it is the company or Asra, Chen Ke has already fought against them. The Li Moyang team that has emerged now can also be regarded as an extension of Lester.

On the contrary, it was the fourth target he assassinated, the professor who claimed to work for the foundation. The foundation he mentioned was still in the fog.

"Before this, you didn't know the stakes of these organizations. Now I can tell you clearly that the company is not monolithic. Some consortiums want to leave, and some consortiums are trying to gain benefits. Asra, what they want, It also conflicts with the company's demands, and the current stable situation will not last long," Li Moyang said.

"What they want has nothing to do with me. You should know what I want." Chen Ke said solemnly.

"I know... you, like those lost lambs, want a way to become a wolf... that is a road of no return, Chen Ke. As the saying goes, you stare at the abyss, and the abyss stares at you. ...But I'm not related to you, so I'll give you whatever you want, and it has nothing to do with what happens to you in the end." Li Moyang said.

"This is best. Business is business, so I won't bother you." Chen Kedao.

"As long as you are capable enough, I will let you touch the level you want to touch." Li Moyang nodded.

"Okay, let's talk about who you want me to kill?" Chen Ke asked straight to the point.

"Within a week, I want to see the obituary of Corrigan, the founder of the Si Group, on the news." Li Moyang said.

Chen Ke took a deep breath, looked out the car window, picked up the wine glass, and drank the red wine in one gulp.

"I know you can do it." Li Moyang said.

"You have my number." Chen Ke said.

Li Moyang looked at him, as if there was something else in his eyes. But he didn't understand the meaning of this look. He saw Li Moyang clapped his hands and the bald man standing outside opened the car door.

Chen Ke knew that he was about to see off a guest. He got out of the car and looked back at the bald man. The other person nodded and smiled at him, returned the gun to Chen Ke, then got into the car and closed the door.

Li Moyang rolled down the window, looked at Chen Ke, and suddenly said something in Chinese.

"The seance is watching you."

Chen Ke was stunned.

What does this mean?

"What?" Chen Ke also replied in Chinese.

But Li Moyang didn't answer, rolled up the window, and the car started slowly at this moment.

"The Seancer Sect...?" Chen Ke frowned, looked at the extended RV going away, and muttered to himself.

At the same time, Li Moyang was sitting in the RV, thoughtful.

"What did you just say to him?" Baldhead asked with a frown.

"I wish him good luck in my hometown dialect. This is the custom of us Feihuang people." Li Moyang said.

"I hope he really has good luck." The bald man said with a meaningful smile.

Li Moyang closed his eyes, leaned back in the chair, and ignored the bald head.

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