This aura is deadly

Chapter 295 The strong drink enters the throat and is delicious

"It's hard, big man. I don't think you can do it." Lucina smiled and pushed the other person's hand away from her shoulder.

The anchor's bald man's smile froze for a while. He saw that Lucina was not the kind of girl who was easy to deal with, so he motioned to the bartender and asked for a bottle of wine.

"So, the man in your dream can make you not lonely?" Anchor Baldy knocked open the bottle cap and said with a smile.

"It depends on whether he is willing." Lucina looked at Chen Ke.

The anchor bald man held the wine bottle and looked at Chen Ke meaningfully. He lowered his head and smiled, walked around Lucina and walked to Chen Ke's side, placing the wine in front of Chen Ke.

"What's your name?" Anchor Baldy asked.

"It has nothing to do with you." Chen Ke looked at the bald man and replied.

The anchor bald man turned around and looked at the other drinkers in the bar. He was quite famous in this bar and seemed to be a good hand at the dock. People here seemed to want to sell him some face.

"You probably don't know whose territory you're stepping into, buddy. This bar is the most sacred place on this pier, and here, there is a rule." Anchor Baldy said.

"It sounds like you set the rules." Chen Ke smiled.

"That's right, buddy, we only have one kind of wine here. This wine can tell who is a man and who is a sissy." Anchor Baldy picked up the bottle and shook it, and all the drinkers in the bar started to cater to it. He yelled "Yes!".

"This bar does not accept sissies. Am I right?" The anchor bald man looked back at the bartender, who nodded and looked at Chen Ke.

The surrounding drinkers burst into laughter, and Anchor Baldy was satisfied with the support given to him by everyone present.

"So, you pretty boy from Feihuang, now you have only two choices. Either have a few drinks with me and let me see how much you weigh. Or leave immediately. I'll help you with the drinks you ordered just now." You pay the bill!" The anchor bald man frowned and said angrily, his voice full of masculinity, and he didn't forget to look at Lucina a few times to show off his majesty.

"Yes! Well done St. John! Get rid of this pretty boy!" The surrounding drinkers catered to him again, and someone shouted this sentence.

Chen Ke sighed. He was a little angry, not because of the bald man.

At best, they are at the level of street gangsters, and they are all ordinary people working for a living on the docks. They are full of the atmosphere of the market. If you fight with them and show off your psychic power, then you are too low.

Chen Ke was a little dissatisfied with Lucina's approach, but Lucina's request was actually very simple, she just wanted Chen Ke to spend more time on herself.

Lucina didn't understand Chen Ke's experience, and he couldn't tell Lucina about the countdown to his life. Moreover, the things he was involved in were too weird, and letting Lucina know too much would put her in danger.

Although Lucina is not an ordinary little girl, she is also a ruthless character who kills people and sells goods, but compared with what Chen Ke faces, she is too childish.

Chen Ke picked up the wine glass and poured himself a glass. He suddenly felt a lot. He recalled what he had experienced in the past two months, the series of battles, and the mystery that could not be answered whether he lived or died. He raised his head and poured the wine. Pour it into your mouth.

The wine tasted spicy, as if it had thorns, piercing his tongue. Chen Ke never drank alcohol before, but after coming to this world, he relied on his black hole-like body to kill his friends in the postman. Here, He wouldn't mind doing it again.

Maybe it was the third try that made him mentally prepared, or maybe his mouth had adapted to the taste of the wine. Although he still swallowed, he was able to swallow it, and the hot liquid flowed down his throat. After touching my chest, I felt nothing else.

Chen Ke felt his mouth was numb. He raised the black wine bottle and drank it down like Lucina.

After drinking, Chen Ke felt that his entire mouth and throat were extremely hot, and his face was red. However, after the wine slipped into his body, it was like being transferred to another dimension, so he was not drunk.

With a bang, Chen Ke put the bottle on the bar and licked his lips. The spicy feeling in his mouth disappeared and turned into a bitter taste. After tasting it, he could feel the fragrance of malt again.

"Ha... Damn, it really is life..." Chen Ke sighed.

The tavern became quiet. The anchor bald man glanced at Chen Ke, then picked up the empty wine bottle, turned it over and poured it over. Sure enough, there was not a drop of wine.

"Look, it's not particularly difficult." Lucina laughed, knocked on the bar, and asked for another bottle of wine.

"There are always unsatisfactory things in life... Girl, sometimes you can't decide where you are." Chen Ke looked at Lucina and said slowly.

"I understand, of course I understand..." Lucina looked a little drunk. She put one hand on the bar and looked at Chen Ke with a blushing face.

"No, you don't understand." Anchor Baldy felt like he had become a lightbulb, and there was some displeasure in his words.

The alcohol content of this wine is definitely not low. If you blow two or three bottles in a row, anyone will have to fall down. Chen Ke can already tell that Lucina is drunk, and this muscular bald man seems to be far away from being drunk. But even so, alcohol can make a person insane, erratic and moody.

"Lang, bring out the wine, I want to teach this pretty boy a lesson." Anchor Baldy said. He stared at Chen Ke, his eyes full of seriousness and persistence.

Chen Ke knew that the other party wanted to show off in front of Lucina. He regarded this matter as a bargaining chip and wanted to use alcohol to win or lose.

"Okay, your name seems to be, St. John?" Chen Ke smiled.

"Yes, that's right. I don't care what you're called, pretty boy. You still have time to run away now. Don't think you're a man after drinking a bottle of wine. You'll wake up from your vomit later!" St. John laughed.

"Let's see who will vomit first later." Chen Ke spread his hands.

The bartender named Lang brought out a large box of wine from the back of the wine cabinet. There were more than 20 bottles after careful counting. These wines were all brewed privately and shipped in black glass bottles. It seems that this bar is not a decent place.

I don't know how Lucina found this place.

"Come on! St. John, teach him a lesson!"

"Drink! Drink!"

There is never a shortage of people who make trouble in the bar. Drinking and fighting are the only fun for these sailors.

St. John cracked open a bottle of wine, raised his head and drank a lot of wine. In less than ten seconds, he drank all the wine in it, then tipped the bottle down without pouring out a drop of wine, and put the bottle on his side with a bang.

Chen Ke knew that this was the beginning of the challenge. He also picked up a bottle of wine, knocked it against the edge of the bar, and drank it all in one gulp.

Ton ton ton ton ton...

Ton ton ton ton ton...

"Cheers! Cheers! Cheers! Cheers!"

Ton ton ton ton ton...

"Another bottle!"

Ton ton ton ton ton...

"Drink St. John!"

Ton ton ton ton ton...

"Oh, Fuck! St. John! Stand up St. John!"

Ton ton ton ton ton...

Ton ton ton ton ton...


For drinkers, time passes very slowly. It may take less than ten seconds to finish a bottle with your head tilted back, but after the two of them drank more than seventy bottles, Anchor Baldy was already a little unstable.

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