This aura is deadly

Chapter 35 Now, let’s run

Those tough men in sunglasses raised their guns and shot at the escaping blue van, completely ignoring whether the bullets they shot would hit pedestrians on the roadside. Private cars and buses were jammed on the street, and many car owners were Abandoning the car and running for their lives, some nefarious people hid on the bus and took out their mobile phones to shoot videos.

At this moment, a red car was stuck in the traffic and unable to move. There were four unremarkable white people in the car looking at everything indifferently.

Of course they knew that a street shootout was taking place two to three hundred meters ahead, but the contents of the trunk of the car prevented them from abandoning the car at will.

"Are you robbing a cash transport truck?" The short-haired man in a brown jacket sitting in the driver's seat said indifferently.

"Keep a low profile, the county police will take care of these things." The woman in the passenger seat spoke up. She was wearing a cap, a ponytail, and a blue sportswear, very low-key.

The two men in the back row wearing sweatshirts and shirts did not speak. Their faces were expressionless and they were not worried about whether stray bullets would harm them.

"What if the county police search the car? The bodies of C095 and B124 Guardian are still in the trunk." The man in the jacket asked.

"Come to investigate now and kill him while he's in trouble." The woman said.

"Let's do this, C134 and I will drive the car to Holy Angel Park to dispose of it. You two get out of the car first and go to the backup safe house to look for any trace of B124." The man in the jacket turned back to the two people in the back seat. .

"No, Mr. Blueberry wants nothing to go wrong. It's safer to act together," the woman said.

"You look down on us?" the man in the back row laughed.

The woman looked back at the speaker, a faint red light flashing in her eyes, and the smile of the man who had just spoken suddenly froze.

Chen Ke replaced the 20-round rifle magazine and stuffed it into his trouser pocket, took out a new one and inserted it. There are already piles of shell casings under your feet, and you may slip if you accidentally step on them.

Hall and Chen Ke waited for Priskin to fiddle with his rig while they shot at the hunks in sunglasses. Finally, he replaced a new drill bit, re-aligned the drill hole and inserted it.

"It's almost done! It's almost done! I heard the sound, it should have been drilled through!" Priskin shouted.

This time he directly held the drill to work. After more than ten seconds, a small round hole was finally drilled out of the door lock. The car door also seemed to be freed from some kind of restraint and began to bang.

Priskin yanked open the car door, his voice changing mid-sentence.

"Hainard, you...fuck..."

"What's wrong?"

Chen Ke and Hall were both puzzled. They fought and retreated, going around to the rear door.

Chen Ke originally thought he would see several badly beaten men lying crookedly in the carriage, but he didn't.

The carriage is empty.

A candy bar mobile phone is in the center of the car, firmly attached with yellow tape, as if it is specially reserved for people who open the door. Hall pulled off the phone and saw a word written on the screen in a notepad:


A bad thought suddenly came into the minds of the three of them.

"We've been set up! Run!"

Almost at the same time, Chen Ke, Priskin and Hall, despite the hail of bullets, ran as fast as they could. Just a few dozen meters away, the black van behind them suddenly exploded on the spot.

The scalding heat wave and shock wave blew the three of them onto the road. Chen Ke was the first to catch his breath. He grabbed Hall and Priskin's arms and hid behind a nearby bus.

"Damn it, if it's going to explode, why do you have to wait until we open the carriage!" Chen Ke cursed angrily.

"They want to laugh at us! Those bastards!" Hall rolled around and grabbed Chen Ke's shoulders to stand up.

"Who?" Chen Ke asked.

"I don't know! But I bet it has something to do with what Heinard did last night!" Hall said angrily.

"We have to go, listen!" Priskin took out a handheld radio.

"...Attention all units...S.W.A.T. is rushing to provide support..." After the frequency of the police radio was intercepted, intermittent sounds were played. It seemed that the police were about to start exerting their strength.

"Where's our car!?" Chen Ke asked.

"Forget the evacuation vehicle, we have to use the running one now!" Priskin yelled.

"Over there! Go over there, the small supermarket!" Hall grabbed the cell phone that had just been knocked off, pointed to a small supermarket on the side of the road and shouted.

Without saying a word, the three of them climbed over the hood of the private car and ran towards the small supermarket. Behind the scenes, police sirens blared, and reinforcements from the county police arrived.

Several transport vehicles of a model that Chen Ke could not recognize swarmed into this neighborhood along with a formation of police vehicles. They were special vehicles from Opportunity City S.W.A.T. They had been modified to be bulletproof and had police badges printed on the sides.

There is also a Ford F550, a four-door, six-seater, which should be a command vehicle. The car was very powerful and domineering, with a lot of space and power. Chen Ke thought that he would buy one for himself if he could get enough money.

But now is not the time to think about this. Those special police officers are not here to watch. They are fully armed and will divide into two groups as soon as they get off the car.

Chen Ke originally thought that these S.W.A.T.s would at most be equipped with submachine guns like MP5 that shoot 9mm pistol bullets, but he found that they were all carrying compact automatic rifles, either HK416 or M4A1.

Although he didn't want to have a grudge with Tiaozi, after all, attacking the police was a very serious crime, but if they really threatened him, Chen Ke would still take action.

His life span is measured in hours. He will not sit back and wait to be shot dead on the spot by the policemen, nor will he allow himself to go to jail, because for Chen Ke, imprisonment is equivalent to the death penalty.

Chen Ke's intention in joining the postman was also very utilitarian. At first, he just wanted to have a stable guide for killing monsters, so that he didn't have to try his luck like a headless fly. Being able to take the opportunity to rob the holy relics and indirectly investigate the Si Group was a complete coincidence, otherwise he would not have casually joined the organization.

Once the organization cannot achieve its goals, or the organization's style of conduct hinders his actions, Chen Ke will break those rules on the spot and act in his own way.

Now, Chen Ke is facing such a situation.

"Get down! Get down!" Priskin kicked open the glass door of the small supermarket and found that the people inside had already fled.

Chen Ke and Hall climbed over the checkout counter and found the back door of the supermarket.

"Go from behind here and go through the alley to avoid them."

Hall reached for the door, but unexpectedly there was a gunshot from the other side of the door. It was the sound of a shotgun.

"Put down your weapons, put your head in your hands and kneel down!"

Four S.W.A.T members rushed in instantly and pushed Hall to the ground. Preskin almost instinctively raised his gun towards the S.W.A.T., but before he could pull the trigger, he was suppressed by the firepower of two MP5s and could only flee behind the shelves.

"Murderous Aura-40"

"Murderous Aura: 10/50"

"Everyone get down here!"

Chen Ke pulled out the PPQ.45 and pointed at the four S.W.A.T.s and shouted. Behind him, a light red murderous aura invisible to ordinary people rose up.

Murderous trigger!

The light red murderous aura surged toward the S.W.A.T., like a burst of murderous mist. When the murderous aura soaked into their bodies, they actually stopped shooting, slowly placed the gun on the ground, and knelt down with their hands on their heads.

"What the hell..." Hall, who was pinned to the ground, looked at the scene in front of him in surprise. He didn't understand why the four special police officers were frightened by Chen Ke.

But now he doesn't want to figure it out, he just knows that he is free and needs to keep running!

Priskin looked over and was stunned by the sight in front of him. He still couldn't believe it and didn't dare to get out from behind the freezer.

"What are you waiting for! Let's go!" Chen Ke urged. Only he knew that scaring S.W.A.T was only temporary. Who knows when they would wake up?

A battle with the Clam God and absorbing its mutated soul not only increased Chen Ke's lifespan, but also enhanced the murderous effect. Before, Chen Ke had to spend 40 murderous energy to scare even the black bodyguards in the gun shop. But now, facing the heavily armed S.W.A.T., each person only spent 10 murderous energy.

Murderous Trigger will be Chen Ke's most powerful control skill. It would be great if he could find a way to strengthen this ability alone!

The three of them fled from the back door of the minimart to the back alley. At this time, Priskin's handheld radio made a beeping sound, and he pressed the intercom button.

"Hey guys, I dumped those notes, and now I'm in the alley opposite the Andrew House jewelry store. Can you come over?" It was the voice of the driver of the evacuation vehicle.

After hearing the news, the three of them were very excited and immediately moved towards their destination.

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