This aura is deadly

Chapter 37 Drainage

(This book has been renamed: "This Spiritual Energy Is Deadly". Book friends, please pay attention to the old cover and do not delete it from your collection! The cover will not be changed for the time being!)

In the Lafite Road District of Opportunity City, the scorching midday sun has swept away the morning haze, which is completely different from the depression of Guntie District. Lafite Road District is the busiest place in the entire Opportunity City and is also where the core business district is located.

There are tall buildings here, and large department stores and entertainment venues crowd the streets. Not only is there the most prosperous Universal Plaza in the city, but there is also Walt Avenue named after the film giant Walt Brothers.

When the latest Walt Brothers movie is released, the movie theaters where it holds the premiere will invite the film cast to watch the movie, and after the movie is over, the door of the theater will be packed with reporters and fans.

There is also a Financial Street in the entire Lafite Road area, which is a paradise for financial industry practitioners. The Financial Street extends across the street, and the rest are all commercial buildings of psychic companies.

These buildings are absolutely stunning views of the Opportunity City. It is as if they are holding some kind of competition. The big guys of the Ling Enterprise Consortium are not stingy in modifying the buildings for their own industries. They have built 300- to 400-meter-high buildings together. On the most expensive and prosperous land on Lafite Road.

It was exactly 2 minutes past 12 noon.

At a street restaurant, Diana Prince was enjoying her lunch: two medium-rare steaks, a large glass of milk, a small bowl of Brussels sprouts, and two fried eggs.

After separating from Bader, she visited colleagues in the psychic firearms management department and the autopsy department. The firearm model used by Parker, the investigator who confirmed the death, was M1911A1.

Within the Bureau, the gun's model number is PA-1. It is the most basic gun for D-class members. This gun can fire two types of psychic bullets with three attributes, namely punishment bullets and justice bullets with discipline attributes, as well as lightning bullets with elemental attributes.

These three types of bullets can deal with most monsters in the explosive space. As long as you don't enter the Great Void, you won't encounter too many conflicting attributes. In addition, the PA-1 is modified with the classic old gun M1911A1. The .45acp bullet has guaranteed power and is very suitable for novices.

This gun is also specially equipped with a reader that can detect the breath of nearby monsters. The principle is to use a built-in detector to detect the spiritual energy fluctuations of various attributes within a 50-meter range of the gun holder to determine whether there are monsters nearby. Living things, and display the value at a 1:10 ratio to remind the gun owner of an approximate dangerous distance.

There is nothing wrong with this gun. It was produced in 2002 and was directly converted into a psychic firearm before leaving the factory. In the past six years, it has been installed on at least 10 investigators. The bullet firing report shows that this gun has fired more than 1,300 rounds in total and has never had any problems.

But the last time it was installed actually happened half a year in the future. For this reason, he specifically found his colleagues at the Psionics Firearms Administration to find out the reason. The other party thought it was a human error and temporarily corrected the data.

If there is a possibility of human error in the registration date of the firearm, the autopsy department's report is even more bizarre. His body was changing in appearance at a normal rate, but readings were taken from various experimental equipment and the data were all normal...

"You mean, we saw that his body was slowly shrinking, but when tested by the instrument, the values ​​were the same as those of a normal person, right?"

Diana once asked, and the forensic doctor nodded awkwardly.

This situation can no longer be explained by a simple medical category. After this reading error occurred, Parker's body was urgently transported to the United States Federal Institute of Psychic Power that night. The status was upgraded from "autopsy" to "psionic power". research” category.

Diana does not understand medicine. This situation is difficult for top medical professors to explain clearly. However, under Diana's rough logic, it can be simply summarized as "like a person who should not die at this time." People are like dead."

The administration has sent people to provide condolences to the family members. After all, Weber Spiritual Property has repeatedly emphasized that Parker cannot be their investigator.

I wiped my mouth with a tissue and put the tip plate away.

Diana drove to the Opportunity City branch of the Psychic Authority. She could feel the slight tingling in her spine, which was the rejection of the liquefied psychic energy.

Injecting psychic liquid to gain strength also comes at a price. It is not something that humans are born with and cannot be possessed by force.

Every psyker is a person who has overcome numerous tests to qualify for the injection. These tests are not to reduce the number of psykers, but simply to save their lives.

Not everyone can become a psyker. The moment the liquefied psychic energy is injected into the spine, the entire process of rejection and accommodation begins. The liquefied extraction and injection were first discovered and mastered at the Psychic Research Institute. After the technology was introduced, many experiments were conducted, and finally it was shown that the endurance of each species is limited, and there are also great differences between individuals of the same species.

Forced injection can kill someone. You can only increase the dose bit by bit to find out the upper limit of the individual's psychic capacity.

Even at this point, when a person is successfully injected with psychic energy and becomes an investigator or psyker, it does not mean that he will always be able to retain this power.

Depending on the individual's physical fitness, every month, or two months. Both investigators and psykers need to go to the Authority's Psychic Hospital for "drainage".

Successfully injecting psychic energy into the body does not mean that there will be no rejection. It just means that the rejection cycle and reaction of the body are not strong. The specific time for rejection symptoms to appear depends on the physical quality.

If "drainage" is not carried out for a long time, the liquefied psychic energy will return to the gaseous state in the spinal cord. As for the subsequent consequences, it can range from complications to the nervous system to direct lifelong disability.

Depending on the amount of injection, the Administration has divided psykers into energy levels of 1-5, and "Superman" is the fifth energy level. Most of the CPA and FPI operators are around level 2.

Energy level represents a leap-forward increase in capacity. The difference between 1 and 2, not to mention the difference between cloud and mud in the sky and on the ground, is certainly comparable to the difference between plastic and steel.

The higher the energy level, the greater the spiritual energy content in the body, and the more powerful the sacred objects and extraordinary skills that can be used. For low-level psykers, the upper limit of the psychic energy content in their body may not reach the lower limit of consumption of many extraordinary skills.

Diana is a level 2 psyker. She needs to be "drained" every month and a half, and re-injected after half a month of recovery. Although it doesn't take long, it's quite annoying.

Is there anyone who can avoid such trouble?

Stepping into the Psychic Hospital for identity verification, there were many colleagues who came to drain the water today.

"Hello, Miss Prince." A white man who had just come out of the extraction room greeted Diana.

"Hey, Peter... have you done it? Why do you look so ugly?" Diana smiled unnaturally.

"A female doctor took care of it today. I feel like my body has been hollowed out... I wish you good luck." Peter shook his hand and passed by Diana.

The waiting process was not long. Diana walked into the extraction room and saw a familiar figure. A woman with short black hair in a white coat was looking at the readings next to the monitor where the pin was extracted.

That was Diana's college classmate Wang Aileen. The two lived in the same dormitory. Unlike her rough self, Wang Aileen showed intelligence far beyond her peers in college.

Wang Ailin made outstanding achievements in the field of psychic research. After only two years of college, she was personally picked up by the dean of the Institute of Psychic Research.

"Irene? What brought you out? I never thought you would..." Diana said in disbelief, but before she could say anything, Wang Aileen pressed her down on the seat.

"Of course it's because of you, otherwise why would I have run away from the institute?" Wang Aileen said with a smile, and skillfully replaced the injection probe.

It is a soft, long and thin special needle that is inserted from the back of the neck and remotely controlled by an external machine to extract and inject liquefied spiritual energy.

"Me?" Diana asked in surprise.

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