This aura is deadly

Chapter 40 Rank: D

"No, no... I don't know her, I just confused her with someone else." Chen Ke waved his hand.

He really thought he had traveled through time and space just now and had to go through the first ten hours or so again. If that were the case, it would be a bit painful.

Fortunately, it was just a false alarm, and the universe did not make things too difficult for him.

Chen Ke didn't want to have too much contact with other investigators. After all, he had no official status. In this black box space, everything he could do would be less.

He pulled out his gun, pushed open the glass door, and peered into the dark hallway.

"Hey, brother, looking at how powerful and agile you were just now, you are also a rookie?" Yang Xiao's voice came from behind.

Chen Ke ignored Yang Xiao and remained vigilant against the wall, slowly groping forward.

The first time I traveled through time, the dog that could only call the elevator gave me a big psychological impact. I wonder if I will encounter a similar situation again this time.

"Brother, this is the campfire area, stop pretending." Yang Xiao's laughter became even more exaggerated, and he laughed hahaha after speaking.

"Campfire area?" Chen Ke turned around and glanced at Yang Xiao doubtfully.

This man had his waist inserted at the moment, looking careless and unsuspecting. Thinking of his brisk pace before...

Chen Ke put away the gun again. What a waste of expression. He was unfamiliar with this place.

"Is this your first time coming in? This is my second time. Although I think you are better than me, I can still be your senior." Yang Xiao patted his belly and said. He is not too fat, but has a bit of baby fat, which makes him look very round.

Chen Ke pursed his lips, shook his head, and walked straight to the elevator, preparing to take the elevator down to take a look.

"Hey, wait a minute~ Man, I think we can form a team." Yang Xiao chased after him.

"Tell me briefly, what's the point of this black box space?" Chen Ke stood still and asked.

"Hehe, I saw that you didn't read the investigator's manual carefully. Looking at you like this... Brother, what did you do before?" Yang Xiao looked at Chen Ke curiously.

"Specialized in killing people!" Chen Ke couldn't stand this guy anymore.

"Hey! There are only two of us here, what can't we say? I guess you are a gangster! Look at your murderous face and your nimble skills just now... Hmm... Did something happen on the road? Use your connections as an investigation Are you trying to hide from the limelight?" Yang Xiao pinched his chin and analyzed.

"Damn it, you're sick, don't fucking bother me!" Chen Ke frowned.

He is most annoyed by fat people who talk nonsense. Dealing with such people is a complete waste of his time. The Yang Xiao in front of him couldn't help but remind Chen Ke of a fat classmate in his class who was full of gossip. He couldn't talk to him about serious things at all. He could talk about things from east to west, from prehistory to the future.

Chen Ke turned around and left.

"Hey, no, no!" Yang Xiao came over again and grabbed Chen Ke's left hand.

It was too late, but it was too late. Chen Ke twisted his wrist with his backhand, holding his joints stubbornly to make him kneel down on one knee.

"Hey! Hey! It hurts! It's broken! It's about to break!" Yang Xiao said in pain.

"If you talk nonsense again, I'll kill you." Chen Ke said and let go.

"Brother, you are awesome, you have good skills..." Yang Xiao said while rubbing his wrist. Seeing Chen Ke's expression, he changed his topic and started talking about the black box space.

As a controlled psychic explosion space, the black box space is basically not dangerous because the Administration uses a "zoning" technology to deceive the monsters' senses and make them ignore part of the space.

These areas are called "Campfires".

No matter how many monsters you have behind you, you can escape danger by just running back to the campfire. Moreover, there is a special bullet supply station at the campfire, as well as a communication machine for external communication. Investigators can take out their licenses and swipe them, and their investigation points can be deducted in exchange for various supplies.

The floor where Chen Ke and Yang Xiao were located was actually within the range of the campfire. Of course, it doesn't mean that you can open campfires wherever you want. Different spiritual explosion spaces have limited areas where this technology can be used, so the distribution and number of campfires in each black box space are different.

Of course, Chen Ke, who does not have an investigator's license, cannot use the supply station, but the special nature of the campfire is still helpful to him.

"Then can I lure the monster to the campfire, hide inside and shoot it?" Chen Ke asked.

"You're overthinking, buddy! That ghost technique is actually very weak. After all, it's a deception. If you attack in the campfire, the entire campfire will be temporarily disabled and the monsters will come in." Yang Xiao said.

The administration is afraid that the monsters will have the ability to learn campfire technology, causing the black box space to no longer be controlled. Therefore, we would rather sacrifice the safety of the investigators than shut down the campfire system when the investigators operate in violation of regulations.

"I understand, our lives are not worth as much as that crappy technology." Chen Ke shook his head.

"That being said, in general, it is still very safe. The D-level black box space is not like playing~" Yang Xiao said with a smile.

Chen Ke suddenly remembered what Parker said.

"...The human-faced dog is not a very powerful monster, but it is a C-class monster that can affect the minds of normal people..."

Parker once said that the human-faced dog is a C-level monster...

Why is this black box space only rated D?

"I heard there's a face-faced dog here. Isn't that a C-level monster?" Chen Ke asked.

Yang Xiao looked at Chen Ke with disbelief and said: "One look at you, buddy, either you haven't learned English well, or you have gone out of training as an investigator..."

"Stop talking nonsense..." Chen Ke said impatiently.

Yang Xiao took out a severely creased 32-carat book from his hip pocket and waved it in front of Chen Ke.

Chen Ke took the brochure and saw a handsome black man on the cover holding a modified pistol and dealing with an exaggerated comic monster. The title of the book is "Jack Meyer's Investigator's Guide: The Road to Promotion from D to S!" 》

This booklet was still a bit thick, probably more than a hundred pages long. He flipped through it casually, and found that it actually contained various detailed pictures and long paragraphs of text descriptions.

"Page 19, take a look." Yang Xiao prompted.

Chen Ke turned to page 19. The title was "100 Questions for New Investigators". Yang Xiao's flesh finger pointed to the framed part of the page, where was the "Black Box Space and Monster Classification" column.

"Generally speaking, we have made detailed classifications for monsters and black box spaces - your work place. However, because the management officials are not so particular, it is difficult to distinguish the usage of grades, which has led to many new investigators. It is not possible to distinguish the difference between monster level and black box space level very well.”

Chen Ke nodded and continued to look down.

"The Administration has meticulously classified all the monsters that have appeared in the psychic burst space into six levels from E to S based on the battle data of PWAT and the agents of the Administration. However, when viewing the grading information, newcomers must First of all, we need to understand that there are actually three sets of grading information in the Administration.”

Three sets?

"Among them, the black box space has a unique level label, which is the most well-known Rank series. This level represents a D-level black box space, and the monster power level is in the D-level range. It must be clear that it is within the range of this level Within, rather than being absolutely D-level, this is something the administration has not emphasized.”

In other words, lower or higher level monsters will also appear in the D-level black box, Chen Ke thought.

"Next, there are two levels, which are used by the Administration to classify monsters. A skilled investigator will definitely know this. If you don't know, then know it now!"

Chen Ke read intently.

"The levels of monsters are divided into Level series and Type series. Level: D monsters refer to monsters with D level of danger, but this is only a general hazard level classification. The most important thing is the Type type, and the Type type level starts from Almost all 26 letters are used, but the difference from Rank and Level is that each letter of Type usually has a specific division such as a numerical suffix, such as D1, D2, and D3, which means that this monster has a D type. What kind of annotations should be placed..."

So damn complicated…

"Because the Type itself does not indicate the danger level of the monster, but indicates the special attributes attached to the monster. It is like a tea cup worth 5 coins. It is sold in a cheap supermarket. Then the cheap supermarket is a black box space with different Rank levels. , and the 5-link coin refers to the Level of danger of this teacup. As for whether this teacup is made of stainless steel or glass, is it retro-style or industrially carved, is it resistant to high temperatures, or is it handmade by a well-known craftsman? It all depends on what Type attributes it has. A very simple example, isn't it?

"So, before you officially become an investigator, you must not only understand the differences between Rank, Level and Type, but also memorize the Type table in the appendix of this book, and understand the level markings of various monsters and the administration numbering rules. Because The names given to monsters by the Bureau are all composed of various numbers. For example, the well-known human-faced dog has the official code name DD3Z20059, D is Level, D3 and Z2 are Type, and 0059 is in the Bureau. The specific number in the monster C class library, yes, a monster may have multiple Types..."

Chen Ke's head was spinning. He turned to the last few pages of the booklet and found that the last 30 or so pages were all the type code numbering tables of the Administration. They were listed densely in size 6.5 font, which reminded Chen Ke of being fascinated by the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements. Fear of domination.

And this monster type code is more complicated than the periodic table of elements. It is estimated that the person who came up with this trick did not consider the difficulty of memorizing it, and it was not him who memorized it anyway.

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