This aura is deadly

Chapter 408 The seeds of betrayal

Under the mud slope, a simple small raft was tied to the shore by a thick rope, floating casually on the water. If you didn't look carefully, you would think it was abandoned garbage.

This small raft is not big, but it is more than enough for three people to stand on it. Jacob jumped on the raft first and picked up the bamboo poles hidden in advance from the mud on the side.

"Come up quickly, let's take the waterway." Jacob said.

"Isn't this going to sink?" Chen Ke didn't trust the raft very much.

"Unless you are a 200-pound fat man, there is nothing to worry about." Jacob smiled.

Xu Jing jumped on without even thinking about it. The raft shook a little, and Jacob used a bamboo pole to push it into the water to stabilize it.

Chen Ke carefully went downhill and stepped gently onto the raft, not letting the mud and water rub against his trousers.

"I didn't expect you to be such a particular person." Xu Jing couldn't help laughing when she saw Chen Ke being so cautious.

"I don't like getting my socks wet." Chen Ke shook his head.

"You don't like the feeling of wet clothes against your skin?" Xu Jing looked at Chen Kedao.

"It depends on what kind of water it is..." Chen Kedao said.

Jacob did not interrupt. He took out his dagger and untied the rope, then pushed the raft away from the shore.

The small raft carried the three people upstream, moving along the red blood stream. The scenery on the shore changed from rows of small houses to gray walls, which seemed to be within the scope of the slaughterhouse.

A few minutes later, the small raft arrived at a drainage outlet on the shore. An unpleasant smell of blood and an inexplicable stench spurted out from the black drainage outlet.

The three of them frowned in unison and pinched their noses.

"Are you sure it's inside?" Chen Ke asked.

"It's just the safest road, trust me." Jacob spread his hands.

"You'd better be right, don't waste time, go in quickly." Xu Jing said.

Jacob propped up the bamboo pole and pushed the small raft into the drainage outlet. The three of them gradually disappeared into the darkness, surrounded by the monotonous water flow, the darkness and the stench.

Xu Jing and Chen Ke both turned on their spiritual vision and began to scan their surroundings. In the darkness, they could see a blue ring in their pupils.

There was no one around, and the people from the college did not set up defenses at the drainage outlet. After all, it was a long way away from the underground of the college. Arranging guards here was equivalent to having three hundred taels of silver in this place.

Jacob put aside his courtesy, put on the hood on the back of his windbreaker, and covered the lower half of his face with a black handkerchief. Chen Ke noticed that he seemed to be observing something.

The raft floated in the dark sewer for more than ten minutes.

"We have to get down in front and change to walking. The water in front is shallow and the raft cannot walk." Jacob said.

"I thought we were going to stay on this raft forever." Chen Ke was not very willing to go down.

Although he was in a pitch-black environment, he could still imagine that the feces under his feet were a disgusting dark green color. Maybe there was decades of feces accumulated at the bottom of the drainage ditch.

"Don't be cowardly, jump down quickly, I have clothes to change for you." Xu Jing said.

"Uh...Fake..." Chen Ke reluctantly put his feet into the water to see how deep it was.

"The water is about knee-level, come down quickly." Jacob jumped in first and held up half of the rope on the front of the raft.

Chen Ke was pushed by Xu Jing, his eyes widened, and he fell into the water. Water splashed all over his body, and a strong smell of shit hit his nostrils.

Xu Jing also stepped lightly into the water at this time and stood behind Chen Ke, waiting for Jacob to tie the raft to the side.

Jacob took out a small kerosene lamp from his arms and struck it with a flint. The weak orange light illuminated a small space around the three of them.

Surrounded by slimy curved brick walls, disgusting black and yellow deposits stuck in the cracks of the bricks, like fat that had been squeezed out of juice.

The sewage under his feet was better than Chen Ke expected. The dark yellow sewage was cold, and his toes slipped in his socks, as if they had been coated with oil.

He saw that the red blood flow was wider than outside, blending with the sewage, like two colors of paint being poured into a dye vat.

"Follow the direction of the blood. At least there will be no guards on this section of the road, but once you reach the academy, it's hard to say." Jacob reminded.

"It's quite miserable to be assigned to patrol down here." Chen Ke sighed, this place reminded him of the City of Opportunity.

"Be quiet and focus on our goal." Xu Jing said, signaling to Chen Ke with her eyes.

Chen Ke nodded, reached into his windbreaker, and turned on the safety of the Type 67 pistol.

The three of them lay on the dirty water and trudged forward, walking slowly under the guidance of the weak kerosene lamp. After a while, they saw the construction traces of the sewer maintenance channel, and finally found a place where people could walk.

They climbed over the railing and stepped on the stone tiles, stepping down the steps and going deeper step by step, as if they had entered the secret depths of this ancient city.

It seems that all those who engage in trouble like to hide their secrets underground. This may be a common trait among people.

I don't know how long it took, but within the detection range of Chen Ke's spiritual vision, I found the outline of a person, and judging from his posture, he should be holding a launching weapon in his hand.

Obviously, Xu Jing also saw it. She patted Chen Ke and Chen Ke nodded to her.

"How long have we been walking? Haven't we arrived at the academy yet?" Chen Ke asked. Jacob had no intention of reminding him about the presence of guards in front of him.

"Not yet, don't worry." Jacob smiled, but he had already put away the kerosene lamp. His big windbreaker seemed to have super-dimensional pockets that could fit anything in it.

"We have walked a long way." Chen Ke said.

"Trust my intuition, Lin. I know where we are now." Jacob said perfunctorily, still leading the way.

However, he was taking the two of them to the most crowded place.

"It's too dark in here, should we continue to turn on that small light?" Xu Jing also interrupted at this time.

"That little lamp is out of oil. We can't count on it anymore." Jacob turned back and spread his hands, although in the dark, Chen Ke and Xu Jing could not see his body movements.

The route to the sewer becomes complicated because it penetrates deep into the pipeline system in the center of the city. Pipes extending in all directions are intertwined and integrated, and large iron gates are set up in some places.

A white skylight suddenly appeared in front of them. Chen Ke heard the sound of falling water like a waterfall. The three of them came to a drainage outlet. It turned out that they had arrived at a certain drainage center.

All the sewage is collected here, and then discharged to the Thames River through the pipeline where Chen Ke and others are located. There is a circular drain more than 20 meters above the ground, and the hazy sky of Longtown can be seen.

"Look, this pool is full of blood, but only the water flowing out of the two holes on the opposite side is red." Chen Ke pointed to the drainage ditch pipe on the opposite side and whispered, fearing that the sound would be transmitted along the pipe to the ears of the guards. middle.

Xu Jing nodded and followed the bleeding pipe, and she should be able to enter the secret underground space of the academy.

But so far, Chen Ke hasn't seen the red mist when he was on the ground. It should still be some distance from the academy.

"Let's keep walking, we're almost there." Jacob's voice also became cautious, as if he was afraid of disturbing the guards.

"He's right, remember to do the necessary things when necessary." Xu Jing looked at Chen Ke and smiled.

Chen Ke knew what she meant and nodded.

The three of them carefully poured water and walked toward the bloody pipe on the opposite side.

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