This aura is deadly

Chapter 412 Classification of Gods

A large wave of weak murderous intent rushed toward Chen Ke, and more than a dozen guards holding crossbows appeared from behind a solid wooden door.

They fired crossbow bolts at Chen Ke, yelling, and tried to retreat after the crossbow bolts bounced off Chen Ke's armor.

There is no revolver gun in the sewer, maybe it is to prevent people on the ground from hearing the noise, right?

But they certainly didn't expect that one day they would be visited by an intruder wearing medieval armor.

Chen Ke recalled the armor on his right arm so that he could take out the Type 67 pistol and shoot.

The clear and melodious sound of mechanical pushing the barrel sounded one after another, causing all the guards who resisted him to fall to the ground.

Chen Ke scanned it with his spiritual vision. Behind the door seemed to be the underground environment of the academy that he had seen on the ground.

Small rooms full of people were arranged at Chen Ke's feet. As long as he entered the door and walked down a few floors, he could find out what was going on.

Xu Jing followed Chen Ke. She did not take action rashly. According to her, she did not want to directly interfere with subjective reality.

Chen Ke pushed the heavy wooden door open, and the last escaped guard locked the door.

"This shouldn't be a problem for you." Xu Jing made a gesture of invitation.

Chen Ke put away his gun and armor, and put his right hand against the door lock. He saw that the iron keyhole slowly turned red, and an unsettling smell of burning filled the air.

Under the influence of Angel's Ashes, a large hole was burned through the door lock. Chen Ke pushed the door open with a slight push.

"So...this is what you found in Van Heder?" Xu Jing asked.

"No, this is my innate ability." Chen Ke smiled.

"You can't lie to me, otherwise our people wouldn't attack you. I've always wanted to ask you, what was the situation at that time?" Xu Jing asked.

"Do you really want to talk to me about this at this time?" Chen Kezhu turned around at the door and asked.

"I just want to confirm something." Xu Jing said.

Chen Ke looked inside the door. The footsteps of the guards were getting farther and farther. They were escaping downstairs, and the scarlet red mist appeared again.

"I only met two people from the foundation. One seemed to have lost the motivation to move forward and was sitting there making sarcastic remarks, while the other tried to attack me. That's it." Chen Kedao.

"Can you tell me what they said to you?" Xu Jing asked.

"Is this important?" Chen Ke asked.

"It's very important. I'm afraid it has something to do with what happened down here." Xu Jing said.

Chen Ke had no idea. He closed the wooden door and briefly described the situation at that time.

In Van Hed's final moments, Chen Ke completed the cycle of that legendary moment, recreating the feat of a certain hero at that time, and the entire Great Void was completely closed.

As for the tin can who tried to attack Chen Ke, his purpose was obviously to prevent anyone from completing the cycle.

"So, what's going on? What's happening underneath?" Chen Ke asked.

"I went back to the foundation before and checked the files of 1859, and found that this year is related to the origin of a dangerous organization." Xu Jing said.

It was rare for Chen Ke to see a worried look on this woman's face.

You know, Xu Jing has always maintained a strong and charming look, giving people the feeling that "everything is under my control".

But this time, Chen Ke clearly felt the woman's inner turmoil.

Be shaken, not afraid.

"What are you worried about?" Chen Ke asked.

"I need...your help." Xu Jing looked at Chen Ke and suddenly said something.

"I'm helping you right now...otherwise, why do you think I ran from the United States in 2009 to the Longtown sewer in 1859?" Chen Ke said angrily.

"I'm a little...lost...Chen Ke, have I ever told you about an organization called the God Adventist Sect?" Xu Jing asked.

Seance? !

Chen Ke's chrysanthemum tightened. He also told Li Moyang about this organization when he met him for the first time.

"The seance sect is watching you." When Li Moyang said these words at that time, he was speaking in Chinese.

In this way, Chen Ke recalled the scene again. Li Moyang was sitting in the RV with him... That feeling, thinking about it today, felt a little different.

"The God Adventist Sect." Chen Ke was lost in his thoughts, and Xu Jing saw it.

"Looking at your expression, do you know?" Xu Jing asked.

"No, no, I just got lost on the road of life." Chen Ke waved his hand.

It seems that Li Moyang's side is not as simple as Chen Ke thought. Maybe his situation is completely different from what it looks like...

"In 1859, this organization originated in this year, and it will cause great harm to mankind in the future." Xu Jing explained.

"Why do I feel that any term you randomly pick out can be interpreted as the initiator of the end of mankind... There are too many enemies of mankind." Chen Ke spread his hands.

"This is not a joke. This subjective reality still exists, which means... means..." Xu Jing pinched her chin and thought to herself.

"Hey, hey, we still have business to do now, so don't get into trouble as promised!" Chen Ke reminded.

"Chen Ke, the Seancer Sect is an extreme school of thought. Their research and actions are intolerable. If the things below are really related to them, you must help me destroy this place." Xu Jing said.

"So, where is the other Chen Ke?" Chen Ke asked.

"I'm afraid that Chen Ke is also here for this matter. If it is as I think, the seriousness of this matter is several levels higher than previously estimated." Xu Jing said.

She loaded the gun in her hand, and Chen Ke could tell that Xu Jing was going to intervene on her own.

Chen Ke didn't know what was going on that made Xu Jing become so impatient all of a sudden, but this seance sect, just by its name, felt that it was not a good thing.

"This is a temporary increase on your part...I want extra compensation." Chen Ke crossed his chest and bargained.

"Do we really want to discuss this in this place?" Xu Jing spread her hands.

"You started first. You'd better tell me what the Seance Sect wants to do. My eyes are filled with red mist and the pungent smell of blood. I'm sure the source is down here." Chen Kedao.

"The Seance is an extreme school of thought that originated in the 19th century. We don't know what their predecessors were, but I know their behavior and purpose very clearly, which is to get in touch with the gods and hope that they will lead mankind. ." Xu Jing explained.

"Get in touch with the gods? Does this count for me?" Chen Ke patted his chest.

"You have different natures from them...Chen Ke, have I ever told you that gods are classified?" Xu Jing asked.

"Gods still have classifications? How did you do it? Are they divided by sea, land and air?" Chen Ke scratched his head.

"Of course not. Gods are anomalies that transcend reality. The foundation has discovered that each god does not exist in isolation. To put it simply, they have factions and will fight with each other." Xu Jing said.

"What does that have to do with the God Adventist Sect?" Chen Ke asked.

"The relationship is that most of the gods who will actively and actively respond to human contact are very fucking dangerous... Remember 2006? It was the end of the global clanization, and those red maggot people were The product of failed transformation, I think I told you about it when we first met." Xu Jing said.

"It's been so long, who still remembers!" Chen Ke argued. In fact, he suddenly became enlightened.

"We haven't found a way to kill the gods yet, so we can only destroy that reality. The Foundation used memetic weapons to turn everyone into ashes, causing a doomsday event in that reality that was enough to be stripped out of the universe. We are very "Definitely, the god Nayuk who turns humans into walking maggots is deep underground," Xu Jing said.

Are those sandbags piled at the entrance of the subway station just to block the god underground?

But Xu Jing didn't explain it, nor did she mention the invisible god who swallowed the universe. Maybe she didn't know about it either?

Or, the way the universe eliminates beads is to rely on that god to eat them everywhere?

"The purpose of most gods is to transform people into dependents. Considering their attitudes and behaviors towards humans, the foundation named these two types of gods..." Xu Jing said, Chen Ke suddenly My mind went blank, and an idea came to me.





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