This aura is deadly

Chapter 418 Divine Blood Bullet

Xu Jing ran towards the stone door quickly. The monster's attention was attracted by her, and its upper body twisted 90 degrees strangely, spitting out a column of blood from its mouth like a high-pressure water gun.

Xu Jing quickly bent down, put her right hand on the ground, turned over, did a cartwheel, and beautifully dodged the blood pillar's shot. After her feet landed on the ground, she exerted force on her thighs and made a big jump to the vicinity of the stone door.

"Don't make me wait too long!" Xu Jing shouted towards Chen Ke, and then slipped into the gap of the stone door that was about to close.

The monster crawled towards the stone door, preparing to hunt Xu Jing. At this time, it was hit on the back of the head by a blue magic torrent. At that moment, a translucent protective shield appeared out of thin air, blocking half of the effectiveness of the soul gun.

"You want to fight me, freak." Chen Ke said.

Just now, Chen Ke directly used a 40-hour soul gun to attack. You must know that his current life span is only 45 hours.

Such a powerful force made the soul gun like a magical torrent. With the blessing of the life engine, a huge light exploded on the monster's forehead, but the result was not ideal.

Chen Ke deeply felt that the power of the soul gun was somewhat insufficient. The life engine could provide power blessings for all secret skills, but the strength of the skills themselves was limited.

Not to mention that this monster has 60% magic resistance, and what is rare is that it has the attribute of justice.

After being hit by the soul gun, the monster was not angry. In fact, just looking at the distorted face, Chen Ke couldn't tell whether the monster was happy or sad.

The monster leaned down and spit out a column of blood at Chen Ke, just like it did against Xu Jing.

Chen Ke was not as skilled as Xu Jing, so he could only do a flying dive and barely avoid the blood column. The monster tilted its head, and a column of blood spurted out after Chen Ke, all pouring on his back and pouring into his neck along the gap in his collar.

Chen Ke didn't feel any pain. He originally thought that the blood column would be corrosive, but in the end it only made his body dirty. Moreover, the water pressure was not high, so it did not cut him open.

He got up from the ground, threw a time bomb at the bug, and ignited Angele's magical flame in his right hand.

Since this monster is afraid of fire, let's use fire. When Chen Ke used the soul gun before, he mainly didn't want to get too close to the bug. After all, this thing is too disgusting.

The time bomb exploded in the area where the monster was, forming a time bubble.

But the time bubble was too small, and it did not cover the monster's whole body. His lower body was frozen in place, and a big poke was left on the upper body.

Now, this monster's state is a bit strange. Logically speaking, part of its body has been stopped by time, and its blood circulation and the like should also stop.

But the monster can still move freely outside the time bubble, without feeling any impact of time on its physiology.

Chen Ke wonders if there is any way to upgrade the time bomb to make it wider. Moreover, the life engine cannot bless time-based abilities.

He summoned the Angel's Elegy Armor, and the magical flames on his right arm burned the arm frame red. Chen Ke rushed towards the monster, aiming for the monster's soft lower body.

Chen Ke only ran four or five steps when he suddenly felt a strong desire to vomit, and an unknown feeling of nausea surged up his throat. A red dark light flashed all over his body, and Angele's armor and flame magic all disappeared out of thin air.

He felt as if his internal organs were being eaten by tens of thousands of small insects. The severe abdominal pain made him bend over and the Type 67 pistol he was holding fell to the ground.

He opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of black blood.

"Fuck...this blood is poisonous..." Chen Ke wailed.

At this time, a line of small dark red words appeared in Chen Ke's vision: Psychic Forbidden.

He was shocked. The blood spurted by the monster just now turned out to be so poisonous! Not only can it make people sick, but it can also seal psychic powers!

The time bomb's restraint on the monster also began to loosen. Chen Ke was shaking in pain, and the time link with the monster was also broken.

The monster walked out of the time bubble of the time bomb, raised its stinger, and struck it towards Chen Kezhu, who was lying on his side on the ground.

Chen Ke forced himself to roll around and took out the revolver from the holster on his waist.

"Heal! Heal!" Chen Ke said secretly. He could feel that his internal organs were healing, but the toxicity of the monster blood was continuous. This potent blood poison was constantly eroding Chen Ke's internal organs, just in time for the countdown. The cures cancel each other out.

The monster's murderous intent continued to replenish Chen Ke's lifespan, leaving him forever trapped in the torment of blood poison.

Originally, he thought that having a life countdown meant that he was immune to all poisons. After all, at Van Heder, he relied on the life countdown to resist the black ring terminal disease.

Now it seems that it is still taken for granted.

This also shows that the black ring terminal disease is not a virus, but something similar to a curse.

When Chen Ke faced a human-faced dog for the first time, the lifespan countdown was used to protect his sanity from being attacked...

It seems that he is not afraid of only various curses and magical effects targeting his own body, but things like viruses and environmental illusions are still successful, let alone memes.

Chen Ke tried his best to pull the trigger of the revolver and fired six rounds at the monster. After being poisoned, his soft body could not even control the gun, and three bullets flew to the ceiling.

Naturally, it is impossible for ordinary bullets to deal with monsters. Chen Ke just hopes to interrupt the monster's attack and buy himself more time.

He knelt on the ground and moved towards the door behind him, trying to find a chance to hide, at least until the effects of the blood poison wore off.

However, the monster would not give him a chance. The huge sting penetrated Chen Ke's right shoulder from behind and came out from the right side of his chest.

"Fuck!" Chen Ke yelled in pain, unable to move his right arm at all, and unable to do anything with the revolver in his left hand.

The monster raised its right arm and lifted Chen Ke into the air. It clamped Chen Ke's lower limbs with its other hand and raised it in front of the deformed face. Only then did Chen Ke get a closer look at this strange face.

To say that it was completely the face of a monster, Chen Ke didn't think it was possible. This face was obviously transformed from a normal human being, and judging from the outline, he should have been quite handsome before.

"Wei..." the monster whispered.

Chen Ke vomited black blood, and the white flesh on his right shoulder was stained with dark red blood. His lower limbs were still clamped, and his face was not good. He could not change the bullets of the revolver, so he could only try to see if he could use it again. Psionics.

However, the effect of this diseased blood was too strong, so abnormally strong that it not only made Chen Ke feel uncomfortable internally, but also blocked all his abilities. No matter how you look at it, this monster is more than 50 hours old!

The monster's other pair of human deformed hands reached up and pulled Chen Ke's shirt open, exposing his belly. Then, the monster opened its mouth, with a mouthful of black teeth like fine saw teeth.

"What the hell... this is going to..." Chen Ke was shocked. The monster's posture was so similar to his own movements at night!

Sure enough, the monster opened its mouth and put its face in front of Chen Ke. Chen Ke felt a sharp pain in his abdomen, as if all the strength in his body had been taken away.

The monster's cheeks squirmed, making a heart-stopping chewing sound. It gritted its teeth, grabbed Chen Ke tightly, and pulled him out.

A piece of muscle tissue on Chen Ke's abdomen was bitten and torn apart by the monster, like a muscle that was difficult to completely tear off a bone. Chen Ke rolled his eyes in pain and had no strength to curse.

Blood spattered from the horrific wound. As soon as the monster's teeth closed, Chen Ke's abdomen began to bleed with pus and blood, as if he were a juicy steak.

"It's eating me..."

Chen Ke thought this and forced himself not to pass out. He didn't want to find himself in the belly of a big insect when he was resurrected next time.

His blood flowed down the sleeve to the revolver in his left hand, dripping in along the gap in the magazine.

At this time, a line of information appeared again in the field of vision:

The divine blood bullet is finished.

There will be another update in the evening, please recommend and vote for me.

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