This aura is deadly

Chapter 420 Florence’s Memory

In the empty room, the high temperature has not dissipated, like a boiler that has just poured out molten iron, and sparks are still rising from all the combustible objects around it.

Florence's soul turned into a white dust mist and was absorbed by the sun mark on Chen Ke's chest. A white light flashed in front of his eyes and entered the memory of the soul owner after a long absence.

Chen Ke saw the back of a woman.

She has long white hair, wears a windbreaker with complex decorative patterns, a pair of dirty leather boots, and a three-cornered hat on her head with a white feather on the side.

Chen Ke reached out and put his hand on the woman's left shoulder. The woman turned around, her skin was unrealistically white, and she looked at him with a pair of amber eyes, and the corners of her mouth were slightly raised.

He looked down the opponent's shoulder and saw a saber slung around his waist, inserted in a gorgeous scabbard, with a guard on the handle.

A gust of cold wind blew by, and Chen Ke felt greasy and wet all over his body. He held the hilt of the sword with both hands, and the blade was stuck on the ground.

Chen Ke looked down and saw that he was stepping on a pile of dead monster corpses.

These corpses were gray-white, and the internal organs inside could be seen through the translucent membrane-like skin. The limbs still generally retained the appearance of humans, but there were webs between the toes and fingers.

The head of the corpse has no human features. The eyes are as round as a dead fish and the mouth is surprisingly big.

Chen Ke looked up. The cold wind was blowing from the right side. He heard the sound of waves. The white waves were hitting a huge clam on the shore.

Chen Ke came to a castle again. He held a revolver in his left hand and his sword in his right hand.

His whole body was soaked in blood, and the sticky cold blood stuck to the lining of his shirt and his skin.

There were serious injuries on his waist and abdomen, which looked like they had been injured by the claws of some kind of wild beast.

"Florence. Can you still do it?" A companion came from behind. Chen Ke looked at the speaker, who was a hunter with white temples.

"Jackman..." Chen Ke's voice was Florence's when he said a name.

"William's research is very important, and the Keeper will send Florence for personal protection."

In front of him was the old hunter named Jackman. He was talking to someone. Chen Ke was leaning against the door and waiting.

"With the protection of the secret keeper, the research should proceed safely." The man's voice was very calm.

They walked out of the mansion and Jackman patted Chen Ke on the shoulder.

"Florence, beware of the corruption of those who seek knowledge... You must not only provide protection, but also conduct surveillance..." Jackman said.

"I know..." Chen Ke spoke, and it was Florence's voice.

Chen Ke came back to his senses, his memory disappeared, and there was a piece of soul in his hand.

【Florence's Painful Soul】

[Utility: Increase the life limit by 10 hours, open a portal, and refine Florence’s suit]

[Florence, a hunter who was combined with the divine blood, turned into a deformed monster after being injected with the divine blood, but he still cannot forget the white-haired woman...]

[The Keeper Organization is a group of arcane hunters under the command of Queen Ingram Victoria. It specializes in dealing with the increasingly rampant inhuman crisis. Whenever the blood moon sets, the hunters will become active and launch an endless bloody hunt. 】

If I remember correctly, this is the second soul that Chen Ke has obtained that can refine weapons and equipment.

The first one was Faralis, the princess of Van Hed. At that time, he exchanged that soul for the two-handed sword Ruthless Fury. As a result, the sword was taken away by Faralis when he entered Van Hed for the second time...

Florence's group is a national force called the Keepers, and appears to be a special forces unit operating under the surface.

In 1859, psychic visions occurred frequently. Less than a day after arriving here, Chen Ke discovered the body of a god under the college. This was much more exciting than the City of Opportunity in 2009.

What Florence's soul can exchange this time is not a weapon, but a set of clothes he is wearing... Chen Ke has never seen what Florence was wearing when he was still a human. Since it is exchanged with his soul, he probably won't either. It would be too bad.

If this soul is used to increase lifespan, it would be a bit of a disadvantage. I don’t know why, but ruthless characters like Faralise and Florence only have a 10-hour limit on their souls. It’s really puzzling.

In his memory, Chen Ke also saw two people closely related to Florence, one was a white-haired woman whose name was not revealed, and the other was an old hunter named Jackman.

Is this the lady Maria is referring to?

"Chen Ke, why are you disheveled every time I see you? Are you trying to seduce me?"

While Chen Ke was lost in thought, Xu Jing had already walked beside him.

She looked at the monster corpse at Chen Ke's feet, and then at the torn clothes all over his body. She knew without guessing that the battle just now was not easy.

"Why did you come in alone? Don't tell me you lost the target." Chen Ke adjusted his clothes, but there was nothing he could do about the part that was punctured by the monster.

"I lost you." Xu Jing said calmly.

"... If I had known that we should change positions, it might be easier for you to deal with this monster." Chen Ke shook his head helplessly.

"We may have underestimated the complexity here. I can't locate the target with my spiritual vision, and I have also been affected by illusions. These people may have deeper access to the transcendent level than we thought." Xu Jing spread her hands.

"What now? Are we going back the way we came?" Chen Ke inserted the Type 67 pistol into the holster.

"You can go up to the ground from behind the stone gate. That may be the back road they designed, and there should be a carriage parked outside. But I didn't find anything after I went up." Xu Jing said.

"Now I just want to find a place to change clothes." Chen Ke said.

"You're quite... strong." Xu Jing covered her mouth and smiled, secretly looking at the damaged areas of Chen Ke's clothes.

The two of them walked up the passage behind the stone door and left the underground of the academy.

They circled around and returned to the opposite side of the street from the main entrance of the college. They saw six black carriages parked in front of the college gate, and several people in black trench coats were negotiating with the school.

Chen Ke saw a white-haired woman standing in the crowd at a glance. It seemed that the secret keeper was here.

"If I remember correctly, there was no such profession as county police in 1859, right?" Chen Ke asked.

"Franciade was the first country in the world to establish a county police system, followed by Ingram. Previously, the security in the city was maintained by the Queen's Infantry Regiment. After 1860, in order to deal with the increasingly rampant civil cases, almost all The world began to have its own county police departments, and at the beginning, they were not equipped with guns, only whistles and short sticks," Xu Jing said.

"Oh..." Chen Ke nodded and looked at the entrance of the academy. The secret keeper had already entered.

"Come on Chen Ke, let's go back to the cafe first, put on new clothes for you, and then see what we're going to do next." Xu Jing said with a smile.

One million words, what about the one who promised to become a god with one million words?

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