This aura is deadly

Chapter 429 Lost and Found

"Calm down, Chen Ke, I advise you not to think about robbing him. Sean is the richest factory owner in Langdon. His connections are all over the royal family and the underworld. When he sneezes, half of Langdon will tremble. ." Jacob stretched out his finger and shook it.

"I just want my diamonds, Jacob. I don't care how rich he is." Chen Ke shook his head.

"I don't care either, but I can guarantee you that if Sean dies, anything we do next will become more difficult." Jacob said.

"How do you say it?" Chen Ke asked with his hands on his hips.

"Sean is like a big blanket, covering all the cockroaches and mice in Longtown. You see, you can walk on the street safely and contentedly, and the security station can play the most basic role in maintaining security. All because of "Shaun's RBI," Jacob said.

Chen Ken snorted. In every era and in every region, there is such a person. He hides under the table and controls everything on the table.

"Through bribery, threats, murder and transactions, Sean is second only to the queen in Longtown, Chen Ke, which means that he is the order of Longtown. We don't have to be enemies with Sean." Jacob Sermon.

"But I don't think he will return the diamond to me, and I don't have the money to buy it from him." Chen Ke spread his hands.

"Maybe he doesn't have the diamond in his hands, but he definitely knows some information." Jacob smiled.

"You just said that he wouldn't receive strangers easily." Chen Ke crossed his chest and raised his head.

"Let's sneak in quietly at night, then show up when he's unprepared and ask him." Jacob said.

"This method sounds even more unreasonable... What would he tell us in that case?" Chen Ke sighed.

"I understand that kind of person, Chen Ke, trust me. Not only can we get information, but we can also escape unscathed." Jacob said.

"But I don't understand you well enough, Jacob. What are you trying to do? To stop...the experiments below the academy?" Chen Ke asked.

"Chen Ke, you don't look like a person who worries about money. I grew up on the streets of Longtown, just like those children, but they are facing suffering, but no one cares." Jacob said.

"You want to find an answer from Sean?" Chen Ke asked.

"That's right." Jacob nodded.

"If he did all this, what are you going to do?" Chen Ke asked.

Jacob took a deep breath and did not answer. Chen Ke could see that he had no answer in his heart.

"Killing him won't help. There has to be something to cover up the cockroaches and mice all over the city. All I want is my diamonds, and what you want may not be easy to get. At this point, I can't help you. Busy." Chen Ke shook his head.

"You can deal with those strange things, can't you? And you don't belong to this era." Jacob said.

Chen Ke glanced at his toes. Jacob must have seen his ID.

"The future will not change, Jacob, we cannot fight against the times..." Chen Ke shook his head.

"I don't care, at least let me get an answer first. Before that, don't kill him, Chen Ke." Jacob said.

"I may not be that patient..." Chen Ke said.

"Tonight, when Big Ben strikes nine, we will meet near Sean's mansion, No. 18 Old Ferro Street, North Longtown. There is a small cafe there, you can find it." Jacob said .

"Aren't you afraid that I won't come?" Chen Ke asked.

"Then it proves that I was wrong about you." Jacob said, turned and left.

Chen Ke walked out of the alley and bathed in the sunshine of the 19th century.

He saw a child across the street doing a shoe shine business. He was no more than 6 years old. There was a long queue in front of the bakery, and the people in the queue were all middle-aged and elderly women.

He also saw several workers carrying buckets and painting brushes working on the side of the red brick wall. Chen Kerao kicked it and found that they were drawing an advertising poster and pasting it on the wall.

The large carriage bus slowly stopped on the side of the road, and some gentlemen got off in a hurry, not knowing where they were going. There are also some vendors carrying baskets selling on the street. Fortunately, there is no urban management these days.

The whole city was busy, only Chen Ke stood on the street corner, helpless.

"This is... the 19th century...?" He murmured to himself, wrapping his coat around his body and looking at the gloomy sky and the sunlight shining through the clouds onto the earth.

At 9 o'clock in the evening, the solemn chimes of Big Ben echoed between heaven and earth. The streets of Longtown were deserted at night, with a few carriages passing by in a hurry.

Chen Ke leaned under the tree next to the street lamp, bathed in the shadows. He arrived as promised, but there was no trace of Jacob.

Just now, Chen Ke suddenly remembered something very important.

Even his cell phone was missing.

Holy objects are important to him, but mobile phones are even more important! It's just that I had only focused on Angele's armor and moonlight sword before, and forgot about his iPhone 3GS.

All his contacts in Opportunity City are maintained by that temporary number. If it is lost, it will be very troublesome.

With a whoosh, Jacob suddenly jumped down from the side, startling Chen Ke.

"To be honest, I was really afraid that you wouldn't come. It seems I saw you right." Jacob wore a hood and looked sneaky.

Chen Ke couldn't help but look up and look to the side. There was only a six-story building nearby. Did he jump down from it just now?

"I suddenly remembered something...Jacob, did you only steal my gun and wallet at the security station?" Chen Ke asked in a low voice.

"What else did you lose?" Jacob was stunned.

"A... small metal box the size of soap with a glass shell." Chen Ke described that people in this era did not understand the word mobile phone.

"I've never seen it..." Jacob scratched his head.

Chen Ke sighed, and Jacob could tell from Chen Ke's expression that that thing was very important to him.

"If that thing is valuable enough, it will definitely flow into the black market, and Sean might know something." Jacob comforted.

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's take action." Chen Ke stepped forward and rushed onto the street.

"Wait..." Jacob hurriedly followed.

Sean's mansion is located on the hillside of North Longtown. It is a very eye-catching mansion. It is similar to the manor Li Moyang bought in the suburbs of Opportunity City in 2009. Is this the kind of place where rich people live?

There were two guards at the door. Jacob and Chen Ke stood in the distance, looking at the manor.

"Let me take a look at their guard deployment. If necessary, I may have to take down a few of them." Jacob took out his fist and put it on his hand, drinking hot air from his mouth.

The temperature dropped sharply after nightfall in Longton, the air was humid, and it looked like it was going to rain later in the night.

430 has been blocked and has been modified. When the ban is lifted, I will never drive again, woo woo woo...

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