This aura is deadly

Chapter 431 Alienation Space

When Chen Ke and Jacob left Sean's mansion, the guards in the courtyard had not yet woken up.

The two of them shuttled through the shadows of the building, sneaking around blind spots where gas lights could not reach them, and soon hid in a dark alley.

"Baron Meaux, Lady Catherine, who are they?" Chen Ke asked.

"Mocks is the best doctor in Longtown. Seeing him for medical treatment is expensive, but his superb medical skills obviously cannot cure his wife." Jacob said.

"You mean Mrs. Catherine died of illness?" Chen Ke wondered. If this woman died of illness, what Sean just said would make a lot of sense.

"No, no... no, Mrs. Catherine has a neurological disease. Baron Mox tried many methods but could not cure her. Mrs. Catherine has not been out for several years," Jacob said.

Nervous diseases are also very difficult to treat in modern times. In the 19th century, they were no different than terminal illnesses.

However, not all neurological diseases are fatal. For wealthy people, they do not need to perform heavy physical labor, so it will not make their lives impossible.

"Take me to their mansion." Chen Ke urged.

"Chen Ke, wait a moment... don't worry, the other party is Baron Mox, you can't threaten them in the way you just did." Jacob opened his hands and made a waiting gesture.

"He has my things in his hands, and I don't care who he is." Chen Ke said.

"Sean controls Longtown, but he is just an entrepreneur. And Baron Mox...he is the best doctor in the city, and he even treated the queen..." Jacob said.

Chen Ke pinched his chin and paced back and forth. He understood what Jacob meant.

Sean is the social overlord in Longtown, and if he offends him, he will suffer some retaliation. However, Baron Mox is a public figure in Longtown. If he offends him, Longtown society must give an explanation.

Jacob knew that Chen Ke would not change his mind, and he did not want to stop Chen Ke. He was just worried that Chen Ke would take drastic actions and prevent many things from ending.

After all, it is one thing to deal with sneak attacks by street gangsters and hired killers, but it is another thing to be wanted. Chen Ke helps Xu Jing because he wants a normal and innocent citizen status.

Humans are social animals. If they break away from society, they must either have the power to open up a new world, or they will end up very miserable.

"I understand what you mean, I have a sense of proportion." Chen Ke nodded.

"I hope so, but East Longtown is a bit far away. If we use our legs, we may have to walk for most of the night..." Jacob said.

"I have a way." Chen Ke said, turned and walked out of the alley. Jacob followed Chen Ke doubtfully.

After a while, the two drove the carriage towards East Longtown on the late night streets. Chen Ke used the ability to suspend time to steal a factory carriage.

This carriage should be a winery's cargo carriage, with two horses pulling a green four-wheeled truck. Judging from the capacity of the trailer at the back, it should be able to hold eight large bottles of wine.

He let Jacob drive and he sat in the passenger seat. If there was still time before dawn, Chen Ke planned to return the carriage.

After driving the carriage for a while, Jacob alertly bypassed the patrol route of the security guards. Fortunately, the density of patrols in Longton was not very high. After about two hours, they could already see Baron Meuch. The red roof of the imposing mansion.

The bell of Big Ben could be heard faintly from the distance. The two hid the carriage in an alley near the park, and then walked towards the red-roofed mansion.

Mox's mansion is a very grand, but not large, two-story villa with its own courtyard, which is in sharp contrast to the crowded five-story workers' houses around it.

The guard at the gate of the gate was wearing the blue uniform of a security guard. Jacob's worries were not unreasonable. Mox was not a member of the royal family, but he had received a title and was regarded as joining the ranks of the nobility by virtue of his medical skills.

I wanted to freeze the guard at the door by pausing time, but at the same time, a black carriage came from the other end of the street and stopped at the door of the Mox Mansion.

Chen Ke and Jacob quickly ducked, hid in a dark corner, and observed the intruder.

The black carriage was pulled by two horses, and three people in windbreakers got out of the black car at the back. They wore three-cornered hats and carried a black bag in their right hands.

The sharp-eyed Chen Ke immediately saw that the black bag was actually a cold weapon wrapped in cloth.

After the three people got out of the car, the coachman took the reins and drove the carriage away. The three people were talking to the security guard and seemed not to be subject to the curfew.

"Who are they? Are they also here to see Baron Mox?" Chen Ke looked at Jacob.

"I don't know. Their status goes far beyond the security station..." Jacob shook his head.

Chen Ke saw the security guard guarding the door bowing respectfully to the three people, then getting out of the way, and the three people walked into the mansion in a swagger.

"Do you also work in the medical industry? No, I think I have seen..." Chen Ke muttered to himself. He remembered that this morning, when he was still wearing a Florence suit, he seemed to be stared at by such a person somewhere. Watch...

Speaking of which, Florence's suit is very similar to their attire...but maybe a little more advanced.

"Maybe they are secret keepers..." Chen Ke didn't say it out loud, but he already made his own judgment.

The Keepers are directly under the orders of the Queen. They are Ingram's special organization to fight against mysterious things in the 19th century. They hunt every night.

In other words, wherever they appear, there are mysterious things.

"Jacob, there may be something hidden in Baron Meaux's mansion that you can't understand. I advise you to look at the carriage here." Chen Ke warned.

"Is it the same as down at the academy?" It's not like Jacob has never seen those things before. Hearing what Chen Ke said, he instantly understood what he meant.

"Maybe, I'm not sure, but do you know the secret keeper?" Chen Ke asked.

"Hmm, I don't know. What is that?" Jacob shook his head.

Chen Ke returned his attention to the mansion. Since the Keeper is a secret organization, it is normal for civilians like Jacob not to know about it. But even so, the people at the security station should have a basic understanding of the Keeper. After all, cross-departmental cooperation will still be needed.

The security guard standing at the door rubbed his hands and cursed the cold air tonight. He saw the gas light flickering unnaturally, so he walked over and turned the gas valve.

At the same time, Chen Ke had already passed him and entered the small courtyard of the mansion.

The mansion didn't look big, just a two-story villa. He approached the door of the mansion and gently opened the door. There was a long wooden corridor in front of him.

The visual length of this corridor is far more than 200 meters, which obviously defies logic. After all, from the outside, the width and length of a single floor of the Mox Mansion are not even 200 meters.

The three suspected secret keepers who had just entered were nowhere to be found. Chen Ke stood at the door and did not hear any movement.

He stepped on the wooden floor with one foot, and suddenly it felt like the floor was like an escalator in a shopping mall. He moved himself indoors, and the wooden door behind him slammed shut.

Chen Ke turned around. The window on the wooden door was dark and he could no longer see the scene outside. He took out his Type 67 pistol and looked towards the end of the corridor.

At this time, a line of small words appeared in the corner of his eyes: Entering the alienation space.

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