This aura is deadly

Chapter 453 Arson

When Howard's transformed monster staggered around the corner of the stairs, its two weird big eyes exuded strong malice and mental pollution towards Chen Ke.

If he hadn't been wearing Florence's outfit, Chen Ke's current lifespan would definitely have been declining due to attacks on his sanity.

I wonder if Florence herself can remain calm when she meets the current Howard.

Chen Ke couldn't care less now. He threw his right hand forward, and the psychic crystal gun flew out and inserted into Howard's big head.

Immediately, blood splashed everywhere, Howard's eyes were poked out, and his brain, which was flashing with strange crystal lines, made a disgusting muddy sound, and was exploded into rotten flesh by the power of psychic energy, and fell to the ground.

Howard lay on his back, his calves twitching continuously. Chen Ke stood up and shot him three more times in the heart, and then kicked the remaining brain tissue into brain tissue. He didn't stop until the other party made no movement at all. .

After Howard's death, the strange atmosphere spread throughout the house disappeared instantly. The sound of horse hooves passing by on the street could be heard, and the yard seemed to be full of people again.

Chen Ke looked out the window. Three carriages from the security station were parked at the entrance of the courtyard. There were two security guards covering their eyes in the courtyard. It seemed that they had just broken in after hearing the gunfire and were affected by Howard's ranged rational attack. .

If Chen Ke hadn't killed Howard, the two security officers would have been in trouble.

Howard, like Baldur, could not see the outline through spiritual vision, which made Chen Ke very concerned. It seemed that Asra's power might really be inextricably related to these bloods.

Chen Ke looked at the mess on the ground. There shouldn't be such things in this era. He put the five holy diamonds in his pocket, summoned the long-lost Elegy of Angele, and then grabbed the curtain on the side with his right hand.

This house is on the street. If there is a fire, it should not be difficult to deal with. He will burn everything in this house with fire.

He first broke into the room where Sir Howard was before, which was an inconspicuous living room of a rich man. The only exception was a blood bottle on the bedside table, which was exactly the same as the blood bottle that Baron Meaux used to transfuse blood to his wife.

They all mentioned a guy named William and the blood came from that guy.

Chen Ke put the blood bottle in his arms and rummaged around in the bedroom, but he couldn't find the moonlight or the sacred diamond of the blasphemous dagger. In desperation, he could only ignite Angele's magic flame and ignite the bed sheet. With.

Wherever Chen Ke went, flames followed him. He wore black armor and the flames could not hurt him.

"There's a fire! Go find the insurance company!" The security guard who had not yet broken into the mansion first spotted the fire in the bedroom on the left side of the third floor. He shouted, urging his teammates to ride on horseback to find the insurance company.

The fire instantly ignited the entire third floor with the force of lightning, and then spread to the second floor. Thick smoke billowed out of the windows of the mansion. Although the house was made of masonry, it was equipped with wooden floors and a large number of flammable furniture. In addition, there were dozens of corpses lying in the house, so it burned quickly.

People are also flammable.

When the insurance company's water tanker carriage arrived, the mansion had turned into a blazing furnace. The fire was so powerful that even the shops next to it were affected, and the cafe on the side was burned to rubble.

Many people ran out of their houses, their faces blackened by the black smoke. They cried in panic and poured water on their houses with basins. The insurance company staff carried buckets of water to Howard's house. Di Li Yun.

There were no fire alarms in the 19th century. Firefighting was contracted out to various insurance companies, and their equipment was not as professional as in the 21st century, so it was a bit difficult to deal with such fires.

More and more people came to help. The cross streets were filled with crowds and horse-drawn carriages. The fire was so fierce that it seemed as if the whole street was burning. The sky-high flames dyed the gray day red. In the flames, it seemed that a sinister smile could be seen. woman face.

Chen Ke jumped out of the back window and landed on the roof of the bakery. After recalling his armor, he jumped onto the street and almost sprained his foot.

This fire may cause innocent casualties, but at least all the strange corpses in the mansion will be burned away, and most people will continue to live in an ordinary world.

Chen Ke looked back at the burning mansion, snorted, and laughed at himself. I am not a member of the Administration, so when did I become so nosy?

He turned and walked away, leaving the noise behind him.

Chen Ke returned to the abandoned house opposite Big Ben. Without Jacob's whistle, the children would not be able to hang down the rope, and he would not be able to climb the wall. When he was at a loss, little Jack appeared from behind Chen Ke.

"Mr. Chen? Jacob told me that if you come back, let me take you to find him." Jack said.

Chen Ke saw a trace of uneasiness on Jack's face, so he knelt down and asked, "How is Jacob's situation?"

"I don't know... Miss Nightingale said he is not in good condition and may become blind." Jack said uneasily.

"Maybe it won't be so bad, take me to find him." Chen Ke patted Jack's shoulder.

"He is in Miss Nightingale's Good Gold Cup Hospital, which is some distance away from here. We may have to walk for a long time." Jack nodded.

"Let's go by carriage." Chen Ke took out his wallet. He had five 20 pound notes, which was a huge amount of money in the 19th century.

There was no words all the way. The carriage pulled them to a stop at the entrance of Liangshan Jinbei Hospital. Chen Ke gave the coachman 20 pounds, but the fare was only 20 pence. The coachman took out almost all the money he had before giving the money to Chen Ke. .

He put a large handful of change and coins into his pocket, making Jack stare.

The two walked into the hospital. It was different from what they imagined. Chen Ke thought that there would be many patients attending parties in the hospital, but the furnishings inside were more like a hotel, and there were not many patients.

Chen Ke caught a nurse news about Nightingale's whereabouts. The nurse looked at Chen Ke warily, unwilling to reveal more.

"You misunderstood, ma'am. A friend of mine was just sent here by her today. He has an eye disease." Chen Ke explained, looking up upstairs.

"Oh...that's it, is he Jacob's friend?" the female nurse asked with a smile.

"I didn't expect Jacob to have acquaintances here." Chen Ke spread his hands.

The female nurse smiled without saying anything and took him and little Jack to a ward on the second floor. Jacob was sitting on a stool with gauze wrapped around his eyes.

"Dean Nightingale...Mr. Jacob's friend is here," the female nurse said.

Nightingale, who was preparing the ointment, turned around and nodded slightly. The female nurse smiled and left.

"Chen Ke? I didn't expect you to finish it so soon, oh... don't talk about that matter now, we will talk about it in detail when we go back in the evening." Jacob sat on the stool and waved to the air.

"Don't even think about going back, Mr. Jacob. Your eyes are not optimistic. I suggest you stay here tonight and let me see if this ointment can alleviate your eye problems." Nightingale refused. .

"Hey... it wasn't that serious when we were on the street." Chen Ke walked up to Nightingale and asked.

"I don't understand why his eyes have been bleeding. Although it has barely stopped now, but... I am not an expert in optometry. I'm afraid it will be difficult for his eyes to get better." Nightingale whispered to Chen Ke.

"Jacob, did you see something you shouldn't have seen with your eyes?" Jack approached Jacob with a very panicked tone.

Jacob is the pillar of support for these children, both mentally and physically. If Jacob becomes blind, how long can these children continue to support themselves?

"I don't know, I think my eyes are fine, but Ms. Nightingale is still worried to death." Jacob laughed.

"Your name is...Chen...Ke? Right?" Nightingale asked.

Chen Ke nodded.

"You see, his eyes are very bad, but he seems to have no feelings. I know a very powerful doctor, but he..." Nightingale said.

"But he's not in Longton now, right?" Chen Ke asked.

"No..." Nightingale shook her head, grabbed Chen Ke's arm, and led him to the door.

"What exactly is going on?" Chen Ke asked again.

"That doctor charges a very high fee. I don't think many people in Longton can afford the fee." Nightingale whispered.

"How much?" Chen Ke asked.

"It may cost more than 80 pounds, which is equivalent to the income of many people for one or two years..." Nightingale shook her head.

"80 pounds, Ms. Nightingale, there won't be any other extra charges, right?" Chen Ke asked.

He could afford the money, and the money here meant nothing to him. After settling everything, he would go back to 2009 and treat Jacob's eyes, which would be the best use of his money.

"I can't tell... you are so rich..." Nightingale wiped the cold sweat from her forehead.

"Find that doctor, Ms. Nightingale, I'm in a hurry..." Chen Ke put his hands on his hips and looked over Nightingale's shoulder towards the door. Jack was lying on Jacob's lap. Up, at a loss.

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