This aura is deadly

Chapter 472 Crisis Surrounded

Diana picked up the phone, wiped the screen, and dialed Wang Aileen's number, but the other party never answered.

"Answer the phone quickly..." Diana sat among the three corpses, feeling a little anxious.


Wang Aileen finally answered.

"Oh, Diana? I thought you were asleep." Her voice sounded half asleep.

"Eileen...have you been followed by strangers recently? Has anyone you don't know approached you?" Diana asked hurriedly.

"Of course not...why did you suddenly say this?" Wang Aileen asked.

"You are in danger, someone wants to kill you...I will come to Norton City to find you tonight." Diana said.

"Xiao scared me. Did you see something?" Wang Aileen's tone became serious.

"I..." Diana thought for a while, not wanting to worry Wang Aileen, so she refrained from telling her her current situation.

"What did you want to say to me when you called me just now?" Diana asked instead.

"I want to ask you... have you had a nosebleed recently?" Wang Aileen seemed to want to hint at something.

Diana wiped the blood from her face and said, "No."

"How long have you known Chen Ke?" Wang Aileen asked again.

"It hasn't been long, Erin...what exactly do you want to ask?" Diana said.

"I've been thinking about this issue recently... Chen Ke may be the key to human beings cracking time travel. I had a nosebleed, and then I saw the future... Diana, before you introduced Chen Ke to me, I was already in a I have seen him in hallucinations, and I suspect that anyone who has been in contact with Chen Ke can travel through time and space." Wang Aileen said.

"Listen Erin, we can talk about these things later. Now close your door and windows first, and don't open the door to anyone before I come, okay?" Diana said.

"You sound a little excited...Diana, what happened to you over there? It's almost midnight?" Wang Aileen asked.

"Just listen to me...I'll hang up first. You go check the doors and windows...quickly!" Diana urged.

After reluctantly letting Wang Aileen act as she wished, Diana quickly dialed Chen Ke's number.

"The user you dialed is not in the service area."

"Damn! Chen Ke! Damn! The phone is useless to you!" Diana cursed. She raised her phone high and wanted to smash it to the ground, but after thinking about it, she stopped her hand and thought for a moment. A call was made to CPA Director Steve Rogers.



"Answer the phone, Steve..." Diana was in a very bad mood.

"Hey...gosh, are you serious? Diana? What time is it now?" Steve's voice finally came from the other end of the phone. It seemed that he had just woken up.

"Steve, I'm sorry to wake you up so late." Diana said.

"It's's your words, it's okay, what's going on? You sound quite panicked." Steve said.

"I was attacked by three killers in my home, and they had a series of long-premeditated assassination plans. I have their assassination list here." Diana said.

"Wait a minute...what are you talking about?" Steve sat up from the bed, his expression becoming serious.

"Someone wants to kill me! Steve, I almost died. They even have psychic sealing grenades!" Diana said.

"You said they have a list? What list?" Steve asked.

"Some... some assassination lists, with some names arranged by month... I don't know, I think the administration should investigate." Diana said.

"Where are the killers? Are they dead? No one left alive?" Steve asked.

"Yeah, I killed him. They said a woman was planning these attacks. I think if we can send people to monitor the victims on the list, we can track down more clues."

"How could it be you...Diana...why could it be you?" Steve seemed to be talking to himself.

"Steve, are you there?" Diana asked.

"Are you okay? I'll be there right away, don't leave." Steve said.

"I'm fine, but I have something important to go first. I'll leave the body and the list to you. I'll hang up first," Diana said.

"Don't do anything stupid, Diana." Steve said.

Diana hung up the phone, straightened the table, and placed the list on it.

She went to the bathroom, turned on the faucet, washed the blood off her face, put on a band-aid, and stared at herself in the mirror, her mind filled with questions.

She dialed Chen Ke's number again, but the other party was still not in the service area.

Before, Chen Ke had called to remind him that someone would come to kill him. Could it be that Chen Ke was also one of the woman's killers? Or is it what Wang Aileen said that Chen Ke can travel through time and space to see the future?

Now, the most important thing is to protect Wang Aileen first.

Diana put on a jacket and jeans, put her documents and belongings into a khaki backpack, put on a holster, inserted two rhino revolvers into the holsters, one to kill monsters and the other to kill people.

She took out a blue sacred diamond from the drawer, held it in her hand and concentrated, channeling the spiritual power into the small diamond, and with a snap, a long sword condensed into shape.

"Try again." Diana said.

She put on a black peaked cap and sunglasses, left the body at home, and handed it over to her colleagues in the administration. She visited the airport of Opportunity City overnight.

From Opportunity City to Norton City, it takes one night by boat, a whole day by long-distance bus, and only one hour by plane.

When Steve arrived at Diana's house with six agency agents and a bunch of county police, she had already left. The body on the ground had hardened, and thick red blood was dripping from the living room to the door.

The medical examiner and county police sealed off Diana's residence, and everyone in the building opened the door curiously and looked outside.

Several agents went to other floors to find residents to obtain information. Steve stood at the table and checked the list left by Diana.

"These are the things they left behind. They include corpse water, body bags, and spent psychic sealing grenades. They seem to be well prepared, and they know Diana's identity very well." The forensic doctor told Steve road.

"Knowing that she is a psychic, you should also know that she is from the Administration. It seems that the other party is not very afraid of the Administration's retaliation. She also doesn't pay much attention to the laws of the United Federation of States." Steve said.

"We asked some people, and they heard gunshots and scuffles coming from the room." After collecting the information, an agent walked into the room and said to Steve.

"I understand, the other party came with three people, and they chose to assassinate them near the early morning. They probably wanted to kill them quickly." Steve shook his head.

"What about the people on the list?" the agent asked.

"Keep watch, but don't alert the enemy. If you find any new assassinations, notify me immediately." Steve ordered.

"Understood." The agent nodded.

At 1:20 in the morning, Norton City...

Wang Ailin was sleeping soundly. The keyhole of the door slowly turned and made a clicking sound. The originally closed door was gently pushed open...

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