This aura is deadly

Chapter 481 Encounter

When Diana took the long-distance bus back to Opportunity City, it was already around 9 p.m.

The weather was getting colder, so she couldn't help but pull the zipper of her jacket higher to protect her collarbone and neck. She took off her cap, untied her ponytail, raised her long hair, and observed the people in the station. Passengers.

If his guess is correct, Steve should already know about the assassins' failure. He should be calling himself frantically now, right?

Of course, the premise of this speculation is based on the premise that the killers were indeed sent by Steve.

Diana had no idea what had happened to the Authority. Ever since she returned from the 2006 timeline, the Authority was no longer the place she knew.

The streets of Opportunity City are empty at night, and in the entire city, only Lafite Road is more lively.

She walked quickly on the street, not knowing whether she should go home or not. Maybe Steve had sent a killer to lurk nearby.

"Stop being suspicious..."

Diana was talking to herself, but the agent's consciousness told her that someone nearby was following her. She looked back and found no one, so she quickened her pace and walked to the 24-hour cafe she often went to.

No matter how she walked through the streets, there was no one around, but she always felt like she was being followed.

"Damn..." Diana cursed secretly. The other person followed her all the way, but she couldn't find him at all. It seemed that she had encountered a master.

Diana put her hands into her pockets and fumbled for the blue holy diamond. She didn't know how many killers would come this time.

A hand suddenly stretched out from the alley next to it, grabbed Diana and pulled her in.

"Seeking death!" Diana tilted her body, holding the sword in her left hand, and was about to stab her to the right, but the other hand grabbed her wrist and pressed her against the wall.

"Diana, don't get excited, it's me."

A familiar face appeared in front of me. It was dark and only white teeth were visible at night.

"Badr?!" Diana said in surprise.

Badr was still wearing the elegant blue suit, and his face was not clearly visible in the night.

"Diana, who did you offend?" Badr asked.

" did you know I'm here?" Diana asked warily.

Badr looked at the small cafe across the street, then looked at Diana, and said, "They said you were not at home and refused to go back to the administration. I thought you would definitely go to the 24-hour cafe you frequent."

"Huh... I went to Norton City last night and I just came back now." Diana said.

"Okay, let's not talk about this anymore. Who did you offend? Why are you on the hit list?" Bader asked.

"I don't even know the hell! Wang Aileen... is missing, and she is also on the list." Diana said angrily.

"The Authority will find a way..." Badr was interrupted by Diana before he was halfway through speaking.

"Just thinking of a way is not enough! Those killers have already been to her house..." Diana said.

"Have you seen the body..." Badr asked.

"No, no, there is no blood, no signs of fighting, the scene was disguised as a home invasion." Diana shook her head.

"Well...what an amateur. Diana, everything will be fine. Trust me." Badr said.

"How can I believe that everything will be fine? How?" Diana looked up at Badr.

"Do you really have no clue? These things happened all of a sudden. Look at your face... they beat you very hard," Badr said.

Diana lowered her head and touched the band-aid on her cheek. A bruise had not gone away.

"I have no clue." Diana shook her head.

"No... you have actually always had that doubt, it's just that you don't want to think about it..." Bader said.

"What do you mean?" Diana asked.

"Think about what you have experienced in the past few months." Badr said.

Diana sighed, crossed her chest, and turned her back to Badr. She knew what he meant.

"Do you know where Chen Ke is now?" Badr asked.

"I don't know, this matter has nothing to do with him." Diana said.

"Are you so sure?" Badr asked.

Diana scratched her hair, a little shaken.

"Can you contact him now? Why not ask in person? He saved you from 2006, and he will definitely be willing to save you again now." Badr said.

Diana turned to look at Badr, whose expression seemed to imply something.

"Tell me Badr, how far has your investigation into him come?" Diana asked.

"He appeared twice in a fishery in Deep Anchor, but he was never found again. Maybe you should find time to take a look?" Bader said.

"Since you know this clue, why don't you go yourself?" Diana asked.

"I've been there a long time ago, but he's not there. And I can't always wander around that area. You've also taken a reconnaissance class, right?" Bader said.

Diana was silent for a while, thoughts racing through her mind.

"By the way...Diana, are you really not boyfriend and girlfriend? You have gone through so much with him." Bader asked again.

"Stop being funny, Badr..." Diana shook her head.

"That's best. I'm telling you this clue. If you find something, don't be too stingy." Badr said again.

"If he really has any problems, I will kill him personally." Diana said.

"This is the Diana I know." Badr smiled.

Lucina returns to the fishing ground, which is in ruins.

Yellow warning tape blocked all roads within the fishery. She got through the blockade and saw several humanoid outlines drawn with chalk on the ground. They were all fishery workers who had been burned to death.

The loss this time is not small, but at least this fishery is the property that Heinard uses to support his retirement. It is engaged in a serious fish business, and the United Federation of States will compensate.

A ray of light swept over Lucina, and the familiar sound of an engine came from behind. Lucina looked back and saw that it was Heinard's pickup truck.

"Lucina!" Heinard quickly jumped out of the car, ran towards his daughter, and held her in his arms.

"Dad...I..." Lucina was a little dizzy.

"I thought you were burned to death... I thought I lost you, just like I lost your mother." Heinard actually broke down in tears.

"Dad...we are in trouble..." Lucina said.

"Tell me Lucina, what happened? Why did the fishery catch fire?" Heinard asked.

"It's the Si Consortium. We stole their green holy diamond, and they came to the door." Lucina said.

"Did they hurt you? Where have you been during this time?" Heinard asked.

"I..." Lucina hesitated, but decided to hide what happened in the past ten hours. If she told Heinard that she had been tortured by three men for most of the day, Heinard would probably go crazy.

"I drove them away, and then I wanted to find Chen Ke for help..." Lucina said.

"You, like Chen Ke, can't lie...and, wasn't he with you when I left?" Hainard asked.

"Dad, he didn't let me tell you, but I feel that after what happened, I have to tell you... It's not that he doesn't want to help me... but..." Lucina said.

"Lucina, where has he gone?" Heinard asked.

"He disappeared... He sat on a chair, and then... disappeared." Lucina said.

"What...? Gone? Gone?" Heinard asked.

"No, he didn't leave, he just disappeared...disappeared slowly. I don't know if he will come back, because I was very panicked when I saw him leaving...I have never seen him like that..." Lucina His voice was trembling, mixed with anxiety and fear.

"This is not like you Lucina, cheer up..." It was the first time Heinard saw his tough daughter so scared, so he hugged him in his arms.

"Let's go find Pihom first. You look very tired, Lucina." Heinard comforted him.

At this time, a taxi stopped next to the pickup truck and a person got out.

The two looked towards the taxi and saw a woman walking towards them in the light.

"What is...what happened here...?" the woman asked in surprise.

"Madam, it's so late, what are you doing here?" Heinard asked.

"My name is Diana, I am an agent of the Administration. Was this place a fishery before it was burned down?" Diana asked.

"That's right... this fishery belongs to me. When did the fire compensation assessment become the responsibility of the administration?" Heinard asked again.

Lucina looked at Diana warily, her whole body muscles tense.

"I...I'm looking for a man, his name is Chen Ke, he's an Asian..." Diana said.

When Lucina heard her mention Chen Ke's name, she instantly pulled out the Glock pistol from her father's holster, pointed it at Diana, and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

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